United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8543.90.35 - 8703.10.10
> 8544.41.80
Previous Tariff (8544.41.40 - Insulated electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunication, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V, fitted with connectors)
Next Tariff (8544.42.10 - Insulated electric conductors nesi, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, fitted with modular telephone connectors)
HTS Number:
Insulated electric conductors nesoi, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V, fitted with connectors
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8544.41.40 - Insulated electric conductors of a kind used for telecommunication, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V, fitted with connectors)
Next Tariff (8544.42.10 - Insulated electric conductors nesi, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V, fitted with modular telephone connectors)
Related Rulings:
1997 NY B87833 - The tariff classification of various electrical apparatus from Mexico
1998 NY C82356 - The tariff classification of an Ethernet Patch Cable from Mexico
1998 NY C83022 - The tariff classification of a "Buz" Multimedia Box from either Singapore or Malaysia
1998 NY C85069 - The tariff classification of an electronic cable from China
1998 NY C87072 - The tariff classification of a Multiplexer, Printed Circuit Boards and Power Supply Cables from France
1998 NY D80184 - The tariff classification of an electrical cord from China
1998 NY D81306 - The tariff classification of Chronograph Parts and Accessories from Hong Kong
1998 NY D81822 - The tariff classification of a parallel port cable from Taiwan
1998 NY D83252 - The tariff classification of an "Automotive Double Socket Extension with Light". The country of origin is not stated.
1998 NY NY1274 - The tariff classification of computer accessory kits from various countries.
1998 NY NY1507 - The tariff classification of home-road emergency kit from China
1999 NY D86379 - The tariff classification of an Auto Emergency Tool Set from Taiwan.
1999 NY D87008 - The tariff classification of automotive repair kits from Taiwan and China.
1999 NY D87045 - The tariff classification of glue stick, 9 pin connection cable, two-hole punching machine and push pins from China.
1999 NY D87635 - The tariff classification of computer peripheral cables. The country of origin is not stated.
1999 NY D88516 - The tariff classification of an Ultimate Auto Safety Kit from Canada
1999 NY E81728 - The tariff classification of Roadside Assistance Kit from Taiwan, China and USA.
1999 NY E81822 - The tariff classification of YJ-9 Car Emergency Kit from Taiwan.
1999 NY E83657 - The tariff classification of a Computer Memory Keeper from Taiwan
1999 NY E86063 - The tariff classification of electrical cable. The country of origin is not stated.
1999 NY E87451 - The tariff classification of the CyberGenie CG 1000 PC Phone System from China
1999 NY E87841 - The tariff classification of an AC Adapter, an Antenna Adapter Jack, and a Car Cord Adapter with Fuse from Hong Kong
2000 NY E89497 - The tariff classification of parts of an electric air pump from Germany
2000 NY F81467 - The tariff classification of an A/B Protector, a Harness, and a Terminal from Japan
2000 NY F81948 - The tariff classification of a wiring harness from China
2000 NY F87729 - The tariff classification of the "USB PS/2 Converter" and "USB Cables" from China or Taiwan.
2000 NY G81077 - The tariff classification of various kits from Taiwan
2000 NY G82031 - The tariff classification of a connector unit from Taiwan
2000 NY G82488 - The tariff classification of an emergency car kit from China
2001 NY G86008 - Country of origin, Generalized System of Preferences determination for automobile gearshift knobs, and automobile wire harnesses from Romania; 19 CFR §10.171, 19 CFR §10.174 and 19 CFR§175.
2001 NY G86064 - The tariff classification of an ignition wiring harness. The country of origin is not stated.
2001 NY H81304 - The tariff classification of extension cables from China
2002 HQ 964534 - Protest 0401-00-100231; Other electric conductors; Cable assembly; Radar; Telecommunications.
2002 HQ 964937 - Emergency Roadside Kits; GRI 3(b) sets
2002 HQ 964939 - “Buz” Multimedia System; SCSI Controller Card; NY C83022 Modified.
2002 HQ 965021 - Emergency Roadside Kits; GRI 3(b) sets; IPR Infringement
2002 NY H89848 - The tariff classification of a signal distribution system from Malaysia
2002 NY I81218 - The tariff classification of a 151pc. Highway Emergency Kit from China.
2002 NY I86137 - The tariff classification of an insulated wire from Japan
2002 NY I86690 - The tariff classification of electric cables from Brazil
2003 HQ 966170 - Ribbon Cable
2004 NY K87492 - The tariff classification of electrical cables from Taiwan.
2004 NY K88378 - The tariff classification of a Copper Wire, a Hardware Kit, a Cigarette/Cigar Power Cord, a Plastic Lens, and a Vehicle Light Housing - all from Taiwan
2005 HQ 562753 - Eligibility of rear projection flat screen color televisions for preferential tariff treatment under NAFTA
2005 NY L81559 - The tariff classification and marking requirements of a Rubber Grommet, and a Wire Harness from China; a Plastic Shroud, an End Cap Assembly, and a “Gall’s wig wag” Headlight Flasher System from Taiwan
2005 NY L82127 - The tariff classification and NAFTA Country of Origin of insulated wire harnesses and insulated wire with connectors from South Korea and Mexico
2005 NY L84893 - The tariff classification of a patch cable from China
2005 NY L85665 - The tariff classification of automotive wiring harness subassemblies from Honduras
2005 NY L88098 - The tariff classification of a computer accessory kit from China.
2005 NY L88638 - The tariff classification of an insulated cable, a fan and a clip protector boot from Taiwan
2006 NY L89300 - The tariff classification of cables, a connection box and a suitcase from an unspecified country
2006 NY M84093 - The tariff classification of from two carrying cases, car charger, USB cable, and plastic game cartridge cases, from China
2006 NY M84961 - The tariff classification and marking status of wireless microphone systems and a guitar system under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) from China; Article 509
2006 NY M86544 - The tariff classification of an electrical plug with insulated wires and an electricity adapter from Taiwan and China
2006 NY M87843 - The tariff classification of GSFNAV Navigation System from an unknown country
2006 NY R03116 - The tariff classification of a 30CT and SST from France
2006 NY R03410 - The tariff classification of insulated cord from China
2006 NY R03612 - The tariff classification of Yamaha GO46 Mobile Audio Interface Units from Japan
2006 NY R04370 - The tariff classification of an automotive emergency tool kit from China.
2006 NY R04989 - The tariff classification of an iPod value kit from China
2007 HQ W967801 - Modification of NY L85665; cut-to-length insulated wire with connectors and terminals
2007 NY N004130 - The tariff classification of “OR Cable” (Part #’ 6060010-002) and “OR Extension Cable Assembly” (Part # 6060001-003) from China
2007 NY N004213 - The tariff classification of a relay device from Hungary.