United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
7002.31.00 - 7013.31.20
> 7013.21.30
Previous Tariff (7013.21.20 - Drinking glasses of lead crystal, valued o/$1 but n/over $3 each)
Next Tariff (7013.21.50 - Drinking glasses of lead crystal, valued over $5 each)
HTS Number:
Drinking glasses of lead crystal, valued o/$3 but n/over $5 each
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (7013.21.20 - Drinking glasses of lead crystal, valued o/$1 but n/over $3 each)
Next Tariff (7013.21.50 - Drinking glasses of lead crystal, valued over $5 each)
Related Rulings:
1994 NY 880462 - The tariff classification of lead crystal goblets, and a silver plate and glass serving tray set from China.
1997 NY 880462 - The tariff classification of lead crystal goblets, and a silver plate and glass serving tray set from China.
1998 NY 880462 - The tariff classification of lead crystal goblets, and a silver plate and glass serving tray set from China.