United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8471.60.70 - 8478.90.00
> 8473.30.30
Previous Tariff (8473.30.20 - Parts and accessories of the ADP machines of heading 8471, not incorporating a CRT, parts and accessories of printed circuit assemblies)
Next Tariff (8473.30.50 - Parts and accessories of the ADP machines of heading 8471, not incorporating a CRT, nesi)
HTS Number:
Parts and accessories of the ADP machines of heading 8471, not incorporating a CRT, other parts for printers specified in addl. U.S. note 2
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8473.30.20 - Parts and accessories of the ADP machines of heading 8471, not incorporating a CRT, parts and accessories of printed circuit assemblies)
Next Tariff (8473.30.50 - Parts and accessories of the ADP machines of heading 8471, not incorporating a CRT, nesi)
Related Rulings:
1994 NY 897940 - The tariff classification of magneto optical disks, laser toner cartridges, and ribbons for printers from France, Holland, Canada, or Israel.
1995 NY 805110 - The tariff classification of a Selex SB-70 ink-jet cartridge from Japan.
1995 NY 813632 - The tariff classification of a Color Upgrade kit (model # C832161) for an inkjet printer from Japan.
1996 NY 814420 - The tariff classification of a print cartridge from Singapore
1996 NY A83022 - The tariff classification of a print cartridge from Thailand.
1997 NY B86970 - Classification of BC-02 Bubble Jet Ink Cartridge
1998 HQ 560768 - Country of origin marking for photoreceptor toner cartridges; disassembly; cleaning; reassembly; Canada; NAFTA; Article 509
1998 NY C86279 - The tariff classification of "Smart" Ink Delivery Systems for ADP color printers from either Ireland or Germany.
2000 HQ 561412 - Country of origin marking of refurbished photoreceptor cartridges; reconsideration of HRL 560768; 19 CFR 102.11(d)(3)
2002 HQ 963301 - Protest 0712-99-100120; Hewlett Packard 51649A printer cartridge
2004 HQ 966673 - Internal Advice; spent inkjet and toner printer cartridges
2004 NY K84999 - The tariff classification of ink tanks and trays.
2005 NY L80748 - The tariff classification of a printer ribbon from France.
2005 NY L84050 - The tariff classification and country of origin marking of a printer chassis and shuttle from Singapore.
2006 HQ 966222 - Modification of HQ 963301; Hewlett Packard 51649A printer cartridge
2007 HQ H011665 - Classification of used inkjet cartridges, with flexible circuitry removed or destroyed