United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8506.30.50 - 8515.39.00
> 8514.10.00
Previous Tariff (8513.90.40 - Parts of portable electric lamps designed to function by their own source of energy, other than flashlights)
Next Tariff (8514.10.40 - Resistance heated industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)
HTS Number:
Resistance heated industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8513.90.40 - Parts of portable electric lamps designed to function by their own source of energy, other than flashlights)
Next Tariff (8514.10.40 - Resistance heated industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens for the manufacture of semiconductor devices on semiconductor wafers)
Related Rulings:
1991 HQ 0089800 - Moisture Analyzer; Reconsideration of NYR 860128; GRI 1; Pharmacia Fine Chemicals; instruments for physical and chemical analysis; use provision; EN 90.16; EN 85.14; Note 1(m), Section XVI
1991 NY 0859752 - The tariff classification of armature and stator manufacturing machines from Italy
1992 NY 0867500 - The tariff classification of a glass crucible manufacturing system from Japan.
1993 HQ 0952439 - Hot Isostatic Press; Revocation of NY 852182; Explanatory Note 84.19; Explanatory Note 85.14(I)(A); Section XVI, Note 4; Heading 8419
1993 HQ 0953332 - Revocation of NY 852182; Pressure Vessel Assembly; HQ 952439; 8419.89.50
1993 NY 883163 - The tariff classification of tape casting machines and furnaces and ovens from Canada
1995 NY 806901 - The tariff classification of saw press assembly, hydrobend press, hydroform press, and annealing furnace from Germany
1996 HQ 959379 - Belt Grill; Continuous Contact Roasting Plant; Electric or Oil Heated Cooking Machine Utilizing Upper and Lower Mesh Belts; Industrial Oven, Heading 8417; Machinery for Treatment of Materials by a Change in Temperature Such as Heating, Cooking, Roasting, Heading 8419; HQ 959217
1996 NY A83101 - The tariff classification of resistance heated vacuum furnaces from Italy.
1996 NY A85940 - The tariff classification of roller hearth kilns from Japan.
1997 HQ 959709 - PRD 1101-95-100725; Degassing Box; Industrial Electric Furnace, Refining Furnace, Heading 8514; Electric Resistance Miniheater, Refractory-Lined Vessel with Lid for Removing Hydrogen Molecules from Molten Aluminum; Filtering or Purifying Machinery and Apparatus
1997 HQ 959754 - HQ 959379 Affirmed; Belt Grill; Continuous Contact Roasting Plant; Industrial Oven, Heading 8417; Machinery for Treatment of Materials by a Change in Temperature Such as Heating, Cooking, Roasting, Heading 8419; Oven, Common Meaning, F.L. Smidth & Company v. United States, C.D. 3141
1999 NY D87064 - The tariff classification of alloy steel wire from Germany.
2000 NY F89941 - The tariff classification of Hot Isostatic Presses (HIP) and separately imported components from Sweden.
2002 NY I81162 - The tariff classification of wire manufacturing machines from Germany
2003 NY J84378 - The tariff classification of a resistance furnace from England
2004 HQ 966941 - HQ 089800 and NY 860128 revoked; Moisture Analyzer
2004 NY K82442 - The tariff classification of furnaces and other equipment from Canada
2004 NY K82793 - The tariff classification of tape casting machines and furnaces and ovens from Canada.
2004 NY K86503 - The tariff classification of semiconductor manufacturing equipment from Japan