United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
Rulings By Number
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
8112.30.90 - 8207.70.60
> 8205.10.00
Previous Tariff (8204.20.00 - Socket wrenches, with or without handles, drives and extensions, and base metal parts thereof)
Next Tariff (8205.20.30 - Hammers and sledge hammers, with heads not over 1.5 kg each, and base metal parts thereof)
HTS Number:
Drilling, threading or tapping tools, and base metal parts thereof
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8204.20.00 - Socket wrenches, with or without handles, drives and extensions, and base metal parts thereof)
Next Tariff (8205.20.30 - Hammers and sledge hammers, with heads not over 1.5 kg each, and base metal parts thereof)
Related Rulings:
2000 HQ 962811 - Ice Augers and Blades; NY D85521, revoked.
2000 NY F84519 - The tariff classification of a drill driver set from Taiwan.
2000 NY F89855 - The tariff classification of an 8-piece Specialty Pick & Driver Set from Taiwan.