United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8539.29.10 - 8543.90.15
> 8541.60.00
Previous Tariff (8541.50.00 - Semiconductor devices other than photosensitive semiconductor devices, nesi)
Next Tariff (8541.90.00 - Parts of diodes, transistors, similar semiconductor devices, photosensitive semiconductor devices, LED's and mounted piezoelectric crystals)
HTS Number:
Mounted piezoelectric crystals
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8541.50.00 - Semiconductor devices other than photosensitive semiconductor devices, nesi)
Next Tariff (8541.90.00 - Parts of diodes, transistors, similar semiconductor devices, photosensitive semiconductor devices, LED's and mounted piezoelectric crystals)
Related Rulings:
1993 HQ 0952878 - Piezoelectric Buzzer Element; Electric Sound or Visual Signaling Apparatus; Fire Alarm Part, Subheading 8531.90.00, HTSUS; Electrical Parts of Machinery; Principal Use
1993 HQ 0953381 - Printed Circuit Board assembly; mounted piezoelectric crystals; parts of motors; EN 85.41
1993 HQ 0954248 - Assembly Board; Crystals; Explanatory Note 85.41(D)
1994 HQ 0956905 - PZT Transducers; Ceramic Wares for Technical Uses; Explanatory Notes 38.23(B)(31) and 85.41(D); GRI 3(a); U.S. v. Astra Trading Corp.; 6909.19.50
1994 NY 800931 - The tariff classification of piezoelectric quartz crystals, piezoelectric quartz filters and quartz crystal oscillators from Germany
1995 HQ 559027 - Carbon Monoxide Alarm Units; Transformers; Functional Unit; GRI 1; Country of origin marking; NAFTA; Article 509; General Note 12(b)(i) and (ii)(A), and
1995 HQ 956970 - Cable-television signal-converter; remote-control device; HRL 952293; HRL 952302; HRL 952441; set; GRI 3(b); essential character; EN Rule 3(b); NAFTA; Article 509; originating good; General Note 12(b)(ii(A); change in tariff classification; non-originating materials; General Note 12(t)/85.77
1995 HQ 957334 - Ceramic Resonators; mounted piezoelectric crystals; EN 85.41; HQ 954248
1997 NY 800931 - The tariff classification of piezoelectric quartz crystals, piezoelectric quartz filters and quartz crystal oscillators from Germany
1997 NY A84986 - The tariff classification of oversized crystal oscillators from Russia
1998 HQ 960633 - IA 12/97; Automobile Knock Sensor; Transducer; Checking; HQ 952297;
1998 NY A84986 - The tariff classification of oversized crystal oscillators from Russia
2000 NY F80316 - The tariff classification of Mounted Piezoelectric Elements from Japan
2000 NY F89973 - The tariff classification of a resonator and oscillator from Japan
2003 NY J85099 - The tariff classification of a Pyroelectric Infrared (PIR) Sensor from Korea
2005 NY L81823 - The tariff classification of Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Filters and Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) Resonators from Hong Kong
2005 NY R02518 - The tariff classification of a crystal quartz resonators and ceramic oscillators from an unspecified country
2007 NY N012693 - The tariff classification of unmounted piezoelectric quartz crystals from Japan.