United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
7506.10.30 - 7903.90.30
> 7604.21.00
Previous Tariff (7604.10.50 - Aluminum (o/than alloy), bar and rods, other than with a round cross section)
Next Tariff (7604.29.10 - Aluminum alloy, profiles (o/than hollow profiles))
HTS Number:
Aluminum alloy, hollow profiles
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (7604.10.50 - Aluminum (o/than alloy), bar and rods, other than with a round cross section)
Next Tariff (7604.29.10 - Aluminum alloy, profiles (o/than hollow profiles))
Related Rulings:
1999 NY E89148 - The tariff classification of window shade roller components from the United Kingdom.
2002 NY I84818 - The tariff classification of aluminum extrusions from United Arab Emirates
2003 NY J84931 - The tariff classification of an aluminum profile from Germany.
2004 NY K82010 - The tariff classification of aluminum extrusions from China.
2004 NY K87878 - The tariff classification of aluminum alloy extruded profiles from China.
2005 NY R01214 - The tariff classification of aluminum alloy extruded profiles from China.
2005 NY R01215 - The tariff classification of aluminum alloy extruded profiles from China.
2005 NY R02655 - The tariff classification of aluminum alloy profiles from Italy.
2006 NY M85353 - The tariff classification of extruded aluminum parts from China.
2007 NY N005892 - The tariff classification of aluminum alloy extruded profiles from China.