United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
8519.39.00 - 8525.50.70
> 8524.51.30
Previous Tariff (8524.51.10 - Pre-recorded magnetic tapes, of a width not exceeding 4 mm, of news sound recording relating to current events)
Next Tariff (8524.52.10 - Pre-recorded magnetic video tape recordings of a width exceeding 4 mm but not exceeding 6.5 mm)
HTS Number:
Pre-recorded magnetic tapes, of a width not exceeding 4 mm, nesoi
MFN Duty Rate:
4.8 cents/m2 of recording surface
Previous Tariff (8524.51.10 - Pre-recorded magnetic tapes, of a width not exceeding 4 mm, of news sound recording relating to current events)
Next Tariff (8524.52.10 - Pre-recorded magnetic video tape recordings of a width exceeding 4 mm but not exceeding 6.5 mm)
Related Rulings:
1996 NY 818170 - The tariff classification of "See-A-Sound Phonics" from China
1998 NY B84833 - The tariff classification of Braille printed matter, and audio tapes, from Canada.
1998 NY C84139 - The tariff classification of the Super GeoScope, GeoScope and Star Theater from China
1999 NY E82361 - The tariff classification of a loose-leaf book with cassette tape, from Mexico.
2000 NY F82080 - The tariff classification of an AM/FM radio/cassette player recorder, karaoke device from China.
2000 NY F88492 - The tariff classification of Nicosoft Stop Smoking Kit from Canada
2000 NY G83799 - The tariff classification of children’s books put up together with audio tapes and other items, from Spain.
2001 NY G84305 - The tariff classification of an educational kit, including books and other items, from Hong Kong.
2001 NY G86647 - The tariff classification of a language learning kit from China.
2001 NY H82637 - The tariff classification of recorded media from Hong Kong.
2002 HQ 965350 - Star Theater™ Home Planetariums
2002 NY I85746 - The tariff classification of a Karaoke machine from China