United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
7307.11.00 - 7318.19.00
> 7318.12.00
Previous Tariff (7318.11.00 - Iron or steel, coach screws)
Next Tariff (7318.13.00 - Iron or steel, screw hooks and screw rings)
HTS Number:
Iron or steel, wood screws (o/than coach screws)
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (7318.11.00 - Iron or steel, coach screws)
Next Tariff (7318.13.00 - Iron or steel, screw hooks and screw rings)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0082617 - Broom hooks; reconsideration of NYRL 829981
1991 NY 0850729 - The tariff classification of a plastic oscillating sprinkler and a timer installation kit from Taiwan.
1993 HQ 0952943 - Self-Tapping Screw, R2 and R3; 7318.14.10, HTSUS; Wood Screw; Multi-Purpose Screw Used in Metal, Wood, Drywall, Plastics; Heat Treated, Case Hardened Screw; District Ruling 877963 Reconsidered
1995 HQ 955605 - PRD 1101-93-100434; Wood Screws, Woodgrip Screws; Threaded Fasteners Designed for Use in Wood; Metal Tapping Screws, Subheading 7318.14.10; HQ 072945
1998 HQ 960592 - Protest 1803-97-100007; Deep Threaded Steel Screws; Wood Screws; Self-
1998 NY NY1741 - The tariff classification of lag screws from China.
2000 HQ 963662 - Acoustical Eye Lag Screw and Acoustical Toggle Bolt
2001 HQ 964412 - NY 834307 Modified; Steel Eye Lag Screws
2001 HQ 964413 - DD 877436 Revoked; Acoustical Lag Screws
2001 HQ 964414 - NY D80181 Revoked; Lag Screws
2001 NY H81997 - The tariff classification of fasteners from Taiwan and China.
2002 NY I81790 - The tariff classification of hardware kits and a desk supply kit from Taiwan
2003 NY J86057 - The tariff classification of a 111-piece tool kit with a nylon tool case from China.
2003 NY K80017 - The tariff classification of a cabinet screw from Taiwan.
2004 NY K89784 - The tariff classification of cabinet screws from China.
2005 NY L84305 - The tariff classification of hardware from Canada
2005 NY L87008 - The tariff classification of metal screws from Taiwan.
2005 NY L87369 - The tariff classification of a tool kit from China.
2006 HQ 967919 - Protest 2809-05-100439; Coarse Thread Tapping Screws