United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
9015.40.80 - 9025.80.40
> 9018.39.00
Previous Tariff (9018.32.00 - Tubular metal needles and needles for sutures, used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, and parts and accessories thereof)
Next Tariff (9018.41.00 - Dental drill engines, whether or not combined on a single base with other dental equipment, and parts and accessories thereof)
HTS Number:
Catheters, cannulae and the like nesi, used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, and parts and accessories thereof
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (9018.32.00 - Tubular metal needles and needles for sutures, used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, and parts and accessories thereof)
Next Tariff (9018.41.00 - Dental drill engines, whether or not combined on a single base with other dental equipment, and parts and accessories thereof)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0084358 - Needle Vaccinators
1990 HQ 0085088 - Fistula needle set and I.V. administration set
1990 HQ 0086015 - Fistula needle set
1991 HQ 0555268 - Applicability of duty exemption under subheadings 9801.00.10 and 9802.00.80, HTSUS, and eligibility for duty-free treatment under the GSP, with respect to "Code 6000 Infection Control Systems" imported from Mexico
1993 HQ 0087901 - Laitinen Stereotactic System; Frames Used In Medical Imaging To Localize Lesions And Targets; Percutaneous Tumor Biopsy Kit; Instruments And Appliances Used In Medical Or Surgical Sciences; Apparatus Based On The Use Use Of X-Rays Or Other Radiations
1993 HQ 0089414 - Blood Lancets; Protest No. 1101-91-100060
1993 HQ 0089874 - Blood Lancets; Protest No. 4503-91-100005
1993 HQ 0089876 - Blood Lancets; Protest No. 0712-91-000426; NY 850301
1993 HQ 0556716 - Eligibility of Catheters and Catheter Sets for duty-free treatment under U.S. Note 2(b), subchapter ll, Chapter 98, HTSUSA
1993 HQ 0950432 - Infusion Set; HQ 085088; Fistula Needle Set; Protest No. 1101-91-100193
1993 HQ 0951857 - Protest No. 3501-91-100435; plastic tubing; GRI 1; Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary; catheter; part of catheter; 9018.39.00; 085088; 086015
1993 HQ 0952884 - Protest No. 1001-92-102080; Tubular Metal Needles; Cannulae; Syringes; 9018.39.00; HQ 085088; HQ 086015
1993 NY 864352 - The tariff classification of injection sites and vial adapter from
1993 NY 864354 - The tariff classification of Injection Site Connector Sets from Singapore.
1993 NY 867880 - The tariff classification of Safety Blood Needle Holder and Disposable Containers from Canada.
1993 NY 870393 - The tariff classification of needle electrodes from England
1993 NY 870980 - The tariff classification of articles used in artificial insemination of pigs from Germany and Switzerland.
1993 NY 885403 - The tariff classification of biopsy needles from Italy
1993 NY 887486 - The tariff classification of a Trocar from England
1994 HQ 0557403 - Request for Internal Advice 26/93 on the eligibility of three medical appliances from Mexico for duty-free treatment under the GSP; double substantial transformation
1994 HQ 0557788 - Internal Advice Request No. 95/93; Eligibility of rechargeable drill set from Mexico for duty-free treatment under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP); U.S.- origin items
1994 HQ 0951857 - Protest No. 3501-91-100435; plastic tubing; GRI 1; Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary; catheter; part of catheter; 9018.39.00; 085088; 086015
1994 NY 891590 - The tariff classification of a medical kit from Germany.
1994 NY 895684 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of Solution Administration Sets from Mexico
1995 HQ 556798 - Application for Further Review of Protest Nos. 2501-92-100021 and 2501-92-100024 concerning the applicability of duty exemption under subheadings 9801.00.10, HTSUS, and eligibility for duty-free treatment under the GSP, with respect to catheter tray kits imported from Mexico; eligibility of drainage bag for duty-free treatment under the GSP; T.D. 91-7
1995 HQ 556800 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2501-92100023; eligibility of breathing circuits from Mexico for duty-free treatment under the GSP; set; GRI 3(b); T.D. 91-7; Superscope; 556797; 556798; 9802.00.80; assembly
1995 HQ 557692 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2501-93- 100221; eligibility of cordless screwdriver or drill for duty-free treatment under the GSP; sets; T.D. 91-7; 556800; 556798, 556797
1995 HQ 956881 - VMP400 Needle*less Cannula; HQs 085088, 086015, 089415 952884; NY 864352; chapter 90, note 2(a); "cannula"; "catheter"; Nissho-Iwai American Corp. v. U.S.; Nippon Kogasku (USA), Inc. v. U.S.; C.J. Tower & Sons v. U.S.; ejusdem generis
1995 NY 804233 - The tariff classification of medical equipment from Singapore
1995 NY 804379 - The tariff classification of medical equipment from Japan
1996 NY 816165 - The tariff classification of a blood lancet from Japan and Korea
1996 NY A81318 - The tariff classification of VasoSeal Hemostasis Kit and VasoSeal Needle Depth Indicator Kit from the Netherlands
1996 NY A83432 - The tariff classification of a Tracheal Tube Support from Hong Kong
1997 HQ 560577 - Clarification of NY Ruling Letter B83438; surgical sets; NAFTA Preference; country of origin marking; Article 509
1997 HQ 952884 - Protest No. 1001-92-102080; Tubular Metal Needles; Cannulae; Syringes; 9018.39.00; HQ 085088; HQ 086015
1997 NY 852412 - The tariff classification of guidewires from Denmark.
1997 NY 887486 - The tariff classification of a Trocar from England
1997 NY 891590 - The tariff classification of a medical kit from Germany.
1997 NY 895684 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of Solution Administration Sets from Mexico
1997 NY A80023 - The tariff classification of tracheal tubes from Malaysia
1997 NY B88258 - The tariff classification of a food supplement and acupuncture needles from China
1998 NY 852412 - The tariff classification of guidewires from Denmark.
1998 NY 887486 - The tariff classification of a Trocar from England
1998 NY 891590 - The tariff classification of a medical kit from Germany.
1998 NY B83438 - The tariff classification, country of origin marking and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of Suction Kit and Urine Meter Tray Kit from Mexico; Article 509; NAFTA Marking Rules (Final)
1998 NY C80804 - The tariff classification of a Catheter Leg Strap from Mexico
1998 NY D81573 - The tariff classification of a BIO-SET Infusion Cap from France.
1999 NY D85522 - The tariff classification of a medical stent from Israel
1999 NY D89591 - The tariff classification of an implanted port kit exported from Mexico, CR 102.11
2000 NY F84939 - The tariff classification of an airway from China
2000 NY F86243 - The tariff classification of a Saphenous Vein Distention System from Ireland.
2000 NY F87893 - The tariff classification and marking of a Smylin pen delivery devices from Switzerland.
2000 NY F89216 - The tariff classification of vein irrigation cannulae
2001 HQ 963165 - Internal Advice (21/99); foley catheter
2002 NY H86777 - The tariff classification of a laryngeal mask from the Seychelles or the United Kingdom
2002 NY H89325 - The tariff classification of 5 medical related items from France and Germany
2002 NY I82642 - The tariff classification of 5 medical related items from France
2003 NY J85317 - The tariff classification of a stent delivery system from Italy
2003 NY J86542 - The tariff classification of Oxygen Mask, Nebulizer and Wound Drainage Reservoir from China
2003 NY J87713 - The tariff classification of an angiographic catheter and tubing from Ireland
2003 NY J89230 - The tariff classification of urinary catheters Assembled in Mexico From USA Components
2003 NY J89309 - The tariff classification of suction articles from Mexico
2004 NY K83130 - The tariff classification of catheters from Denmark and Hungary
2004 NY K83189 - The tariff classification of a Pen Injector Delivery System from Switzerland
2004 NY K87471 - The tariff classification of Blood Collection Sets from Japan
2005 HQ 967627 - Binding Classification Ruling on Ophthalmic Cannulae
2005 NY L82410 - The tariff classification of a plastic stopcock from Sweden
2005 NY L85516 - The tariff classification of an applicator imported loaded with Posurdex®, and imported empty
2005 NY R01605 - The tariff classification of Coronary Stents
2005 NY R01647 - The tariff classification of Feeding Pumps and Tube Assemblies from Germany, Italy and China
2006 NY M86519 - The tariff classification of Tubular Metal Needles from Brazil
2006 NY R03096 - The tariff classification of Disposable Delivery System Parts
2006 NY R05025 - The tariff classification of Easyband Implant and Control Unit, Easyband Introduction Tool System from Switzerland
2007 HQ H006419 - BD Vacutainer® Rapid Serum Tube
2007 HQ H015361 - NAFTA country of origin and marking of oral care kits
2007 NY N004313 - The tariff classification of BD Glucose Tablets from Canada and Mexico and the BD Ultra Fine Lancets from Ireland
2007 NY N004508 - The tariff classification of an EZ Cleanze Nozzle from China
2007 NY N005435 - The tariff classification of a Balloon Suction Catheter and a Lap-Band from Costa Rica
2007 NY N008739 - The tariff classification of a Balloon Suction Catheter and a Lap-Band from Costa Rica
2007 NY N011052 - The tariff classification of a 24 Hour Oral Care Kit from Mexico
2008 NY N026375 - The tariff classification of three Lap-band related items from Ireland