United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8506.30.50 - 8515.39.00
> 8512.90.60
Previous Tariff (8512.90.40 - Parts of electrical lighting equipment of a kind used on bicycles)
Next Tariff (8512.90.70 - Parts of defrosters and demisters of a kind used for cycles or motor vehicles)
HTS Number:
Parts of electrical lighting equipment of a kind used for motor vehicles or cycles other than bicycles
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8512.90.40 - Parts of electrical lighting equipment of a kind used on bicycles)
Next Tariff (8512.90.70 - Parts of defrosters and demisters of a kind used for cycles or motor vehicles)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0082793 - Wiring harnesses used in motor vehicle lighting equipment
1990 HQ 0083290 - Wire harnesses
1990 HQ 0085774 - Lighting equipment for motor vehicles
1990 HQ 0086940 - Reconsideration of HQ Ruling 083290 (November 8, 1989); Automobile Wiring Harnesses Consisting Of Insulated Wires And Lamp Sockets, Entered With And Without Lamps; Light Bulbs; Electric Conductors; Electric Connectors; Motor Vehicle Lighting Equipment
1991 HQ 0085698 - Internal Advice 42-89; wiring harness for electric range; insulated electrical conductors fitted with connectors, relays, indicator lamps, thermostats, or dampeners
1991 HQ 0087078 - Automobile Wiring Harnesses Consisting Of Insulated Wires, Lamp Sockets, Lamps And Electrical Connectors; Light Bulbs; Electric Conductors; Electric Connectors; Parts Of Motor Vehicle Lighting Or Signalling Equipment
1994 HQ 0954945 - Combination Lamp Assemblies for Motor Vehicles; Finished and Unfinished; Visual Signaling Equipment; Other Lighting Equipment; Essential Character; EN 85.12; GRIs 2(a) and 3(b); HQ 951511, modified; HQs 087078 and 086940, revoked
1994 HQ 0955378 - Revocation of HQ 086940; Automobile Wiring Harnesses; Parts of Motor Vehicle Lighting or Signaling Equipment; HQ 954945
1994 NY 893472 - The tariff classification of a headlamp subassembly from Germany
1995 HQ 955379 - Revocation of HQ 087078; Automobile Wiring Harnesses; Parts of Motor Vehicle Lighting or Signaling Equipment; HQ 954945
1996 HQ 959139 - NY 8187 86 affirmed; plastic lenses for automobile lamps, mounted and unmounted; front parking lamp lenses, side marker lamp lenses, tail light lenses; lenses with molded patterns to direct light from the bulb; optical elements; parts of lighting equipment, subheading 8512.90; Section XVI, Note 1(m); NY 816227, NY 818099
1996 NY 816227 - The tariff classification of automotive lights, signaling equipment and their parts and accessories from Italy
1997 NY 893472 - The tariff classification of a headlamp subassembly from Germany
1997 NY A89980 - The tariff classification of an automotive headlight bulb shield from Taiwan
1999 NY D89942 - The tariff classification of a motor vehicle Headlight Swivel Frame, Drive Arm and Housing from Germany
2000 NY F86105 - The tariff classification of aftermarket motorcycle parts: Passing Lamp Trim Ring, Decorative Covers, and License Plate Bracket from Taiwan
2004 NY R00488 - The tariff classification of Headlamp Bezels used on semi-trucks from the United States