United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8484.90.00 - 8506.30.10
> 8504.31.40
Previous Tariff (8504.31.20 - Unrated electrical transformers other than liquid dielectric, having a power handling capacity not exceeding 1 kVA)
Next Tariff (8504.31.60 - Electrical transformers other than liquid dielectric, having a power handling capacity of l kVA)
HTS Number:
Electrical transformers other than liquid dielectric, having a power handling capacity less than 1 kVA
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8504.31.20 - Unrated electrical transformers other than liquid dielectric, having a power handling capacity not exceeding 1 kVA)
Next Tariff (8504.31.60 - Electrical transformers other than liquid dielectric, having a power handling capacity of l kVA)
Related Rulings:
1991 NY 0840966 - The tariff classification of Battery Chargers from Malaysia.
1991 NY 0845853 - The tariff classification of a power transformer from Taiwan.
1991 NY 0854957 - The tariff classification of transformers from Taiwan.
1992 NY 0867882 - The tariff classification of an EPLab System from Canada
1992 NY 0869834 - The tariff classification of power supplies from China.
1992 NY 0875609 - The tariff classification of transformers from Costa Rica.
1993 HQ 0951711 - IA 69/91; Transformers; Rated vs. Unrated; HQ 081407; 8504.31.20
1993 HQ 0952991 - Modification of DD 873614; Transformer; Power Supply; Alternating Current Converter; Static Converter
1993 HQ 0954652 - Modification of PC 848447; Flyback Transformers
1994 HQ 0557640 - Eligibility of components for duty-free treatment under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP); imported directly; Singapore; 19 CFR 10.175(e)
1994 HQ 0953331 - Protest No. 2704-92-100453; Flyback Transformers; PC 848447; parts of television apparatus; Section XVI, note 2,3
1994 HQ 0956000 - Protest 3501-93-100218; Power Supply; Rated Transformer; 8504.32.00
1994 NY 800562 - The tariff classification of an AC adapter from China and Hong Kong
1994 NY 803176 - The tariff classification of power transformers from Peoples Republic of China
1994 NY 898522 - The tariff classification of transformers from Great Britain`
1995 HQ 557582 - Request for Internal Advice 50/93 concerning the eligibility of high frequency transformers for duty-free treatment under the GSP; double substantial transformation;
1995 HQ 559027 - Carbon Monoxide Alarm Units; Transformers; Functional Unit; GRI 1; Country of origin marking; NAFTA; Article 509; General Note 12(b)(i) and (ii)(A), and
1995 HQ 956970 - Cable-television signal-converter; remote-control device; HRL 952293; HRL 952302; HRL 952441; set; GRI 3(b); essential character; EN Rule 3(b); NAFTA; Article 509; originating good; General Note 12(b)(ii(A); change in tariff classification; non-originating materials; General Note 12(t)/85.77
1997 HQ 953331 - Protest No. 2704-92-100453; Flyback Transformers; PC 848447; parts of television apparatus; Section XVI, note 2,3
1997 NY 800562 - The tariff classification of an AC adapter from China and Hong Kong
1997 NY 803176 - The tariff classification of power transformers from Peoples Republic of China
1997 NY 807970 - The tariff classification of a flyback transformer from Korea
1997 NY 814742 - The tariff classification of power transformers from China
1997 NY B84977 - The tariff classification of five kits from Mexico
1998 NY NY1552 - The tariff classification of telephone parts from Taiwan, China and Thailand
1999 NY D87912 - The tariff classification of photocell power pack transformer timers from China
2000 NY F81283 - The tariff classification of an electrical transformer from China
2000 NY F89209 - The tariff classification of transformers from Mexico
2000 NY F89303 - The tariff classification of transformers from Mexico
2000 NY F89304 - The tariff classification of transformers from Mexico
2002 NY I83047 - The tariff classification of an R-Core Transformer from China
2002 NY I87330 - The tariff classification of electrical devices from China
2003 HQ 562533 - Protest 2608-97-100006; verification of Certificate of Origin; negative determination; denial of claim for NAFTA preference; 19 C.F.R. 181.74(c)
2003 NY J86155 - The tariff classification of transformers from China, Norway and the United Kingdom
2004 HQ 966872 - Power Transformers
2004 NY K87746 - The tariff classification of a security camera kit from China.
2005 NY L83796 - The tariff classification of rectifying power supplies from China