United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8529.90.49 - 8539.22.80
> 8531.80.00
Previous Tariff (8531.20.00 - Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal devices (LCD's) or light emitting diodes (LED's))
Next Tariff (8531.80.40 - Paging alert devices (other than radio paging receivers))
HTS Number:
Electric sound or visual signaling apparatus, other than burglar or fire alarms or indicator panels incorporating LCD's or LED's
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8531.20.00 - Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal devices (LCD's) or light emitting diodes (LED's))
Next Tariff (8531.80.40 - Paging alert devices (other than radio paging receivers))
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0082933 - Combination Flashlight/Signaling Device
1992 HQ 0088520 - Reconsideration of NY Ruling 858341; Telephone Caller ID Unit
1992 HQ 0089877 - AM/FM radio/flashlight, fluorescent lamp and siren combination
1992 HQ 0089996 - Electronic Module; sound; light; GRI 1; 9503.90.60; EN Chapter 95; EN 95.03; part; Gallagher & Ascher Company; 8531.80.00; EN 85.31; 8519.99.00; EN 85.19; 088044; 086838; EN 85.43; EN 84.79; marking exception; 19 CFR 134.34; 9802.00.80
1992 HQ 0951233 - Postu-Mind; Breathing Trainer; GRI 3(b); EN 85.31; 6307; EN 63.07
1992 NY 0871314 - The tariff classification of gauges for an automobile dashboard from Japan.
1993 HQ 0951233 - Postu-Mind; Breathing Trainer; GRI 3(b); EN 85.31; 6307; EN 63.07
1993 HQ 0951798 - Protest no. 3001-92-100135; speakers; Heading 8512; Heading 8531; GRI 1; EN 85.18 (B); EN 85.18; loudspeakers; H. Conf. Rep. No. 576; GRI 3(a); Section XVI, note 2(a).
1993 HQ 0952159 - EMK Mimic Display Boards; Electric Sound or Visual Signalling Apparatus; Indicator Panels; LEDs
1993 HQ 0952406 - AT&T Call Display; Telephone Caller ID Unit; Telephonic Apparatus; NEC America, Inc. v. United States; 8531; 8517
1993 HQ 0952779 - Revocation of HQ 088520; Telephone Caller ID Unit; Telephonic Apparatus; NEC America, Inc. v. United States 8531; 8517; HQ 952406
1993 HQ 0952869 - Safety Lights; Battery Packs; Explanatory Note 85.31(C); 8512
1993 HQ 0953154 - Protest No. 0901-9X-XXXXXX; Harman Security; Glassbreak Detector; Motion Detector; Alarm System Components; Parts; Visual Signaling Apparatus
1993 HQ 0954371 - Radar detector; NYRL 879733 revoked; 8526.91.0040; ENs 85.26, 85.31
1993 HQ 0954764 - Flashlight and Siren; 8531.80.00; signalling apparatus; composite good; Note 3, Section XVI; principal function; HRL 089877; HRL 082933
1993 NY 880967 - The tariff classification of Global Door Beacon from Taiwan
1993 NY 881191 - The tariff classification of a lighthouse beacon system from New Zealand.
1994 HQ 0951798 - Protest no. 3001-92-100135; speakers; Heading 8512; Heading 8531; GRI 1; EN 85.18 (B); EN 85.18; loudspeakers; H. Conf. Rep. No. 576; GRI 3(a); Section XVI, note 2(a).
1994 HQ 0954719 - PRD 3501-92-100144; Cabin Intercommunication Data System (CIDS) for Airbus A-320; Passenger Address Audio and Visual Signaling Apparatus; Apparatus for Making Audio and Visual Communication with Passengers; Electric Sound or Visual Signaling Apparatus, Heading 8531; Apparatus for Line Telephony or Line Telegraphy, Heading 8517; Composite Machine, Principal Function, Section XVI, Note 3; Heading 8803, Parts of Airplanes; Civil Aircraft Agreement (CAA)
1994 HQ 0954860 - Protest No. 3196-92-100142; digital temperature sensor module; eo nomine; thermometer
1994 HQ 0954991 - PRD 3501-92-100131; Decoder/Encoder Unit, Type A, Type B; Analog/Digital Signal Converting Apparatus Used With Aircraft Passenger Address and Visual Signaling Systems; Heading 8517, Apparatus for Line Telephony or Telegraphy; Section XVI, Note 2(b); Parts of Civil Aircraft, Heading 8803, Civil Aircraft Agreement (CAA); Victoria Distributors v. United States, 57 CCPA 76, 425 F. 2d 759, Clipper Belt Lacer Co., Inc. v. United States, Slip Op. 90-22; HQ 954719
1994 HQ 0955115 - Alarms, Composite goods; Essential character; HRL's 951797, 951929
1994 NY 882802 - The tariff classification of the "Back Radar" from Korea.
1994 NY 883410 - The tariff classification of Always In-Sight Flashing Light from China and/or Taiwan.
1994 NY 884232 - The tariff classification of the "Life-Lite" flasher from China.
1994 NY 884619 - The tariff classification of the Phone Guard II from Germany.
1994 NY 886349 - The tariff classification of the "Pawbell" and its individual components from China or Hong Kong.
1994 NY 890902 - The tariff classification of "Remote Control Locators" from China.
1995 HQ 954764 - Flashlight and Siren; 8531.80.00; signalling apparatus; composite good; Note 3, Section XVI; principal function; HRL 089877; HRL 082933
1997 HQ 227257 - Protest No. 4195-96-100018; Protest No. 4195-95-200430; Clerical Error, Mistake of Fact, or other Inadvertence; Claim for Preferential Tariff Treatment under U.S.-Canada Free-Trade Agreement; 19 U.S.C. 1514; 19 U.S.C. 1520(c)(1)
1997 HQ 952159 - EMK Mimic Display Boards; Electric Sound or Visual Signalling Apparatus; Indicator Panels; LEDs
1997 HQ 953154 - Protest No. 0901-9X-XXXXXX; Harman Security; Glassbreak Detector; Motion Detector; Alarm System Components; Parts; Visual Signaling Apparatus
1997 NY 852458 - The tariff classification of the Model 4000 Electronic Article Surveillance System from Canada.
1997 NY 852897 - The tariff classification of the "Water Cop" from Canada.
1997 NY 852900 - The tariff classification of the "Boost Alert" from Canada.
1997 NY 854341 - The tariff classification of the battery operated "Dri Sleeper" from New Zealand.
1997 NY 855535 - The tariff classification of survival lighting systems from Canada.
1998 NY 852458 - The tariff classification of the Model 4000 Electronic Article Surveillance System from Canada.
1998 NY 852897 - The tariff classification of the "Water Cop" from Canada.
1998 NY 852900 - The tariff classification of the "Boost Alert" from Canada.
1998 NY 854341 - The tariff classification of the battery operated "Dri Sleeper" from New Zealand.
1998 NY 855535 - The tariff classification of survival lighting systems from Canada.
2001 HQ 964601 - HQ 954371 revoked; Radar detector
2002 NY H86008 - The tariff classification of a sport fishing bait alarm from Poland
2002 NY H87016 - The tariff classification of a child monitoring system from Taiwan
2002 NY H87134 - The Tariff Classification of a “Garage Accessory” from China.
2002 NY H87342 - The Tariff Classification of a “Purple Strobe Light-Translucent” from Hong Kong.
2002 NY H89316 - The tariff classification of a metal detector and a magnetometer from England
2002 NY H89960 - The tariff classification of a “Timer Cap” from China
2002 NY I81218 - The tariff classification of a 151pc. Highway Emergency Kit from China.
2002 NY I82201 - The Tariff Classification of A Metal Detector from China.
2002 NY I82207 - The tariff classification of backpack with audio/visual alarm from China or Taiwan
2002 NY I82854 - The tariff classification of strobe lights from China
2002 NY I82855 - The tariff classification of a Devil Strobe, a Skull Strobe, and a Hanging Flame Lite from China.
2002 NY I83582 - The tariff classification of a digital readout system. The country of origin is not stated.
2002 NY I83986 - The tariff classification of the “Auto Power” from China
2002 NY I84236 - The tariff classification of electronic price signs from Germany
2002 NY I84934 - The tariff classification of strobe lights from China or Taiwan
2002 NY I85155 - The tariff classification of an “AutoMate 6 in 1”from China
2002 NY I85159 - The tariff classification of signaling devices from China
2002 NY I85163 - The tariff classification of switches and microphones from China
2002 NY I85164 - The tariff classification of super phone ringers from China
2002 NY I85166 - The tariff classification of signaling devices from China
2002 NY I85189 - The tariff classification of a flashing light and batteries from China
2002 NY I85360 - The tariff classification of a motion sensor alarm from China
2003 HQ 966158 - Bee Costume With Safety Lights
2003 NY J80125 - The tariff classification of a safety vest from China
2003 NY J80413 - The tariff classification of a lighted safety vest from China
2003 NY J80680 - The tariff classification of an EDU Science Metal Detector, an EDU Science Magnet Set, and an EDU Science Maxscope Lab from China.
2003 NY J81610 - The tariff classification of a metal detector from China
2003 NY J81734 - The tariff classification of Lobe Strobes from China.
2003 NY J81735 - The tariff classification of Sparx Flashing Rings from China.
2003 NY J81736 - The tariff classification of Belly Lights, Head Lights and Button Lights from China.
2003 NY J81811 - The tariff classification of system alarms from China
2003 NY J82136 - The tariff classification of security systems from Italy
2003 NY J83324 - The tariff classification of flashing devices from China
2003 NY J83784 - The tariff classification of a flashing device from China
2003 NY J85624 - The Tariff Classification of a “Metal Detector ” from China
2003 NY J86556 - The tariff classification of a safety alert device from Taiwan
2003 NY J87332 - The tariff classification of safety devices from China
2003 NY J88782 - The tariff classification of a smoking cessation device from Hong Kong
2003 NY J88946 - The tariff classification of various safety items from China
2003 NY J89073 - The tariff classification of warning devices from Australia
2003 NY J89319 - The tariff classification of a signaling device from China
2004 HQ 563006 -
2004 HQ 967082 - Gas Detectors
2004 NY K81371 - The tariff classification of needle detectors from Japan
2004 NY K82218 - The Tariff Classification of a Safety Vest with LED (light Emitting Diodes) from Taiwan.
2004 NY K84911 - The tariff classification of a remote control retrieval system from China
2004 NY K85432 - The tariff classification of various LED lights from China
2004 NY K86286 - The tariff classification of high visibility safety garments and vests from China.
2004 NY K87342 - The tariff classification of detector from China.
2004 NY K89010 - The Tariff Classification of “Pumpkin Strobe Lights” from China.
2004 NY K89245 - The tariff classification of a flashing safety band from China.
2004 NY K89456 - The tariff classification of wireless display units, the country of origin is not stated.
2004 NY L80190 - The tariff classification of an emergency power backup device (Model JM-EP907) from Taiwan
2004 NY L80891 - The tariff classification of electronic mouse monitoring systems and parts from Canada
2004 NY R00289 - The tariff classification of a controller from Canada
2005 HQ 967398 - Protest 4701-04-100799; Intellisensor Stud Sensors
2005 NY K87020 - The tariff classification of a pet boundary from China.
2005 NY L81629 - The tariff classification of parts of the Quixtar eSpring Water Treatment System from an unspecified country
2005 NY L82684 - The tariff classification of a locator light, hat and oar lock from China, Taiwan or Thailand
2005 NY L83352 - The tariff classification of a reflector light necklace from China
2005 NY L87595 - The tariff classification of a metal detector from Canada
2005 NY L88616 - The tariff classification of radio frequency detectors from South Korea
2005 NY R01479 - The tariff classification of an emergency beacon from China
2005 NY R02455 - The tariff classification of the Poker Genie from South Korea
2006 NY L83352 - The tariff classification of a reflector light necklace from China
2006 NY L89316 - The tariff classification of a portable electric lamp from China.
2006 NY M81531 - The tariff classification of an electrical conductivity monitor from China
2006 NY M82054 - The tariff classification of a radio frequency detector from China
2006 NY M82229 - The tariff classification of a heat detector from China and an LED lamp from Taiwan
2006 NY M82850 - The tariff classification of a water sensor with siren from China
2006 NY M83302 - The tariff classification of a flashlight from China.
2006 NY N003433 - The tariff classification of a programmable light switch/alarm from China
2006 NY R03364 - The tariff classification of a radio frequency detector from China
2006 NY R03631 - The tariff classification of metal detection apparatus from the European Union
2006 NY R04551 - The tariff classification of an indicator from Taiwan and China
2006 NY R04554 - The tariff classification of a blinking-light pin from China
2006 NY R04776 - The tariff classification of an electronic signaling device from China
2006 NY R04835 - The tariff classification of a fiber optic fencing system from South Korea
2006 NY R04955 - The tariff classification of a light from China
2007 NY L83352 - The tariff classification of a reflector light necklace from China
2007 NY N004407 - The tariff classification of Diet Dinnerware from China.
2007 NY N009530 - The tariff classification of a LED “Safety” Light from China.
2007 NY N015932 - The tariff classification of a combination safety vest/hydration unit from China.
2007 NY N016025 - The tariff classification of a printed circuit board assembly from China
2007 NY N017018 - The tariff classification of Moistick from Switzerland
2007 NY N017447 - The tariff classification of SKF Wheel End Monitor from Germany
2008 NY N021746 - The tariff classification of “Ab Memory” from China
2008 NY N021987 - The tariff classification of a “Reflective Arm Band with 4 LED Lights” from China.
2008 NY N023521 - The tariff classification of “Propane Genius” from China
2008 NY N026292 - The tariff classification of the P.C. Gizmo from China