United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
8112.30.90 - 8207.70.60
> 8203.20.20
Previous Tariff (8203.10.90 - Files, rasps and similar tools, o/17 cm in length)
Next Tariff (8203.20.40 - Slip joint pliers)
HTS Number:
Base metal tweezers
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8203.10.90 - Files, rasps and similar tools, o/17 cm in length)
Next Tariff (8203.20.40 - Slip joint pliers)
Related Rulings:
1993 NY 873837 - The tariff classification of artificial insemination equipment from Germany
1993 NY 886766 - The tariff classification of Bonsai Tools from Japan
1994 HQ 0956402 - Pocket Knife; NAFTA; Article 509; rules of origin; General Note 12(b)(ii); General Note 12(t) 82; change in tariff classification; non-originating material; EN 82.11; 3926.90.25; other articles of plastic
1994 NY 885417 - The tariff classification of a rechargeable coil hair remover and a coil tweezers from Israel.
1997 NY 885417 - The tariff classification of a rechargeable coil hair remover and a coil tweezers from Israel
1997 NY B88362 - The tariff classification of toiletry bag with implements from China.
1998 HQ 960813 - Protest No. 1001-97-103904; Mustache Set; GRI 3; NY 874979, 826210.
1998 HQ 961435 - Men's Grooming Kit; Manicure and Grooming Implements With Nose Hair Remover; Comb, Nail File, Scissors, Tweezers, Clippers, Razor, Cuticle Cutter/Pusher, Tooth Brush, Corkscrew/Bottle Opener/Knife, Zippered Leather Case; Goods Put Up in Sets for Retail Sale, GRI 3(b); HQ 950332
1998 NY 885417 - The tariff classification of a rechargeable coil hair remover and a coil tweezers from Israel
1998 NY C86381 - The tariff classification of a "gift set" from China
1998 NY D81370 - The tariff classification of manicure sets from Korea
1999 NY E83090 - The tariff classification of a toilet set from South Korea.
2004 NY K84494 - The tariff classification of a Men’s 3-pc Travel Kit and Shoe Cleaning Kit from China.
2004 NY K84496 - The tariff classification of a Deluxe Hanging Traveler from China.
2006 NY M83591 - The tariff classification of a tweezer kit consisting of tweezers, a mustache scissor, and a fitted case from Pakistan, and an eyebrow brush from China.