United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8529.90.49 - 8539.22.80
> 8530.90.00
Previous Tariff (8530.80.00 - Electrical signaling, safety or traffic control equipment for roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields)
Next Tariff (8531.10.00 - Electric burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus)
HTS Number:
Parts for electrical signaling, safety or traffic control equipment
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8530.80.00 - Electrical signaling, safety or traffic control equipment for roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields)
Next Tariff (8531.10.00 - Electric burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus)
Related Rulings:
1994 HQ 0956348 - Revocation of HQ 955444; LED Traffic Signal Lamp; HQs 952718 and 088495; Section XVI, Note 2; 8541.40.20
1994 NY 884866 - The tariff classification of Inductive Loop Vehicle Detectors from South Africa.
1995 HQ 956348 - Revocation of HQ 955444; LED Traffic Signal Lamp; HQs 952718 and 088495; Section XVI, Note 2; 8541.40.20
2002 NY I88164 - The Tariff Classification of A “Breakaway Pole-to-Base Coupling Device” from Canada.
2003 HQ 965802 - Revocation of I82314; LED Display Modules
2004 NY R00795 - The tariff classification of LED Traffic Signals from Poland.
2008 NY N025219 - The tariff classification of a Power and Light Source (PLS) printed circuit board (PCB) from China