United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8708.91.65 - 8715.00.00
> 8715.00.00
Previous Tariff (8714.99.80 - Pts. & access. nesoi, for bicycles and other cycles of heading 8712)
Next Tariff (8716.10.00 - Trailers & semi-trailers, not mech. propelled, for housing or camping)
HTS Number:
Baby carriages (including strollers) and parts thereof
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8714.99.80 - Pts. & access. nesoi, for bicycles and other cycles of heading 8712)
Next Tariff (8716.10.00 - Trailers & semi-trailers, not mech. propelled, for housing or camping)
Related Rulings:
1991 HQ 0555659 - GSP eligibility of baby strollers produced in Mexico; substantial transformation; Texas Instruments; 554027; 554025; 555189; 071518; 071534; 051189; 080189; 079125; 555377; 071620; C.S.D. 85-25.
1991 NY 0860086 - The tariff classification of a baby stroller from Taiwan and/or Thailand
1993 NY 848468 - The tariff classification of parts of baby carriages from Taiwan.
1993 NY 879570 - The tariff classification of baby stroller parts from Taiwan
1993 NY 880471 - The tariff classification of baby carriage (stroller) parts from Canada
1993 NY 884039 - The tariff classification of baby stroller components from Taiwan,
1994 NY 892316 - The tariff classification of a bag from Holland.
1994 NY 893861 - The tariff classification of baby strollers from Taiwan
1994 NY 893862 - The tariff classification of baby strollers from Taiwan
1994 NY 893863 - The tariff classification of baby strollers from Taiwan
1994 NY 893864 - The tariff classification of baby strollers from Taiwan
1996 NY 818810 - The tariff classification of infant strollers for handicapped children and orthopedic "walker" devices from Germany.
1996 NY A82321 - The tariff classification of a baby stroller/carrier from Thailand and China
1996 NY A84061 - The tariff classification of an infant stroller seat from Thailand and China
1997 NY 893861 - The tariff classification of baby strollers from Taiwan
1997 NY 893862 - The tariff classification of baby strollers from Taiwan
1997 NY 893863 - The tariff classification of baby strollers from Taiwan
1997 NY 893864 - The tariff classification of baby strollers from Taiwan
1997 NY B87967 - The tariff classification of a stroller from China
1998 HQ 961331 - Travel System, Infant Car Seat/Stroller; Transportation System for Infants; Portable Infant Car Seat, Molded Plastic Base, Collapsible Stroller; Goods Put Up in Sets for Retail Sale, GRI 3(b), Essential Character; HQ 961266
1998 NY C88077 - The tariff classification of an infant stroller from Taiwan
1999 HQ 961130 - Protest number 3307-97-100111; combination carseat-stroller; GRI 3(c); HQs 961266; 961331
1999 NY E87088 - The tariff classification of the Baby Shade Stroller Cover from China
1999 NY E89713 - The tariff classification of a "Linns Screen - Weather Screen for Baby Stroller from China
2000 NY F81075 - The tariff classification of a Baby Shield from China
2000 NY F82051 - The tariff classification of a “Great Baby Cover Up/Sun Shade”, a “Stroller Fleece Pad”, a “Waterproof Pad” and a “Play Mat” from China.
2000 NY F85305 - The tariff classification of a Stroller Netting from China
2001 NY B89066 - The tariff classification of a Stroller Satchel from China
2001 NY G85793 - The tariff classification of articles and wearing apparel for infants and for toddlers from Turkey
2001 NY H83594 - The tariff classification of a Stroller Tent from China
2002 HQ 963548 - Request for Internal Advice 20/99; 19 CFR §177.11; Classification of Bicycles imported with Bicycle Bags; GRI 3(b); Sets; Subheading 4202.92.4500; Subheading 8712.00.1020; HQ 085595, dated January 26, 1990
2002 NY I80598 - The tariff classification of the “Outlook Pram Snug” and the “Outlook Shade-a-Babe” from New Zealand and China
2002 NY I82625 - The tariff classification of an Infant Stroller Cover from China
2003 NY J82213 - The tariff classification of a Stroller Boot with Blanket from China
2003 NY J85327 - The tariff classification of a Stroller Snug Sack from China
2004 NY K83943 - The tariff classification of the Stroller Handle Helpers from China
2004 NY K87680 - The tariff classification of a Toddler Stroller Snuggle Sack from China
2005 NY L82253 - The tariff classification of a “Snugrider” stroller frame from China
2007 NY N012126 - The tariff classification of a baby stroller conversion kit from China
2007 NY N019744 - The tariff classification of a baby carriage part from Germany
2007 NY N019754 - The tariff classification of a stroller frame from Poland
2007 NY N019802 - The tariff classification of a baby stroller part from Germany
2007 NY N020148 - The tariff classification of a stroller accessory from Germany
2007 NY N020155 - The tariff classification of a stroller accessory from Germany
2007 NY N020167 - The tariff classification of a stroller accessory from Germany
2007 NY N020239 - The tariff classification of stroller accessories from Germany
2008 NY N025115 - The tariff classification of stroller parts from Poland and Germany