United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
7117.11.00 - 7210.49.00
> 7210.49.00
Previous Tariff (7210.41.00 - Iron/nonalloy steel, width 600mm+, flat-rolled products, plated or coated with zinc (other than electrolytically), corrugated)
Next Tariff (7210.50.00 - Iron/nonalloy steel, width 600mm+, flat-rolled products, plated or coated with chromium oxides or with chromium and chromium oxides)
HTS Number:
Iron/nonalloy steel, width 600mm+, flat-rolled products, plated or coated with zinc (other than electrolytically), not corrugated
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (7210.41.00 - Iron/nonalloy steel, width 600mm+, flat-rolled products, plated or coated with zinc (other than electrolytically), corrugated)
Next Tariff (7210.50.00 - Iron/nonalloy steel, width 600mm+, flat-rolled products, plated or coated with chromium oxides or with chromium and chromium oxides)
Related Rulings:
1993 HQ 0953079 - Motor vehicle side panel steel blanks; GRI 2(a); unfinished articles; EN to Rule 2(a); blanks; EN 87.08; parts and accessories of motor vehicle bodies; General EN (III) PARTS AND ACCESSORIES; Note 1(k), Chapter 72; CFTA; General Note change in tariff classification
1994 HQ 0088847 - Internal Advice 68/90; galvanized steel sheets; parts of air conditioners; Section XV, Note l(f); Chapter 72, Note l(k); Section XVI, Note 2; GRI 3(a)
1995 NY 806811 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of corrosion- resistant flat-rolled steel from Mexico; Article 509
1996 NY 816112 - The tariff classification of galvanized steel sheet and the applicability of subheading 9802.00.60 to this product.
1997 NY B86913 - The tariff classification of perforated metal sheet and strip from Italy.
2002 NY I82369 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of Steel Blanks for Automotive Components from Canada or Mexico; Article 509
2002 NY I83794 - The tariff classification and country of origin of galvanized steel sheet produced and processed in Venezuela and Mexico.
2002 NY I87307 - The tariff classification of galvanized steel sheet from India.
2002 NY I87350 - The tariff classification and country of origin of galvanized steel sheet processed in Mexico.
2003 HQ 229421 - Protest No. 3901-00-101571; Antidumping Duties; 19 U.S.C. 1514; 19 U.S.C. 1504; 19 U.S.C. 1677(25); 19 U.S.C. 1673e(a)(2); 19 CFR 351.202(b)(5); 19 CFR 351.225(c)(1)(i)
2003 NY I88520 - The tariff classification of steel and aluminum sheet and steel pipes from Korea and China.