United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8436.21.00 - 8446.30.10
> 8442.10.00
Previous Tariff (8441.90.00 - Parts for machinery used in making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines)
Next Tariff (8442.20.00 - Machinery, apparatus and equipment for typesetting or composing by other processes, with or without founding device)
HTS Number:
Phototypesetting and composing machines
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8441.90.00 - Parts for machinery used in making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines)
Next Tariff (8442.20.00 - Machinery, apparatus and equipment for typesetting or composing by other processes, with or without founding device)
Related Rulings:
1991 HQ 0086122 - Typesetting Machinery, Apparatus And Equipment; Graphics And Lettering Composing Systems; Parts; Optical Scanners; Laser Imagesetters
1992 HQ 0088459 - Input Scanner; Laser Imagesetter; 8442.10.00; 9031.40.00; HQ 086122
1992 HQ 0089808 - Purup North America; ImageMaker; Typesetting Machinery, Apparatus And Equipment; Graphics and Lettering Composing System; Laser Imagesetters; Raster Image Processor (RIP); Incomplete; Imported Without Automatic Data Processing Equipment
1992 HQ 0950241 - Color Scanner Systems; Raster Image Process; Analyse Unit; Scanner Data Terminal; Visual Display Unit; High Speed Printer; Floppy Disk Drive Unit; Typesetting Machinery, Apparatus And Equipment; Graphics and Lettering Composing System
1992 NY 0870492 - The tariff classification of a color pagination system from England.
1993 NY 883403 - The tariff classification of the Imagelink from Denmark
1994 HQ 0953047 - Step-and-Repeat Machine; Imposition Plate Making Machine; Computer-Based Graphic Arts Machine, Machine for Composing and Producing Printing Plates; Printing Plate Imaging Machine, Heading 8442; Machine for Producing Images on Light-Sensitive Plates, Photographic Apparatus, Heading 9010; Section XVI, Note 1(m); HQ 088649, HQ 950665, HQ 951228; Internal Advice 75/92
1994 NY 898413 - The tariff classification of the Platesetter from Canada
1995 HQ 952345 - Step-and-Repeat Machine; Machine for Composing and Printing Plates; Printing Plate Imaging Machine, Subheading 8442.10.00; Machine for Producing Images on Light-Sensitive Plates, Photographic Apparatus, Heading 9010; Section XVI, Note 1(m); HQ 953047 (I.A. 75/92), HQ 950665 Reconsidered
1996 HQ 950665 - Step-and-Repeat Machine; Photomechanical Platemaking Machine; Machine for Producing Multiple Images on Printing Plates; I.A. 42/91
1996 NY A84235 - The tariff classification of the Platesetter 5040 and parts thereof from Sweden
1996 NY A84798 - The tariff classification of the Laserstepper and parts thereof from Sweden
2005 NY R01892 - The tariff classification of computer-to-plate systems from Canada and Israel