United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8466.93.45 - 8471.60.67
> 8471.50.80
Previous Tariff (8471.50.40 - Digital process unit for ADP machine,unhoused,being a printed circuit w/1/more semiconductor device,n/for machines of 8471.30 or 8471.41)
Next Tariff (8471.60.10 - Combined input/output units for automatic data processing machines not entered with the rest of a system)
HTS Number:
Digital processing units other than those of subheading 8471.30 or 8471.41, nesoi
Previous Tariff (8471.50.40 - Digital process unit for ADP machine,unhoused,being a printed circuit w/1/more semiconductor device,n/for machines of 8471.30 or 8471.41)
Next Tariff (8471.60.10 - Combined input/output units for automatic data processing machines not entered with the rest of a system)
Related Rulings:
1997 NY A88385 - The tariff classification of a desk-top computer and accessories from Canada.
1997 NY A88467 - The tariff classification of a Cabin File Server, an Attendant Workstation, a Wall Mounted Telephone, a Telephone Interface Unit, and an Integrated Telephone Handset from the United Kingdom
1998 NY B85213 - The tariff classification of a multimedia data processing machine shipped with and without a monitor from Taiwan and China.
1998 NY NY377 - The tariff classification of a Cabin File Server, an Attendant Workstation, a Wall Mounted Telephone, a Telephone Interface Unit, and an Integrated Telephone Handset from the United Kingdom
2000 HQ 561409 - Internal Advice Request No. 16/99; country of origin marking of personal computers; outermost container; 19 CFR 102.17; NAFTA; Article 509
2002 HQ 960434 - Protest # 1001-96-104676; Quantel Image Processing Systems; ADP Machines.