United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8708.91.65 - 8715.00.00
> 8709.19.00
Previous Tariff (8709.11.00 - Electrical, self-propelled, works trucks, not fitted w/lift. equip. and tractors of type used on railway station platforms)
Next Tariff (8709.90.00 - Parts of self-propelled works trucks, not fitted w/lift. equip. and tractors of the type used on railway station platforms)
HTS Number:
Non-electrical, self-propelled, works trucks, not fitted w/lift. equip. and tractors of type used on railway station platforms
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8709.11.00 - Electrical, self-propelled, works trucks, not fitted w/lift. equip. and tractors of type used on railway station platforms)
Next Tariff (8709.90.00 - Parts of self-propelled works trucks, not fitted w/lift. equip. and tractors of the type used on railway station platforms)
Related Rulings:
1994 HQ 0953715 - PRD 3004-92-100128; Honda Power Carrier Model HP400; Pedestrian Controlled Works Truck, Motorized, Tracked Vehicle for Transport of Goods Over Short Distances, Subheading 8709.19.00; Motor Vehicle for the Transport of Goods, Heading 8704
1994 HQ 0955231 - Protest No. 2002-93-101553; Hydraulic Transporter; Works Trucks; Special Purpose Vehicle; Explanatory Notes 87.05(9), 87.04(3), and 87.09; HQ's 087028 and 952400; 8705.90.00; 8704.23.00; 9903.87.00
1995 HQ 954173 - Mule Utility Vehicle: Works Truck With Special Design Features, Vehicle Used in Factories, Warehouses, Etc., for Short Distance Transport; Motor Vehicles Principally Designed for the Transport of Persons, Heading 8703; Motor Vehicles for the Transport of Goods, Heading 8704; HQ 953715
1997 HQ 955231 - Protest No. 2002-93-101553; Hydraulic Transporter; Works Trucks; Special Purpose Vehicle; Explanatory Notes 87.05(9), 87.04(3), and 87.09; HQ's 087028 and 952400; 8705.90.00; 8704.23.00; 9903.87.00
1997 HQ 959626 - Container handling machines; Reachstackers; works trucks fitted with a crane; heading 8426; NY 881418; HQs 952400, 086864 distinguished; HQ 085938 noted; ENs 84.26, 84.27
1997 HQ 960303 - Carryall Utility Vehicles; Headings 8704 and 8709; Subheadings 8709.11.00 and 8709.19.00; Motor Vehicles for the Transport of Goods; Works Trucks, Self-Propelled, Not Fitted with Lifting or Handling Equipment, Used in Factories, Warehouses, Dock Areas or Airports for Short Distance Transport of Goods; HQ 954173.
1998 NY B84401 - The tariff classification of an automotive anode pallet transporter from Italy
1998 NY C83109 - The tariff classification of automotive utility vehicles from Canada
1999 NY D86210 - The tariff classification of Goldhofer PST/PSP Special Self-Propelled Transporters With Hydrostatic Driving System For Superheavy Loads from Germany
1999 NY E82079 - The tariff classification of a Terminal Tractor - the MOL Multi-Trailer Tractor Type TG280/4x4 from Belgium
2001 HQ 965246 - Micro Truk; NY F82672 Revoked
2002 HQ 964598 - Protest 1803-01-100014; Micro Truk
2002 NY H87062 - The tariff classification of Three-Wheel Vehicles Models 7Y-750, 7Y-950, 7YP-750 and 7YPJ-950 from China
2002 NY H87834 - The tariff classification of a Pickup Truck from Japan
2002 NY I86040 - The tariff classification of Three-Wheel Agricultural Carts from China
2003 NY J81427 - The tariff classification of Off-Road Utility Vehicles (UTV, PTV, and Ranger) and ASL 300 All Surface Loader from the United States
2003 NY J83208 - The tariff classification of the Polaris ATP – All Terrain Vehicle, and the Sportsman 6x6 – Off-Road Vehicle from the United States
2004 NY K86759 - The tariff classification of a Tomcar™ Ultimate Terrain Vehicle (UTV) from Mexico
2005 HQ 967367 - Tomcar; NY K86759 Affirmed
2005 HQ 967422 - Protest 2704-04-101722; Lawn Utility Vehicle, LUV Cart
2007 NY N011554 - The tariff classification of a vehicle from Japan
2008 NY N024041 - The tariff classification of a vehicle from Japan