United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
9015.40.80 - 9025.80.40
> 9022.90.60
Previous Tariff (9022.90.40 - Parts and accessories of X-ray tubes)
Next Tariff (9022.90.70 - Parts and accessories of ionization type smoke detectors)
HTS Number:
Parts and accessories of apparatus based on the use of X-rays
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (9022.90.40 - Parts and accessories of X-ray tubes)
Next Tariff (9022.90.70 - Parts and accessories of ionization type smoke detectors)
Related Rulings:
1991 NY 0853904 - The tariff classification of medical x-ray accessories from Korea.
1991 NY 0859267 - The tariff classification of an x-ray alignment device from Germany.
1991 NY 0860127 - The tariff classification of an arthrography support from Canada.
1991 NY 0862389 - The tariff classification of a bucky cover for a mammography machine from Germany.
1992 HQ 0950796 - Radiopaque cord
1993 HQ 0087901 - Laitinen Stereotactic System; Frames Used In Medical Imaging To Localize Lesions And Targets; Percutaneous Tumor Biopsy Kit; Instruments And Appliances Used In Medical Or Surgical Sciences; Apparatus Based On The Use Use Of X-Rays Or Other Radiations
1993 HQ 0950796 - Radiopaque cord
1993 HQ 0951063 - Protest No. 1001-91-105866; X-Ray Image Intensifier Tube; Apparatus For Medical Or Surgical Use; Convert X-Ray Into Visible Light; Thermionic; Cathode; Photocathode; 8540.20.40
1993 NY 848371 - The tariff classification of field modification kits ("FMIs") for x-ray apparatus from England, France, Japan or Spain.
1993 NY 848911 - The tariff classification of Leeds x-ray test objects from England.
1994 HQ 0955650 - Protest No. 1704-93-100444; "FL500" Flaps bite-wing tabs; Chapter 90, note 2; HQ 087704; NY 837956; heading 3921; heading 9018; EN 90.18
1994 HQ 0956791 - "Slow Slope" and "Little Prism" X-ray absorption filters; accessories; Note 2(b), Chapter 90; apparatus based on the use of X-rays; HRL 087704 and 955025
1995 HQ 955025RL - Pediatric Immobilization System (Octostop II); NY 860228 revoked; Chapter 90, note 2; HQ 087704; THK America, Inc. v. U.S.; Marubeni America Corp. v. U.S.
1995 HQ 955650 - Protest No. 1704-93-100444; "FL500" Flaps bite-wing tabs; Chapter 90, note 2; HQ 087704; NY 837956; heading 3921; heading 9018; EN 90.18
1995 HQ 956575 - NY 860125 and NY 860126 revoked; "Bullion" and "Boomerang" X-ray absorption filters; 4016.99.50; Note 1 and 4(a), Chapter 40; rubber; synthetic rubber; accessories; Note 2(b), Chapter 90; apparatus based on the use of X-rays; HRL 087704 and 955025
1995 NY 806627 - The tariff classification of medical radiation protection systems from Germany
1995 NY 814130 - The tariff classification of a Cryostream Cooler System from England.
1996 HQ 955025 - Pediatric Immobilization System (Octostop II); NY 860228 revoked; Chapter 90, note 2; HQ 087704; THK America, Inc. v. U.S.; Marubeni America Corp. v. U.S.
1996 HQ 957817 - NY 895684 modified; "Accuset" and "Gemini" intravenous solution administration sets; 9018.90.75; parts and accessories of other electro-medical instruments; other medical instruments and appliances; parts; accessories; EN 90.18; Travenol Laboratories, Inc.; HRLs 085366, 085088, 087704, 955025, 955650 and 951857; Note 2(a) and (b), Chapter 90; GRI 1 and 3(a); relative specificity
1996 HQ 958098 - NY 846330 modified; "Rate-Mate" intravenous administration set; 9018.90.75; parts and accessories of other electro-medical instruments; other medical instruments and appliances; parts; accessories; EN 90.18; Travenol Laboratories, Inc.; HRLs 085366, 085088, 087704, 955025, 955650 and 951857; Note 2(a) and (b), Chapter 90; GRI 1 and 3(a); relative specificity
1996 NY 806627 - The tariff classification of medical radiation protection systems from Germany
1997 NY A89244 - The tariff classification of a balancing scale and balancing filter elements, for x-rays, from Austria
2001 HQ 962652 - Protest 2720-98-100023; CCD Camera
2001 NY H82858 - The tariff classification of X-ray collimators from France or Italy
2002 HQ 965761 - Reconsideration of HQ 964813; LightSpeed QXi CT System printed circuit assemblies
2002 NY H86817 - The tariff classification of an X-ray detector panel from Canada
2002 NY H86818 - The tariff classification of an X-ray detector and controller from Canada
2002 NY I84285 - The tariff classification of a part of an X-ray control panel from France
2003 HQ 965641 - Protest No. 319501 100421; BGO crystals; CWO crystals; crystal arrays; detectors; detector modules
2004 NY K89507 - The tariff classification of coated, laminated glass panel from Germany
2004 NY R00378 - The tariff classification of X-ray supports from Mexico
2006 HQ 966459 - NY H86817 revoked; Binding ruling concerning selenium coated panels for Thin Film Transistor (“TFT”) instruments
2006 HQ 967022 - Classification and NAFTA determination concerning selenium- coated, glass panels for Thin Film Transistor (“TFT”) instruments; Article 509
2006 NY M84425 - The tariff classification of a ceramic scintillator plate from Japan