United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
9015.40.80 - 9025.80.40
> 9021.30.00
Previous Tariff (9021.29.80 - Dental fittings and parts and accessories thereof, other than of plastics)
Next Tariff (9021.31.00 - Artificial joints and parts and accessories thereof)
HTS Number:
Artificial parts of the body nesi, and parts and accessories thereof
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (9021.29.80 - Dental fittings and parts and accessories thereof, other than of plastics)
Next Tariff (9021.31.00 - Artificial joints and parts and accessories thereof)
Related Rulings:
1991 HQ 0087461 - Reconsideration of New York Ruling 850211; hollow cylinder implants, hollow screw implants, screw implants and abutments, all of titanium; artificial teeth and parts and accessories thereof; other parts of the body and parts and accessories thereof; orthopedic appliances; dental implants.
1993 HQ 0555993 - Protest No. 3501-1-000021, contesting denial of duty-free treatment for parts of artificial body parts and accessories under heading 9817, HTSUSA; Nairobi Protocol
1994 NY 801647 - The tariff classification of a Prosthetic Sock from South Africa
1994 NY 892463 - The tariff classification of Prosthetic Sheaths and Socks from China.
1995 NY 805975 - The tariff classification of a Breast Prosthesis from France
1996 NY A85213 - The tariff classification of a prosthetic device from Sweden
1997 NY 801647 - The tariff classification of a Prosthetic Sock from South Africa
1997 NY 892463 - The tariff classification of Prosthetic Sheaths and Socks from China.
1999 NY E89824 - The tariff classification of Embosphere microspheres from France
2000 NY F84058 - The tariff classification of parts of artificial limbs
2001 NY G86448 - The tariff classification and country of origin marking of breast prostheses from Brazil