United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
7019.59.40 - 7116.20.50
> 7116.20.35
Previous Tariff (7116.20.30 - Semiprecious stones (except rock crystal), graded and strung temporarily for convenience of transport)
Next Tariff (7116.20.40 - Semiprecious stone (except rock crystal) articles (other than jewelry and figurines))
HTS Number:
Semiprecious stone (except rock crystal) figurines
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (7116.20.30 - Semiprecious stones (except rock crystal), graded and strung temporarily for convenience of transport)
Next Tariff (7116.20.40 - Semiprecious stone (except rock crystal) articles (other than jewelry and figurines))
Related Rulings:
1995 NY 811379 - The tariff classification of soapstone articles from India.
1996 HQ 957283 - Protests 5301-94-100459,-100315, -100383, and -100393; Serpentine stone articles; Note 1(d) Chapter 68, Note 1(a) Chapter 71; Gen EN 3 to Section XIV, EN 71.16, EN Annex to Section XIV; HRLs 950057, 955355, 956092.
1998 NY C80436 - The tariff classification of articles of semiprecious stone from Brazil.
2002 NY H88577 - The tariff classification of a Verdite lion carving from Madagascar.