United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
8484.90.00 - 8506.30.10
> 8487.90.00
Previous Tariff (8487.10.00 - Ships' or boats propellers and blades therefor)
Next Tariff (8501.10.20 - Electric motors of an output of under 18.65 W, synchronous, valued not over $4 each)
HTS Number:
Machinery parts, not containing electrical connectors, insulators, coils, contacts or other electrical features and other parts nesi
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8487.10.00 - Ships' or boats propellers and blades therefor)
Next Tariff (8501.10.20 - Electric motors of an output of under 18.65 W, synchronous, valued not over $4 each)
Related Rulings:
2007 NY N012587 - The tariff classification of carbon graphite bushing from China.
2007 NY N015992 - The tariff classification of parts of all terrain vehicles (ATV’s) from China
2007 NY N016351 - The tariff classification of muffler parts from Japan
2008 NY N022819 - The tariff classification of exhaust silencers of unspecified origin