United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
8471.60.70 - 8478.90.00
> 8471.80.90
Previous Tariff (8471.80.40 - Unit suitable for physical incorporation into automatic data processing machine or unit thereof,not entered with the rest of a system, nesoi)
Next Tariff (8471.90.00 - Magnetic or optical readers, nesoi; machines for transcribing data on data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, nesoi)
HTS Number:
Other units of automatic data processing machines, not entered with the rest of a system, nesoi
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8471.80.40 - Unit suitable for physical incorporation into automatic data processing machine or unit thereof,not entered with the rest of a system, nesoi)
Next Tariff (8471.90.00 - Magnetic or optical readers, nesoi; machines for transcribing data on data media in coded form and machines for processing such data, nesoi)
Related Rulings:
1996 NY A86897 - The tariff classification of a graphics accelerator, software, and interface cards from Japan.
1997 HQ 960141 - Protest 2809-96-100960; Multi-Bin Mailbox; Unit of an ADP Machine;
1997 NY A89299 - The tariff classification of an external video capture device from Singapore
1997 NY B80852 - The tariff classification of a PayBox device from Canada
1997 NY B82580 - The tariff classification of a reader sorter from Italy.
1998 HQ 961929 - Scancoder; Chapter 84, note 5(B); Explanatory Note 85.17; Section XVI, Note 4;
1998 NY A86897 - The tariff classification of a graphics accelerator, software, and interface cards from Japan.
1998 NY A89299 - The tariff classification of an external video capture device from Singapore
1998 NY C80545 - The tariff classification of a Video Sphinx input/output encoding device from Taiwan.
1998 NY C83022 - The tariff classification of a "Buz" Multimedia Box from either Singapore or Malaysia
1998 NY C86674 - The tariff classification of a Lan Hub, Video Server PC control, and Audio Server PC control from Japan.
1998 NY C86681 - The tariff classification of a Cabin Passenger Management Unit (CPMU) from Japan.
1998 NY D81184 - The tariff classification of a computer adaptor from England.
1998 NY D81614 - The tariff classification of a computer adaptor from England.
1998 NY D82729 - The tariff classification of a GVOX guitar interface device from Taiwan
1999 NY D85652 - The tariff classification of a Printer Port Interface from Great Britain
1999 NY E83898 - The tariff classification of the TAP System (Tachyon Access Point) from Japan and Germany.
2000 HQ 561520 - NAFTA preferential tariff treatment and country of origin marking for a software program; 19 CFR 102.11(a)(3)
2000 NY F84359 - The Tariff Classification of a Yamaha UX256 USB-MIDI Interface from Japan.
2000 NY F84506 - The tariff classification of the Casio PC Unite Wrist watch with infrared adapter and software from Thailand
2000 NY F85693 - The tariff classification of a window based terminal from Taiwan.
2000 NY F86104 - The tariff classification of TView Gold, a video scan converter from Taiwan.
2000 NY F86634 - The tariff classification of the "Thin Client" a window based terminal from Taiwan.
2002 HQ 964813 - LightSpeed QX/i CT System, components and miscellaneous printed circuit assemblies.
2002 HQ 964939 - “Buz” Multimedia System; SCSI Controller Card; NY C83022 Modified.
2002 NY H88533 - The tariff classification of a MIDI I/O Professional from Hong Kong.
2002 NY I82106 - The tariff classification of the GuitarPort from Malaysia
2002 NY I84011 - The tariff classification of a USB-MIDI Interface Converter from Japan.
2003 HQ 965611 - Protest No. 1001-00-101609; digital cinematographic film recording system
2003 NY J88607 - The tariff classification of time and frequency equipment from Germany
2003 NY J89413 - The tariff classification of headset adapter from China.
2004 NY K82013 - The tariff classification of communication converters and network interface card from Canada.
2004 NY K87507 - The tariff classification of time and frequency equipment from Germany.
2004 NY K87902 - The tariff classification of a interface card from Taiwan.
2005 HQ 563259 - Country of origin marking of imported secure proxy appliance; substantial transformation
2005 NY K86442 - The tariff classification of a computer interface from Mexico.
2005 NY L81485 - The tariff classification of an Ethernet-based security system from Malaysia, Singapore and the United States of America.
2005 NY L87276 - The tariff classification of a mobile phone synchronization stand from China.
2005 NY L87277 - The tariff classification of a USB Cable from China.
2005 NY L87508 - The tariff classification of RAID500-RK Array storage subsystem components from Japan
2005 NY R01316 - The tariff classification of ViewSonic WMG80 Wireless Media Gateway and the ViewSonic WMA100 Wireless Media Adapter from Taiwan
2005 NY R01570 - The tariff classification of a music production system from Germany.
2006 NY L89894 - The tariff classification of an InfraStruXure Manager.
2006 NY R01570 - The tariff classification of a music production system from Germany.
2006 NY R03125 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); a vehicle-mount computer from Sweden shipped from Canada; Article 308 and Annex 308.1
2006 NY R03612 - The tariff classification of Yamaha GO46 Mobile Audio Interface Units from Japan
2006 NY R04162 - The tariff classification of sound mixing units from Indonesia
2006 NY R04352 - The tariff classification of Matrix K Podcasting Computer Audio Interface Units and KF400e expansion board from China
2007 NY N005267 - The tariff classification of Hitachi’s RAID600 Array Storage Subsystem components from Japan and hard disk drive canisters from the Philippines
2007 NY N007536 - The tariff classification of “USB Cable” (Item # 774360) and “Ethernet Cable” (Item # 700043) from China.
2007 NY N009841 - The tariff classification of the Bridgemate server set from the Netherlands and the Bridgemate terminal set from the China
2007 NY R01570 - The tariff classification of a music production system from Germany.
2008 HQ W968368 - Digidesign 002 Rack, Mbox, Mbox2; Internal Advice
2008 NY N025511 - The tariff classification of a financial card encoder from China.