United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
9015.40.80 - 9025.80.40
> 9021.19.85
Previous Tariff (9021.19.40 - Bone plates, screws and nails and other internal fixation devices or appliances, for orthopedic use)
Next Tariff (9021.21.40 - Artificial teeth and parts and accessories thereof, of plastics)
HTS Number:
Orthopedic or fracture appliances nesi, and parts and accessories thereof
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (9021.19.40 - Bone plates, screws and nails and other internal fixation devices or appliances, for orthopedic use)
Next Tariff (9021.21.40 - Artificial teeth and parts and accessories thereof, of plastics)
Related Rulings:
1994 NY 802916 - The tariff classification of a knee support and a knee brace from Taiwan.
1994 NY 891592 - The tariff classification of a back support belt from Canada.
1994 NY 894418 - The tariff classification of a cast replacement boot from Taiwan
1994 NY 895236 - The tariff classification of wheelchairs and a walker from China and Taiwan
1994 NY 895758 - The tariff classification of orthopedic appliances from Taiwan
1994 NY 896323 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a backrest cushion from Canada.
1995 HQ 956386 - Protest 3501-94-100014; Orthopedic backsling; Backsling, orthopedic; HRL's 081229,081639,955887
1995 HQ 958190 - Supersession of Pre-Entry Classification Determination (PC) 804557 as it Pertains to Certain Protective Sports Equipment, Orthopedic Appliances, and Joint Supports (Item Nos. 101, 304, 308, 327, 328, 329, 350, 355, 356, and 411)
1995 NY 803869 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of Elastomeric Modules from Mexico; Article 509
1995 NY 804974 - The tariff classification of wheeled walkers from Canada and Taiwan
1995 NY 805333 - The tariff classification, country of origin marking and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of Orthodontic Ligatures from Mexico; Article 509
1995 NY 805390 - The tariff classification, country of origin marking and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of Orthodontic Preformed Archwires from Mexico; Article 509
1995 NY 806193 - The tariff classification, country of origin marking and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of Orthodontic Elastics from Mexico; Article 509
1995 NY 807584 - The tariff classification of an Epicondylitis Clasp from Germany
1995 NY 808498 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of Straight Archwires from Mexico; Article 509
1995 NY 811609 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of Face Bows (orthodontic) from Mexico; Article 509
1995 NY 812099 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of Orthodontic Brackets from Mexico; Article 509
1995 NY 812100 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of Orthodontic Headgear Systems from Mexico; Article 509
1995 NY 812790 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of Insert for "Air Walker" from Mexico; Article 509
1996 NY 814221 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of Orthodontic Mesh Bonding Pads from Mexico; Article 509
1996 NY 814222 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of Orthodontic Machined Buccal Tubes from Mexico; Article 509
1996 NY 814223 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of Orthodontic Cast Buccal Tubes from Mexico; Article 509
1996 NY 817484 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of dental articles from Canada; Article 509
1996 NY 818810 - The tariff classification of infant strollers for handicapped children and orthopedic "walker" devices from Germany.
1996 NY 818877 - The tariff classification of orthodontic brackets from Sweden
1996 NY A82268 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of body support articles from Canada; Article 509
1996 NY A84674 - The tariff classification of infant orthodontic braces from Canada
1997 NY 802916 - The tariff classification of a knee support and a knee brace from Taiwan.
1997 NY 805333 - The tariff classification, country of origin marking and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of Orthodontic Ligatures from Mexico; Article 509
1997 NY 816012 - The tariff classification of a wheeled walker from Canada
1997 NY 891592 - The tariff classification of a back support belt from Canada.
1997 NY 894418 - The tariff classification of a cast replacement boot from Taiwan
1997 NY 895236 - The tariff classification of wheelchairs and a walker from China and Taiwan
1997 NY 895758 - The tariff classification of orthopedic appliances from Taiwan
1997 NY 896323 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a backrest cushion from Canada.
1997 NY A87538 - The tariff classification of orthopedic aids from Taiwan
1997 NY A89561 - The tariff classification of ankle braces from Taiwan
1997 NY A8956L - The tariff classification of ankle braces from Taiwan
1997 NY B81390 - The tariff classification of Arm Slings from China or Hong Kong
1997 NY B82684 - The tariff classification, country of origin marking and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of orthodontic retainers from Mexico; Article 509; NAFTA Marking Rules (Final)
1997 NY B88008 - The tariff classification of a wrist brace and a knit bag from The Netherlands
1997 NY B88207 - The tariff classification of Leg Lifters from the United Kingdom
1998 NY 891592 - The tariff classification of a back support belt from Canada.
1998 NY A89733 - The tariff classification of a triangular bandage (arm sling) from Thailand, Indonesia and China.
1998 NY B83927 - The tariff classification of Walkers from Taiwan
1998 NY B84571 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of Orthodontic "Power O's" from Mexico; Article 509
1998 NY B89079 - The tariff classification, country of origin marking and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of orthodontic brackets from Mexico; Article 509; NAFTA Marking Rules (Final)
1998 NY C80801 - The tariff classification of a Sling & Swathe Shoulder Immobilizer - Product Code 43590 -- from Mexico
1998 NY C80802 - The tariff classification of an Industrial Lumbar Support -Product Code 7500-700 from Mexico
1998 NY C81085 - The tariff classification of a knee immobilizer from Mexico
1998 NY C82188 - The tariff classification of a patellar knee support from Mexico
1998 NY C82208 - The tariff classification of a shoulder immobilizer from Mexico
1998 NY C82209 - The tariff classification of a head halter from Mexico
1998 NY C82976 - The tariff classification of an orthopedic belt from China
1998 NY C87506 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of eaches from Mexico; Article 509
1998 NY C88336 - The tariff classification of a Wrist Support from China
1998 NY NY539 - The tariff classification of a first-aid bandage training packet, packaged in India
1998 NY NY887 - The tariff classification of a Corrective Wrist Support from China
1999 HQ 561020 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 0502-97-100013; Nairobi Protocol; articles specifically designed or adapted for the use or benefit of the blind or other physically or mentally handicapped; subheading 9817.00.96, HTSUS; diabetes
1999 NY D88848 - The tariff classification of ankle supports, a knee brace, a knee immobilizer and a thigh support from Taiwan.
1999 NY E80896 - The tariff classification of a Cervical Collar from Taiwan
1999 NY E82025 - The tariff classification of Wrist Supports from China and Taiwan
1999 NY E86368 - The tariff classification of an External Fixation Device and Part from Switzerland
2000 NY F80262 - The tariff classification of an elbow splint from China
2000 NY F80263 - The tariff classification of a splint from China
2000 NY F80264 - The tariff classification of a splint from China
2000 NY F82285 - The tariff classification of a post-operative shoe from China
2000 NY F82576 - The tariff classification of a Head Immobilizer from Thailand and Taiwan
2000 NY F84231 - The tariff classification of a nipple inverter from the United Kingdom
2000 NY F84233 - The tariff classification of a nipple inverter and nipple shields from the United Kingdom
2000 NY F84323 - The tariff classification of a knee-patella support from Italy.
2000 NY F85706 - The tariff classification of a wrist splint from Italy.
2000 NY F89011 - The tariff classification of joint support devices from Italy
2000 NY G81671 - The tariff classification of a post-operative shoe from Cambodia
2001 HQ 562012 - Country of origin marking of orthodontic “aligners”
2001 NY G85340 - The tariff classification of a modular functional lumbar support from Germany
2001 NY G86653 - The tariff classification of an ankle brace, an elbow brace, and a back brace from Italy.
2001 NY H84091 - The tariff classification of a wrist support from the United Kingdom
2002 HQ 964007 - Classification request of Corsetti back supports
2002 HQ 964008 - Classification request of Corsetti back supports
2002 HQ 964402 - Classification request of Corsetti back supports
2002 HQ 965237 - Modification of NY D88848, April 1, 1999; Classification of a knee brace and knee immobilizer
2002 HQ 965238 - Revocation of NY A89561, December 11, 1996; Classification of an ankle brace
2002 HQ 965623 - Classification of cervical neck pad
2004 HQ 966879 - Internal Advice 03/023; classification of stainless steel wire products
2005 HQ 967345 - Request for Reconsideration of New York Ruling Letter F82426, dated February 22, 2000, on the Tariff Classification of a "Smart Glove" wrist support
2007 NY N019242 - The tariff classification of a wrist wrap from China
2008 NY N025755 - The tariff classification of PTDial Armband for Epicondylitis from Canada