United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
7318.21.00 - 7407.29.16
> 7318.24.00
Previous Tariff (7318.23.00 - Iron or steel, rivets)
Next Tariff (7318.29.00 - Iron or steel, nonthreaded articles similar to rivets, cotters, cotter pins, washers and spring washers)
HTS Number:
Iron or steel, cotters and cotter pins
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (7318.23.00 - Iron or steel, rivets)
Next Tariff (7318.29.00 - Iron or steel, nonthreaded articles similar to rivets, cotters, cotter pins, washers and spring washers)
Related Rulings:
1997 NY A85614 - The tariff classification of presses, tools and tool parts from England.
1997 NY B87322 - The tariff classification of parts of forklift truck transmissions from Japan.
1998 NY A85614 - The tariff classification of presses, tools and tool parts from England.
1999 NY D87613 - The tariff classification of woodruff keys from Japan.
2000 NY E89997 - The tariff classification of a fixed key from Japan.
2000 NY F88005 - The tariff classification of an Outboard Retainer, a Steel Circlip, a Retaining Ring, a Roller B Forging, a Holder Forging, and a Needle Roller from Japan
2000 NY G82495 - The tariff classification of motor vehicle manual transmission system parts: Hub & Sleeve; Ring, Manual Transmission Synchronizer; Key, Manual Transmission Synchronizer; Spring, Manual Transmission; and Snap Ring from Japan
2001 HQ 963816 - NY D82828, NY 82829 Modified; Fixed Key, Shaft Key for Compressors
2002 NY H88878 - The tariff classification of a motor vehicle Overhead Console Assembly, Band Clip, Cap Wiper Arm, Pin Split, and Pin Snap Fix from Japan
2002 NY I86015 - The tariff classification of parts of trolley assemblies for logging machinery from Canada and South Korea
2003 NY J85077 - The tariff classification of parts for stirred reactors of unspecified origin
2007 NY N020384 - The tariff classification of steel retaining rings from Japan.