United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
8529.90.49 - 8539.22.80
> 8529.90.81
Previous Tariff (8529.90.78 - Mounted lenses for use in closed circuit television cameras, seperately imported, w/ or w/o attached elec. connectors or motors)
Next Tariff (8529.90.83 - Other parts of television apparatus (other than television cameras), nesi)
HTS Number:
Other parts of television camers, nesi
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8529.90.78 - Mounted lenses for use in closed circuit television cameras, seperately imported, w/ or w/o attached elec. connectors or motors)
Next Tariff (8529.90.83 - Other parts of television apparatus (other than television cameras), nesi)
Related Rulings:
1998 NY C85610 - The tariff classification of a digital camera housing from Sweden.
2002 NY I81579 - The tariff classification CCTV and mail handling parts from the United Kingdom.
2003 HQ 965707 - Protest No. 5401-02-100012; unmanned aerial vehicle
2003 HQ 966171 - Protest 5401-02-100047; Kelvin 350 III Video And Infrared Camera System
2005 HQ 967848 - Application for Further Review of Protest 1901-05-100041
2007 HQ W968349 - Classification of the High Definition Camera Module
2007 NY N007352 - The tariff classification of parts of a television camera from China.
2007 NY N007426 - The tariff classification of an unassembled housing of a CCTV camera from China.