United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8519.39.00 - 8525.50.70
> 8520.90.00
Previous Tariff (8520.39.00 - Magnetic tape recorders, other than cassette type, incorporating sound reproducing apparatus)
Next Tariff (8521.10.30 - Color, cartridge or cassette magnetic tape-type video players)
HTS Number:
Sound recording apparatus, whether or not incorporating a sound reproducing device, nesi
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8520.39.00 - Magnetic tape recorders, other than cassette type, incorporating sound reproducing apparatus)
Next Tariff (8521.10.30 - Color, cartridge or cassette magnetic tape-type video players)
Related Rulings:
1994 HQ 0955108 - Reconsideration of NY 885954; "SoundXchange"; Modification of HQ 953383; "Audioman"; Explanatory Note 85.17; Section XVI, Note 4; GRI 3(a); 8471.92.10; 8518.50.00; 8520.90.00
1994 HQ 0955917 - Protest 3001-93-100839; SoundXchange Model A; HQ 955108; EN 85.17; functional unit
1995 HQ 955917 - Protest 3001-93-100839; SoundXchange Model A; HQ 955108; EN 85.17; functional unit
1995 NY 814281 - The tariff classification of a recording calculator from China.
1996 HQ 958302 - "Yak Bak" sound recording device; NY 804205 revoked; NY 809199; HQs 087599, 956261; Section XVI, note 1(p); heading 9503; EN 85.20; General EN to chapter 95
1996 HQ 958914 - Mini Compact Disc Stereo Systems; Stereo Integrated Amplifiers/Tuners; Dual Stereo Cassette Decks/Compact Disc Players; Remote Controls; Flat Cables; "Goods Put Up In Sets For Retail Sale"; Composite Goods; GRI 3(b); Explanatory Note 3(b)(X); Incomplete or Unfinished Functional Units; Legal Note 4 to Section XVI; Headings 8520, 8527; HQs 957150, 950882, 950218, 087077; HQ 956284, revoked
1996 NY A81135 - The tariff classification of merchandise from France.
1996 NY A81347 - The tariff classification of F-9997 message recorder from China
1996 NY A85077 - The tariff classification of Merchandise from Hong Kong.
1997 HQ 955108 - Reconsideration of NY 885954; "SoundXchange"; Modification of HQ 953383; "Audioman"; Explanatory Note 85.17; Section XVI, Note 4; GRI 3(a); 8471.92.10; 8518.50.00; 8520.90.00
1997 HQ 958238 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 3001-95-100365, concerning the tariff classification of the "Magic Message Phone"
1997 HQ 958751 - Revocation of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) 808911, Dated April 25, 1995, Regarding Talkboy F/X Plus Recording Pen
1997 NY 806821 - The tariff classification of a music module from the People's Republic of China.
1997 NY 818620 - The tariff classification of recording picture frame from Taiwan.
1997 NY 855255 - The tariff classification of a talking poster from Japan.
1997 NY B81982 - The tariff classification of Multi track Recorders from Japan.
1997 NY B86077 - The tariff classification of electronic organs and music disk recorders from Japan.
1997 NY B86798 - The tariff classification of CD-Recorder from Singapore.
1997 NY B87921 - The tariff classification of recorders and assemblies from Japan.
1997 NY B88023 - The tariff classification of "IDeclare" Talking Pet Tag from China or Hong Kong.
1998 HQ 961951 - Reconsideration of NY B86798; CD-Recorder (Model CR-622)
1998 NY 855255 - The tariff classification of a talking poster from Japan.
1998 NY B84375 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of digital playback unit from Canada; Article 509
1998 NY C82284 - The tariff classification of the Sonifex Telephone Hybrid, the Sonifex Portable Hard Disk Audio Recorder, the CEDAR Audio Restoration System, and the Mutronics Mutator from the United Kingdom
1998 NY C84261 - The tariff classification of a key ring with a recorder from China.
1998 NY D83849 - The tariff classification of a digital sequencer recorder from Japan.
1998 NY D84617 - The Tariff classification of a digital multitrack recorder, a remote controller, and recorded and unrecorded magneto optical disks from Japan.
1999 NY D85542 - The tariff classification of a Disk Orchestra Unit from Japan.
1999 NY D86014 - The tariff classification of sound reproducing and sound recording apparatus from Japan.
1999 NY D89163 - The tariff classification of a plastic trophy base with an incorporated recording/playback device from Hong Kong.
1999 NY D89215 - The tariff classification of a Mouse pad with Memory from Hong Kong.
2000 NY D85542 - The tariff classification of a Disk Orchestra Unit from Japan.
2000 NY D86014 - The tariff classification of sound reproducing and sound recording apparatus from Japan.
2000 NY F82017 - Tariff classification of CD recorders from Japan or Malaysia.
2002 HQ 963170 - MP3 Music Recorder/Player Set; Internal flash memory
2002 HQ 964372 - MP3 Music Recorder/Player Wristwatch and Set; Internal flash memory
2002 HQ 964936 - MP3 Music Recorder/Player Set; Internal flash memory
2002 HQ 965529 - MP3 Music Recorder/Player Set; Internal flash memory
2002 HQ 965587 - MP3 Music Recorder/Player Set; Internal flash memory
2002 HQ 965732 - “Talking photo album”
2002 NY H87570 - The tariff classification of an Audio CD Player/Recorder from Japan and Malaysia.
2002 NY H89457 - The tariff classification of MP3 CD Recorder from Singapore
2002 NY I81018 - The tariff classification of a recording device from China.
2002 NY I82531 - The tariff classification of combination flashlight/mini tool set device/key ring, a voice recorder and a sports timer from China.
2002 NY I86283 - The tariff classification of a voice recording photo album from China.
2002 NY I87201 - The tariff classification of a CD Recorder.
2003 HQ 963997 - Protest 2704-99-102674; Automatic Mastering System
2003 NY I89290 - The tariff classification of an audiolumifier.
2003 NY J80319 - The tariff classification of a floppy disk drive subassembly from Japan.
2003 NY J82839 - The classification of a digital tune audio player from the United Kingdom.
2003 NY J85398 - The tariff classification of the MusicCast System from Japan.
2003 NY J87474 - The tariff classification of a voice recorder and media reader from Taiwan.
2003 NY J88092 - The tariff classification of a travel memo recording device from China.
2003 NY J89454 - The tariff classification of a combination voice recorder and booklight from China.
2004 NY K82003 - The tariff classification of “Talking Pictures” from China.
2004 NY K84918 - The tariff classification and marking of an audio recording device from China.
2004 NY K85440 - The tariff classification of a talking book from China.
2004 NY K85676 - The tariff classification of a voice messaging system from Hong Kong
2004 NY K86228 - The tariff classification of a recording device with photo frame from China.
2004 NY K87892 - The tariff classification of a network music player from Taiwan.
2004 NY K88680 - The tariff classification of digital music recorder from China.
2004 NY K88728 - The tariff classification of a voice recorder from Taiwan.
2004 NY K89083 - The tariff classification of MP3 player/sunglasses from an unspecified country of origin.
2004 NY K89463 - The tariff classification of a MP3 player/wristwatch from China.
2004 NY L80620 - The tariff classification of a music recorder/player and a music recorder/player combined with a digital camera from Japan.
2005 HQ 967866 - FLYTM Pentop Computer
2005 NY L82522 - The tariff classification of a keepsake storage box accompanied by other items, from China.
2005 NY L82523 - The tariff classification of a keepsake storage box accompanied by other items, from China.
2005 NY L82525 - The tariff classification of a keepsake storage box accompanied by other items, from China.
2005 NY L88144 - The tariff classification of a voice recorder from China.
2005 NY L88321 - The tariff classification of a voice recorder from Taiwan.
2005 NY R01223 - The tariff classification of Yamaha Disklavier Piano components from Japan.
2005 NY R01552 - The tariff classification of various disk drive assemblies.
2006 HQ 967965 - Automatic Mastering System; HQ 963997 Revoked
2006 NY L89273 - The tariff classification of an MP3 player/sunglasses from China.
2006 NY M83579 - The tariff classification of an MP3 player from Taiwan.
2006 NY M84580 - The tariff classification of a talking book from China.
2006 NY R03986 - The tariff classification of a talking picture frame from China.
2006 NY R04250 - The tariff classification of a recording device with card holder/photo frame from China.
2008 NY N021788 - The tariff classification of MP3 players with accessories from China.