United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
8419.32.50 - 8425.31.00
> 8419.90.80
Previous Tariff (8419.90.50 - Parts of molten-salt-cooled acrylic acid reactors, nesi; parts of certain medical, surgical or laboratory sterilizers, nesi)
Next Tariff (8419.90.85 - Parts of electromechanical tools for work in the hand, w/self-contained electric motor, for treatment of materials by change in temperature)
HTS Number:
Parts of machinery, plant or laboratory equipment for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature, nesi
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8419.90.50 - Parts of molten-salt-cooled acrylic acid reactors, nesi; parts of certain medical, surgical or laboratory sterilizers, nesi)
Next Tariff (8419.90.85 - Parts of electromechanical tools for work in the hand, w/self-contained electric motor, for treatment of materials by change in temperature)
Related Rulings:
1995 NY 805250 - The tariff classification of ovens and parts from Germany
1998 HQ 960415 - Protest 2809-95-101066; Coolant Distribution and Control Unit; Cooler Header Assembly
1998 NY C82409 - The tariff classification of the Rotoform from Canada.
1998 NY C85736 - The tariff classification of steel plates for a coking drum from Japan.
1999 NY D89997 - The tariff classification of a silicone sponge stopper for an environmental test chamber from Japan.
1999 NY E84371 - The tariff classification of various components of e-beam evaporators from England
2000 HQ 962980 - NY C86245 Revoked; Thermal Energy Storage Nodules
2000 HQ 963309 - NY D88243 Affirmed; Doctor Blade Material in Coils
2003 HQ 965366 - Protest 2809-01-100717; Polymerase Chain Reaction Machine (PCR machine); Thermal cycler; DNA replication; and Heating/cooling apparatus