United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
9015.40.80 - 9025.80.40
> 9018.90.80
Previous Tariff (9018.90.75 - Electro-medical instruments and appliances nesi, and parts and accessories thereof)
Next Tariff (9019.10.20 - Mechano-therapy appliances and massage apparatus, and parts and accessories thereof)
HTS Number:
Instruments and appliances used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, nesi, and parts and accessories thereof
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (9018.90.75 - Electro-medical instruments and appliances nesi, and parts and accessories thereof)
Next Tariff (9019.10.20 - Mechano-therapy appliances and massage apparatus, and parts and accessories thereof)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0085088 - Fistula needle set and I.V. administration set
1990 HQ 0555567 - Reconsideration of Ruling concerning classification of suture removal kit
1991 HQ 0088469 - Protest and Request for Further Review No. 2704-90-003672, dated November 17, 1989; Pooling Plus System "1000" medication system; instrument or apparatus for use in the medical sciences
1991 HQ 0088890 - Baby Calf Restraint; Veterinary Science; Dehorning; Vaccination; Castration; Ear Tagging; Injection Molded Plastic Components
1991 HQ 0554629 - CBERA treatment of plasmacell-C devices
1991 HQ 0555750 - CBERA eligibility of medical products from the Dominican Republic or Costa Rica
1992 HQ 0089373 - Sterile and Non-Sterile Sutures, With or Without Needles; Of-Gut and Other Materials; GRI 1; 087660; 849025; 9018.90.80; Chapter Note 3, Chapter 30, Section VI; EN 30.06; EN 90.18; Nippon Kogasku (USA), Inc.; C.J. Tower & Sons; House Report No. 98-1015; Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary; suture; 730999
1993 HQ 0087901 - Laitinen Stereotactic System; Frames Used In Medical Imaging To Localize Lesions And Targets; Percutaneous Tumor Biopsy Kit; Instruments And Appliances Used In Medical Or Surgical Sciences; Apparatus Based On The Use Use Of X-Rays Or Other Radiations
1993 HQ 0088876 - Iris dissecting scissors; Spencer stitch scissors; Subheading 8213.00.90; ENs 90.18; H. Conf. Rep. No. 576; Additional U.S. Rule of Interpretation 1(a); Section XV, note 1(h).
1993 HQ 0089414 - Blood Lancets; Protest No. 1101-91-100060
1993 HQ 0089874 - Blood Lancets; Protest No. 4503-91-100005
1993 HQ 0089876 - Blood Lancets; Protest No. 0712-91-000426; NY 850301
1993 HQ 0557047 - Applicability of vessel loops from Mexico for complete or partial duty exemption; Subheading 9018.90.80, HTSUS; Marking
1993 HQ 0950432 - Infusion Set; HQ 085088; Fistula Needle Set; Protest No. 1101-91-100193
1993 HQ 0951857 - Protest No. 3501-91-100435; plastic tubing; GRI 1; Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary; catheter; part of catheter; 9018.39.00; 085088; 086015
1993 HQ 0952091 - Protest No. 1603-91-500002; Surgical Blades; Scalpel Handles; 8212; Note 2 to Chapter 90; EN 90.18
1993 HQ 0952997 - Surgical instruments; GRI 1; EN 90.18
1993 NY 864352 - The tariff classification of injection sites and vial adapter from
1993 NY 864354 - The tariff classification of Injection Site Connector Sets from Singapore.
1993 NY 867453 - The tariff classification of a cattle headgate from Mexico
1993 NY 869756 - The tariff classification of a Trocar assembled in Mexico
1993 NY 869994 - The tariff classification of an Intravenous Feeding Device from Taiwan
1993 NY 873038 - The tariff classification of a Peritoneal Dialysis Tubing Assembly from Mexico .
1993 NY 873188 - The tariff classification of Surgical Scalpel Blades from India
1993 NY 880711 - The tariff classification of a Disposable Biopsy Punch from Australia
1993 NY 881913 - The tariff classification of Infusion Administration Sets from Israel
1993 NY 882063 - The tariff classification of the Walmay Cryospray from Australia
1993 NY 882361 - The tariff classification of a "Drug Infusion Balloon Catheter" from Japan
1993 NY 886628 - The tariff classification of surgical blades and hypodermic syringes from India
1994 HQ 0557175 - Internal Advice No. 78/92; Merchandise Processing Fee; U.S. Note 2(b), subchapter II, chapter 98, HTSUS
1994 HQ 0557403 - Request for Internal Advice 26/93 on the eligibility of three medical appliances from Mexico for duty-free treatment under the GSP; double substantial transformation
1994 HQ 0951857 - Protest No. 3501-91-100435; plastic tubing; GRI 1; Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary; catheter; part of catheter; 9018.39.00; 085088; 086015
1994 HQ 0952559 - Protest 1001-92-101902; Lamp, clip; Flashlights; Subheading 9018.90.80; EN 85.13; Chapter 90, Note 1(g); GRIs 2(a) and 3(b); All Channel Products; Quon Quon Company; E. Green & Son (New York), Inc.; Additional U.S. Rule of Interpretation 1(a); HRLs 084852 and 950001
1994 HQ 0952997 - Surgical instruments; GRI 1; EN 90.18
1994 HQ 0954914 - Protest No. 1704-93-100153; Orbiter; Ceiling Services Units; Medical Accessories; NY 874970; HQs 087704 and 954174; Chapter 90, Note 2
1994 NY 895684 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of Solution Administration Sets from Mexico
1994 NY 898450 - The tariff classification of surgical instruments from Great Britain and Germany
1995 HQ 556798 - Application for Further Review of Protest Nos. 2501-92-100021 and 2501-92-100024 concerning the applicability of duty exemption under subheadings 9801.00.10, HTSUS, and eligibility for duty-free treatment under the GSP, with respect to catheter tray kits imported from Mexico; eligibility of drainage bag for duty-free treatment under the GSP; T.D. 91-7
1995 HQ 557973 - Eligibility of surgical instruments for duty-free treatment under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP); steel sheets; cut; heat; forge; polish; assemble
1995 HQ 955025RL - Pediatric Immobilization System (Octostop II); NY 860228 revoked; Chapter 90, note 2; HQ 087704; THK America, Inc. v. U.S.; Marubeni America Corp. v. U.S.
1995 HQ 956751 - NY 895684 modified; Solution Administration Sets; "Accuset"; "Gemini"; NAFTA; Article 509; originating good; General Note 12(b)(ii), 12(b)(iv)(B) and 12(p); change in tariff classification; non-originating materials; General Note 12(t)/90.46; Section 2(1), 2(3)(c), and 4(4)(b), NAFTA Rules of Origin Regulations; parts; subheading; production
1995 HQ 956881 - VMP400 Needle*less Cannula; HQs 085088, 086015, 089415 952884; NY 864352; chapter 90, note 2(a); "cannula"; "catheter"; Nissho-Iwai American Corp. v. U.S.; Nippon Kogasku (USA), Inc. v. U.S.; C.J. Tower & Sons v. U.S.; ejusdem generis
1995 NY 804233 - The tariff classification of medical equipment from Singapore
1995 NY 804379 - The tariff classification of medical equipment from Japan
1995 NY 805828 - The tariff classification of an Exsanguinating Device from England
1995 NY 808099 - The tariff classification of hand surgical instruments from Germany
1995 NY 810137 - The tariff classification of surgical scissors from Pakistan
1995 NY 810138 - The tariff classification of surgical scissors from Pakistan
1995 NY 810139 - The tariff classification of surgical scissors from Pakistan
1995 NY 810140 - The tariff classification of surgical scissors from Pakistan
1995 NY 810306 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a Trocar from Mexico; Article 509
1995 NY 811806 - The tariff classification of administration sets ("filter tail subassemblies") from El Salvador
1995 NY 813021 - The tariff classification and eligibility for duty-free treatment under the GSP of certain surgical instruments from Pakistan
1996 HQ 955025 - Pediatric Immobilization System (Octostop II); NY 860228 revoked; Chapter 90, note 2; HQ 087704; THK America, Inc. v. U.S.; Marubeni America Corp. v. U.S.
1996 HQ 955820 - IA 106/93; AVI Infusion Pump Set
1996 HQ 957534 - Protest 1001-94-106187; Medicut Shears; scissors; Section XVIII, note 1(h); Additional Rule of Interpretation 1(a); HQ 088876, NY 810138; heading 8213;
1996 HQ 957817 - NY 895684 modified; "Accuset" and "Gemini" intravenous solution administration sets; 9018.90.75; parts and accessories of other electro-medical instruments; other medical instruments and appliances; parts; accessories; EN 90.18; Travenol Laboratories, Inc.; HRLs 085366, 085088, 087704, 955025, 955650 and 951857; Note 2(a) and (b), Chapter 90; GRI 1 and 3(a); relative specificity
1996 HQ 958098 - NY 846330 modified; "Rate-Mate" intravenous administration set; 9018.90.75; parts and accessories of other electro-medical instruments; other medical instruments and appliances; parts; accessories; EN 90.18; Travenol Laboratories, Inc.; HRLs 085366, 085088, 087704, 955025, 955650 and 951857; Note 2(a) and (b), Chapter 90; GRI 1 and 3(a); relative specificity
1996 NY 814040 - The tariff classification of microscopes, microscope slides, scalpels and oral thermometers from China.
1996 NY 816455 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of the Coulter Scrotal Tape from Canada; Article 509
1996 NY 816605 - The tariff classification of an Endoscopic Stick from the Dominican Republic
1996 NY A82094 - The tariff classification of a fastener tool kit from Taiwan
1996 NY A82905 - The tariff classification of blades and scissors from Japan.
1996 NY A83725 - The tariff classification of an I.V. Administration Set from Singapore
1996 NY A85154 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of an Endoscopic Multifeed Stapler from Mexico; Article 509
1997 HQ 559421 - Eligibility of certain medical products for preferential duty treatment under NAFTA; classification; GRI 3; country of origin marking; Article 509; 19 CFR 102.19; General Note 12(a); "Special" rate of duty; 9801.00.10
1997 HQ 560297 - Country of origin marking of an infusion device; 19 U.S.C. CFR 134.35(b); subassemblies.
1997 HQ 560577 - Clarification of NY Ruling Letter B83438; surgical sets; NAFTA Preference; country of origin marking; Article 509
1997 HQ 959305 - NY A82094 affirmed; Staple and Glue Gun Kit; 28-Piece Fastener Tool Kit; Glue Gun, Staple Gun, Bit Driver Handle With Bits, Utility Knife, Power Scissors, and Assorted Fasteners, in Zippered Vinyl Case; Sets, GRI 3, Essential Character; Household Handtools, 8205.51.30, Electrothermic Appliance of a Kind Used for Domestic Purposes, Subheading 8516.80.80; HQ 083828
1997 HQ 959752 - PRD 0401-96-100324; FemoStop, Femoral Compression System; Hemostasis, Apparatus for Stopping Flow or Circulation of Blood in the Femoral Artery; Medical Apparatus Used t o Control Bleeding After Surgery; Hemostatic Kit, Pump, Compression Arch, Mesh Fabric Belt, Plastic Connective Tubing; Sphygmomanometer, Medical Apparatus for Measuring Blood Pressure, Principal Use, Class or Kind, Additional U.S. Rule of Interpretation 1(a); Hartz Mountain Corp. v. United States; Chapter 90, Note 2
1997 HQ 959962 - PRD 3901-96-101137; Bard's PCA II and InfusO.R. pumps; subheadings 9018.90.30, 9018.90.75 and 9018.90.80; Explanatory Note 90.18; Instruments and Appliances used in Medical, Surgical, Dental or Veterinary Sciences; Anesthetic Instruments and Appliances; Other Electro-Medical Instruments and Appliances; HQs 954377, 556800 and 085366.
1997 NY 850301 - The tariff classification of blood sampling lancet from Sweden.
1997 NY 880711 - The tariff classification of a Disposable Biopsy Punch from Australia
1997 NY 895684 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of Solution Administration Sets from Mexico
1997 NY B82723 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a surgical stapler from Mexico; Article 509
1998 NY 850301 - The tariff classification of blood sampling lancet from Sweden.
1998 NY 880711 - The tariff classification of a Disposable Biopsy Punch from Australia
1998 NY 886419 - The tariff classification of I.V. Solution Administration Sets from Canada.
1998 NY B83438 - The tariff classification, country of origin marking and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of Suction Kit and Urine Meter Tray Kit from Mexico; Article 509; NAFTA Marking Rules (Final)
1998 NY C80803 - The tariff classification of an Antecubital Support- Product Code 18688-010 - from Mexico
1998 NY C86016 - The tariff classification of a blood collection monitor from France
1998 NY C89915 - The tariff classification of surgical equipment from England
1998 NY D83744 - The tariff classification of Aircraft Medical Kits and Survival Packs
1998 NY NY1587 - The tariff classification of an "Evacuator Container" from Korea
1998 NY NY915 - The tariff classification of Disposable Neurological Sensory Pins from the United Kingdom
1999 NY 860228 - The tariff classification of a pediatric immobilization system from Canada
1999 NY D89591 - The tariff classification of an implanted port kit exported from Mexico, CR 102.11
1999 NY E80324 - The tariff classification of Lid Load related items exported from Canada
1999 NY E83373 - The tariff classification of Urine Drainage Bags from Mexico
2000 HQ 961830 - NY A89005 Revoked; Wiring Harness for Use With Ultrasonic Scanning Apparatus; Teflon-Coated Stranded Copper Surrounded by Outside Conductor; Coaxial Electric Conductor; Other Electric Conductors Fitted With Connectors, Subheading 8544.51.90; Chapter 90, Note 2, HTSUS; GRI 6; HQ 088496
2000 NY F80261 - The tariff classification of Cardiac Insulation Pads from Ireland
2000 NY F81137 - The tariff classification and country of origin marking of Needle Holders, Forceps and Hemostats from China
2000 NY F84397 - The tariff classification of surgical scalpels
2001 HQ 562121 - Country of origin marking for cardioplegia device assembled in Mexico of U.S. components; NAFTA marking rules; 19 USC § 1304; 19 CFR § 134.43; 19 CFR § 102.11(b).
2001 HQ 963652 - Reconsideration of NY E87153; “medical inspection/examination
2001 NY G83917 - The tariff classification of administration sets from Spain, Mexico, or Italy
2002 HQ 965580 - Donor Care® and Samp Lok® for use with blood collection sets and Platypus® AV fistula needle gaurd
2002 NY H86172 - The tariff classification of disposable plastic towel clamps from China
2002 NY H87108 - The tariff classification of disposable plastic forceps from China
2002 NY H87589 - The tariff classification of a sizer kit from Canada
2002 NY H88990 - The tariff classification of splint related items from Mexico
2002 NY H89427 - The tariff classification of 3 medical related items from Australia
2002 NY H89428 - The tariff classification of 3 items from Australia
2002 NY I82642 - The tariff classification of 5 medical related items from France
2003 HQ 964026 - Tariff Classification of “Oxyphan® PP50/280 Capillary Membrane”
2003 NY J80679 - The tariff classification of Biodome Injection Caps from
2003 NY J82830 - The tariff classification of Orchidometer #2003-01-24 from China
2003 NY J83207 - The tariff classification of partially manufactured blood glucose test strips from Taiwan.
2003 NY J83772 - The tariff classification of an Irrigation Set from China
2003 NY J87712 - The tariff classification of introducer kits and components and materials from Ireland
2003 NY J88062 - The tariff classification of a cell washer from Switzerland
2004 HQ 965845 - HQ 089373 revoked: sterile and non-sterile sutures with or without needles
2004 HQ 965846 - NY 869236 Revoked; non-sterile suture attached to a suture needle
2004 HQ 965847 - HQ 560914 modified; non-sterile suture attached to a suture needle
2004 NY K83786 - The tariff classification of Stethocaps from China
2004 NY K88657 - The tariff classification of a Duo-Therm Disposable Pad from China
2004 NY K89230 - The tariff classification of a glass mirror, a plastic vial holder, and a medical instrument from China
2005 HQ 967233 - StethocapTM with antimicrobial; NY K83122 and NY K83786 affirmed
2005 NY L81541 - The tariff classification and country of origin marking of wound needled sutures from Mexico
2005 NY L83316 - The tariff classification of power supplies from Taiwan and China
2005 NY L85320 - The tariff classification of Medical Fluids Administration Products from Sweden and Singapore
2005 NY L88388 - The tariff classification of a Skin Marker Pen from China
2005 NY L88457 - The tariff classification of an Open Spine Clamp Radiolucent 9731780 from India
2005 NY R01647 - The tariff classification of Feeding Pumps and Tube Assemblies from Germany, Italy and China
2006 NY L83316 - The tariff classification of power supplies from Taiwan and China
2006 NY M80936 - The tariff classification of a stocking donner from China
2006 NY M81498 - The tariff classification of monofilament for the filtration component of oxygenator device, from Japan
2006 NY M82839 - The tariff classification of a Calculi Strainer from China
2006 NY M84671 - The tariff classification of Products No. 682061 and No. 682109 from Singapore
2006 NY M85325 - The tariff classification of monitoring extension set, disposable flow/flush device and disposable transducer with built-in flush device made in Singapore
2006 NY M86395 - The tariff classification of Staple Remover Kit from China
2006 NY M86400 - The tariff classification of a Suture Removal Kit from China
2006 NY M86473 - The tariff classification of a DTX Plus Transducer from Singapore
2006 NY M86489 - The tariff classification of a Diabetic Foot Screening Monofilament from China
2006 NY M86521 - The tariff classification of a Laceration Tray – Item 221 from China
2006 NY M86522 - The tariff classification of a Debridement Tray – Item 100120 from China
2006 NY M86523 - The tariff classification of a Suture Removal Kit – Item 240P from China
2006 NY M86524 - The tariff classification of a Suture Removal Kit – item 100124 from China
2006 NY M86805 - The tariff classification of transfer pipettes, specimen cups and lids, serum/blood transport tubes and caps, and vaginal specula from China and India.
2006 NY M86814 - The tariff classification of a rechargeable nickel metal hydride (NiMH) battery, a rechargeable nickel cadmium (NICAD) battery, a universal battery charger, a battery powered hand-held drive unit, and surgical instrument attachments (chucks, couplings, and adaptors) from Switzerland
2006 NY M87022 - The tariff classification of a laboratory/hygienic/pharmaceutical glass article from Germany
2006 NY R03091 - The tariff classification of a Laparoscopic Casting Part 17-4PH from Canada
2006 NY R03683 - The tariff classification of surgical drill bits from Switzerland
2006 NY R03684 - The tariff classification of orthopedic surgical cable and tools from Switzerland
2006 NY R04697 - The tariff classification of a rechargeable nickel metal hydride (NiMH) battery, a rechargeable nickel cadmium (NICAD) battery, a universal battery charger, a battery powered hand-held drive unit, and surgical instrument attachments (chucks, couplings, and adaptors) from Switzerland
2007 HQ H006419 - BD Vacutainer® Rapid Serum Tube
2007 NY L83316 - The tariff classification of power supplies from Taiwan and China
2007 NY N003997 - The tariff classification of a Cell Scraper from Mexico and Serological Pipettes from Mexico, Japan, Brazil and China
2007 NY N004130 - The tariff classification of “OR Cable” (Part #’ 6060010-002) and “OR Extension Cable Assembly” (Part # 6060001-003) from China
2007 NY N005768 - The tariff classification of a pediatric urine collector from China
2007 NY N012151 - The tariff classification and marking of a MIC Percutaneous Placement Kit exported from Mexico
2007 NY N014017 - The tariff classification of medical bandage scissors from Pakistan
2007 NY N014759 - The tariff classification of a robotic IV automation medical device from Canada.
2007 NY N016402 - The tariff classification of laser component of animal imaging system from Italy.
2007 NY N019694 - The tariff classification of a trigger sprayer for cattle insecticide.