United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8515.80.00 - 8519.31.00
> 8518.40.20
Previous Tariff (8518.40.10 - Audio-frequency electric amplifiers for use as repeaters in line telephony)
Next Tariff (8518.50.00 - Electric sound amplifier sets)
HTS Number:
Audio-frequency electric amplifiers, other than for use as repeaters in line telephony
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8518.40.10 - Audio-frequency electric amplifiers for use as repeaters in line telephony)
Next Tariff (8518.50.00 - Electric sound amplifier sets)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0083967 - Digital to analog converter
1990 HQ 0084002 - Audio-frequency electric amplifiers; guitar amplifier; container/case of textile material
1990 HQ 0085577 - Amplifier, tuner, and cassette deck imported together for audio rack system
1990 HQ 0085891 - Reconsideration of Ruling Letter HQ 084002, dated July 14, 1989, regarding the PD 3000 guitar special effects device and a case designed to hold similar rack and panel electronic musical special effects or amplification devices
1991 NY 0835089 - The tariff classification of amplifiers and earphones from Canada
1991 NY 0838220 - The tariff classification of printed circuit board from Canada
1991 NY 0838623 - The tariff classification of a control board, AF board, and terminal box board from Mexico
1991 NY 0841013 - The tariff classification of a pre-amp/mixer from Japan
1991 NY 0842537 - The tariff classification of car audio displays from Canada
1991 NY 0843588 - The tariff classification of 21022 Sound Wear Expander and Speaker from China.
1991 NY 0854922 - The tariff classification of R.A.L.E packages from Canada.
1991 NY 0863517 - The tariff classification of three ZEB ground detectors from Germany.
1992 NY 0866039 - The tariff classification of battery, auxiliary amplifier, adapter, microcassette head cleaner, and endless loop message tape from Japan and Taiwan.
1994 NY 888785 - The tariff classification of a sound exciter from Japan
1997 HQ 087507 - Protest No. 2704-89-003106; Audio Stereo System; Radiobroadcast Receiver; Amplifier; Turntable; Dual Cassette Deck; Double; Combined In Same Housing; GRI 3 Set
1997 NY 888785 - The tariff classification of a sound exciter from Japan
1997 NY A88950 - The tariff classification of the 25 watt Integrated Bay Amplifier from Japan
1997 NY B86078 - The tariff classification of an electric guitar kit from Taiwan.
1998 NY 888785 - The tariff classification of a sound exciter from Japan
1998 NY NY422 - The tariff classification of the 25 watt Integrated Bay Amplifier from Japan
1999 NY D87550 - The tariff classification of electronic connection equipment from England
2000 HQ 962370 - I/A 29/98; Plantronics Universal Modular Adapter, Model M10; Plug Prong Adapter, Model P10; Vista Universal Amplifier M12; Audio-Frequency Electric Amplifiers.
2000 HQ 962909 - Booster kits; Amplifiers for cellular telephone; NY A86847; NY D84061; HQ 954698
2000 NY F89736 - The tariff classification of Soundman OKM I Binaural Mic Head-Set, Soundman OKM II K Binaural Mic Head-Set and Soundman OKM II R Binaural Mic Head-Set from Germany and the DACS Two Channel Ultra Low Noise Microphone Amplifier and DACS Four Channel Phone Amplifier High Power/Low Noise from the United Kingdom
2000 NY F89737 - The tariff classification of a Headphone Distribution Amplifier, a Digital Distribution Amplifier, a Rate Converter, and an Automatic MIX Minus Generator from the United Kingdom
2001 NY G84922 - The tariff classification of an Audio System Kit from Germany
2001 NY G86939 - The tariff classification of Yamaha VS-10 CinemaStation Home Theater System from Malaysia
2003 HQ 964940 - Reconsideration of NY G85405; Home Theater Sound System
2003 HQ 965762 - Reconsideration of PD C87740; Home Theater Sound System
2003 HQ 965763 - Reconsideration of NY G88344; Home Theater Sound System
2003 NY R00031 - The tariff classification of a Guitar Sensor Pickup System 54, Pre-Amp Assembly, and Pickup Assembly from Japan
2004 NY K88010 - The tariff classification of a Headset, Amplifer, and Power Supply from Korea
2004 NY R00031 - The tariff classification of a Guitar Sensor Pickup System 54, Pre-Amp Assembly, and Pickup Assembly from Japan
2005 NY R01545 - The tariff classification of a home theater system, as well as its separately imported components from Mexico and Taiwan.
2005 NY R01884 - The tariff classification of an iFi Multimedia System from an unspecified country
2005 NY R01898 - The tariff classification of a bass amplifier, bass guitar amplifiers with built in speakers, and speakers from China
2006 NY M84041 - The tariff classification of stereo power amplifiers from China
2006 NY R04951 - The tariff classification of a mosquito ultrasonic teenage-crowd dispersal system from the United Kingdom
2007 NY N010586 - The tariff classification of an Oye Power Tour Amp (Item #77386) from China
2008 NY N026499 - The tariff classification of motor vehicle audio amplifiers from Mexico