United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8484.90.00 - 8506.30.10
> 8501.10.40
Previous Tariff (8501.10.20 - Electric motors of an output of under 18.65 W, synchronous, valued not over $4 each)
Next Tariff (8501.10.60 - Electric motors of an output of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W)
HTS Number:
Electric motors of an output of under 18.65 W, other than synchronous valued not over $4 each
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8501.10.20 - Electric motors of an output of under 18.65 W, synchronous, valued not over $4 each)
Next Tariff (8501.10.60 - Electric motors of an output of 18.65 W or more but not exceeding 37.5 W)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0086832 - Spindle motors
1991 HQ 0087909 - Application For Further Review Of Protest No. 2704-89-001579; DC Motor Gear Box Assembly; Parts Of Automatic Data Processing Machines And Units Thereof; Thermal Transfer Printers; Gear Head; Gear Box; Shaft; Insulated Electrical Conductors
1991 NY 0845737 - The tariff classification of stepping motors from Japan.
1991 NY 0845738 - The tariff classification of stepping motors from Japan.
1991 NY 0845739 - The tariff classification of stepping motors from Japan.
1991 NY 0857192 - The tariff classification of a voice coil motor and coil from Mexico
1991 NY 0861970 - The tariff classification of a motor assembly from Japan
1991 NY 0865355 - The tariff classification of electrical motors for automobile mirrors from Australia
1992 HQ 0950557 - Windshield Wiper Motors
1992 NY 0871424 - The tariff classification of motors from Taiwan and Japan
1993 HQ 0089595 - Internal Advice 30/91; Reconsideration of NY 857192; Systems Magnetic Company, Inc.; Voice Coil Motors; Parts Of Automatic Data Processing Machine Disk Drives; ADP;
1993 HQ 0950870 - Windshield Wiper Motors; Chapter 85, Note 2; Section XVI, Note 2(a); Section XVII, Note 2(f); 8512.40.40; 8512.90.90; 8708.99.50; HQ 950557; HQ 088650
1993 HQ 0951230 - Protest No. 3195-91-100144; Solenoid; Electromagnet
1993 HQ 0952348 - Engine Starter; Starter Motor for Model Airplane; Hand- Held Device for Starting Model Airplane Motor; Heading 8511; Electric Motor; Heading 8501; I.A. 48/92
1993 HQ 0952500 - DC Motor, Gearbox, and Encoder Assembly; Explanatory Note 85.01(I)(A); HQ 950834; 8543.80.90
1993 HQ 0953365 - Protest No. 2704-93-100147; Gear Motor; Explanatory Note 85.01(1)(A); HQ 952500; 8432.80.00
1993 NY 865355 - The tariff classification of electrical motors for automobile mirrors from Australia
1993 NY 888779 - The tariff classification of "Motion Madness" from China
1994 HQ 0088726 - Protest and Request for Further Review ("PFR") 3307-90- 100054, dated September 28, 1990; PFR 3307-90-100055, dated October 15, 1990; PFR 3307-90-100056, dated October 15, 1990; PFR 3307-90-100057, dated October 15, 1990; servos used in remote control airplanes; electric motors; remote control apparatus; Section XVI, Note 2; Section XVI, Note 5; Chapter 95, Note l(m); Headquarters Ruling 086832, dated May 21, 1990; condition at time of entry
1994 HQ 0088743 - Internal Advice 11/91; chart drives; electric motors; gear motors; Section XVI, Note 2; Chapter 90, Note 2; parts which are goods included in any of the headings; measurement recording instruments
1994 HQ 0954911 - Gate Operating Devices; Power Arm Swing Gate Opener; Power Slide 500; Power Post Swing Gate Opener; Barrier Arm; EN 85.01; HQ 952500; HQ 083955; HQ 087909; HQ 950557; HQ 950834; EN 86.08
1994 HQ 0954942 - Revocation of NY 863121; Automatic Data Processing Disk Drive Motor Spindles; Parts of Motors; HQ 086832
1994 HQ 0955233 - Spin Pop; electric motor; gearing; shaft; HRL's 952500, 083955, 087909, 950557, 950834, 087396; 8479.89.90; ENs 85.01, 84.76, 85.08 and 85.09; 8508.80.00; 8508.90.00
1994 NY 882294 - The tariff classification of automatic aerosol dispensers from Taiwan
1994 NY 890161 - The tariff classification of a cathode-ray tube, video control circuitry, camcorder viewfinder assembly and motor used to assemble the Eyegen3 from Japan
1994 NY 895123 - The tariff classification of screw jack linear actuators from Taiwan
1995 HQ 953198 - Protest No. 2704-92-100779; servos for model airplanes; electric motors; heading 8529; parts; Section XVI, Note 2(a); EN 85.01; HQs 088726, 952500, 950834
1995 HQ 957555 - Revocation of NY 804604; Aerosol Dispenser; Explanatory Note 85.01(I)(A); Electric Motors; HQs 950834 and 952500; NY 882294; 8479.89.65
1995 NY 805826 - The tariff classification of a color upgrade kit from Japan
1996 HQ 956900 - Protest 4115-94-100005; Automotive Components; Explanatory Notes 48.23, 84.21, 85.01, and 85.12; Chapter 39, Note 2(p); Chapter 90, Note 6; Section XVI, Notes 1(a) and 2; Section XVII, Notes 2(a) and (f); HQs 951279, 951976, and 954581; Intercargo Insurance Co., f/k/a International Cargo & Surety Co. (Surety for M. Genauer) v. U.S.; 3923.90.00;
1996 HQ 957575 - Electric Window Regulators; HQs 083955, 086832, 087909, 950557, 950834; NY 859234 modified; section XVI, note 1(l); section XVII, note 2(f); heading 8501; EN 85.01
1996 HQ 958449 - Color Upgrade Kit for computer printer; HQs 950925, 952154, 952775, 955882; NY 805826 modified; heading 9612; GRI 3 (sets); EN to GRI 3(b); Chapter 85, Note 6
1996 NY 813550 - The tariff classification of the "Squeeze Breeze" combination spray mister and fan, and parts thereof, from unspecified countries.
1996 NY A82245 - The tariff classification of Spin Top Toys from China
1996 NY A83602 - The tariff classification of a headlamp leveling actuator from Switzerland
1996 NY A83677 - The tariff classification of stepper motors from Germany
1996 NY A84699 - The tariff classification of actuators from Germany
1996 NY A85984 - The tariff classification of electric power parking mechanisms from Australia
1997 HQ 224447 - Protest No. 2501-93-100001; 9801.00.10, HTSUS; American Goods Returned; Documentary Requirements; 19 U.S.C. 1514
1997 HQ 952348 - Engine Starter; Starter Motor for Model Airplane; Hand- Held Device for Starting Model Airplane Motor; Heading 8511; Electric Motor; Heading 8501; I.A. 48/92
1997 HQ 959601 - Request for Reconsideration New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) A82245; "Spin Pops"
1997 HQ 959783 - Protest No.4101-96-100288; Tasmanian Devil Spin Pop; HRLs 955233, 952500 and 950843; NYRL A82245
1997 HQ 959784 - Protest No.4101-96-100250; White Ranger Spin Pop; HRLs 955233, 952500; NYRL A82245
1997 HQ 959785 - Protest No.4101-96-100285; Dolly Lolly Spin Pop; HRLs 955233, 952500 and 950843
1997 NY 800909 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of actuators from Mexico
1997 NY 859234 - The tariff classification of electric window regulators for automobiles, manual window regulators for automobiles, window glass channels, insulation material, and sound deadener material from Canada
1997 NY 865355 - The tariff classification of electrical motors for automobile mirrors from Australia
1997 NY 871424 - The tariff classification of motors from Taiwan and Japan
1997 NY 882294 - The tariff classification of automatic aerosol dispensers from Taiwan
1997 NY 888779 - The tariff classification of "Motion Madness" from China
1997 NY 890161 - The tariff classification of a cathode-ray tube, video control circuitry, camcorder viewfinder assembly and motor used to assemble the Eyegen3 from Japan
1997 NY 895123 - The tariff classification of screw jack linear actuators from Taiwan
1997 NY A89606 - The tariff classification of DC brushless motors from Mexico
1998 NY 859234 - The tariff classification of electric window regulators for automobiles, manual window regulators for automobiles, window glass channels, insulation material, and sound deadener material from Canada
1998 NY 865355 - The tariff classification of electrical motors for automobile mirrors from Australia
1998 NY 871424 - The tariff classification of motors from Taiwan and Japan
1998 NY 882294 - The tariff classification of automatic aerosol dispensers from Taiwan
1998 NY 888779 - The tariff classification of "Motion Madness" from China
1998 NY 890161 - The tariff classification of a cathode-ray tube, video control circuitry, camcorder viewfinder assembly and motor used to assemble the Eyegen3 from Japan
1998 NY A84699 - The tariff classification of actuators from Germany
1998 NY C80277 - The tariff classification of motors from China
1998 NY C80869 - AC, Single Phase, Non-synchronous, Non-universal Electric Motors
1998 NY C81899 - The tariff classification of electric motors from Japan
1998 NY C82439 - The tariff classification of a boat windshield wiper mechanism from Taiwan
1998 NY C83937 - The tariff classification of electric motors from Austria
1998 NY NY501 - The tariff classification of DC brushless motors from Mexico
1999 NY D87277 - The tariff classification of a motor/baseplate assembly from the Philippines
1999 NY E84813 - The tariff classification of bassinet motors from China
2000 NY F82313 - The tariff classification of actuators from Mexico
2000 NY F82314 - The tariff classification of actuators from Mexico
2000 NY F82338 - The tariff classification of actuators from Mexico
2000 NY F82339 - The tariff classification of actuators from Mexico
2000 NY F82340 - The tariff classification of actuators from Mexico
2000 NY F82341 - The tariff classification of actuators from Mexico
2000 NY F82342 - The tariff classification of actuators from Mexico
2000 NY F82343 - The tariff classification of actuators from Mexico
2000 NY F84702 - The tariff classification of a motor and parts from Germany
2000 NY F85793 - The tariff classification of car glass actuators - adjustment drives for side mirrors from Germany
2000 NY F86645 - The tariff classification of electric motors
2001 NY G86746 - The tariff classification of electromagnetic control device from France.
2001 NY H85033 - The tariff classification of the Euro Stacker subassembly from China.
2002 HQ 562196 - Internal Advice; NAFTA; regional value content; NAFTA Rules of Origin Regulations; GN 12(t); 19 CFR part 181 Appendix; power pack assemblies; EDS Manufacturing.
2002 HQ 964843 - Windshield Wiper Assembly
2002 HQ 965124 - Protest 2704-01-100150; Electric Rotisserie Sets
2002 HQ 965523 - Protest 3001-02-100019; Fuel Movements; Temperature Movements
2002 NY H87929 - The tariff classification of a DC motor from Taiwan.
2002 NY I82234 - The tariff classification of automobile Motor Mechanism and Manual Mechanism from Australia
2002 NY I84099 - The tariff classification of an electrical actuator from Taiwan.
2003 HQ 561791 - Internal Advice; NAFTA; HTUSU General Note 12
2003 NY J87893 - The tariff classification of a damper actuator component from Indonesia.
2003 NY J89906 - The tariff classification of an air freshener dispenser from Taiwan
2003 NY K80011 - The tariff classification of an HVAC actuator from China.
2004 HQ 967236 - Power Fold; automotive side view mirror positioning device; NY K81259 clarified
2004 NY K81259 - The tariff classification of an automobile mirror actuator from an undetermined country of origin.
2004 NY K83177 - The tariff classification of car parts from Mexico.
2004 NY K87773 - The tariff classification of a DC brushless fan motor from China.
2004 NY K88134 - The tariff classification of the Hobbico Flight Pack from Taiwan.
2004 NY K89178 - The tariff classification of a solenoid actuator from Germany.
2004 NY L80743 - The tariff classification of an aerosol air freshener dispenser and aerosol air freshener from China, Korea or Mexico
2004 NY R00162 - The tariff classification of a gear motor from Canada.
2005 NY K86462 - The tariff classification of a door lock actuator from Canada.
2005 NY L84672 - The tariff classification of spinning motors from China
2005 NY L86494 - The tariff classification of an actuator from Mexico
2005 NY R01598 - The tariff classification of servomotors from China
2005 NY R02284 - The tariff classification of an actuator, power drive unit and locking unit from the United Kingdom or France
2006 NY M80392 - The tariff classification of a motor/clutch assembly from Canada
2006 NY R03425 - The tariff classification of an electric video camera platform from the United Kingdom
2006 NY R04518 - The tariff classification and NAFTA applicability of a motorized clutch assembly from the United States and Canada
2007 HQ W968210 - Aerosol Dispenser; HQ 957555 Revoked
2007 HQ W968211 - Automatic Aerosol Dispenser; NY 882294 Revoked
2007 NY N013597 - The tariff classification of an unassembled electric video camera platform from the United Kingdom.
2007 NY N020601 - The tariff classification of a blower from France
2008 NY N024420 - The tariff classification of electric chart drives from Switzerland