United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
7002.31.00 - 7013.31.20
> 7006.00.40
Previous Tariff (7006.00.20 - Drawn or blown glass, not containing wire netting & not surface ground or polished, but bent, edged or otherwise worked but not framed)
Next Tariff (7007.11.00 - Toughened (tempered) safety glass, of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels)
HTS Number:
Glass of heading 7003-7005, bent, edgeworked, engraved, drilled, enameled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted, nesoi
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (7006.00.20 - Drawn or blown glass, not containing wire netting & not surface ground or polished, but bent, edged or otherwise worked but not framed)
Next Tariff (7007.11.00 - Toughened (tempered) safety glass, of size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0555085 - Applicability of partial duty exemption of item 806.20, TSUS, to glass rectangles exported to Japan to be cut, ground and polished
1991 HQ 0087015 - Internal Advice Request 20/90- Classification of mirrored glass switchplates
1991 NY 0852564 - The tariff classification of an unfinished picture frame from Taiwan.
1994 NY 887281 - The tariff classification of a glass substrate from Japan
1995 HQ 957909 - Fusion glass for electroluminescent flat panel displays; part; Additional U.S. Rule of Interpretation 1(c); 7004; drawn glass; Note 2, chapter 70; EN 70.04; EN 70.06; cutting to shape; absorbent or reflecting layer; edge working; other glass of heading 7004, bent, edgeworked, engraved, drilled, enameled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted with other materials
1995 NY 813408 - The tariff classification of two glass articles from Taiwan
1996 HQ 958837 - Protest 2809-95-101638; mirrored glass decorative appliques; ENs 44.14, 70.06, 70.09; HRLs 088088, 086405
1996 NY A85792 - The tariff classification of edgeworked float glass from Japan
1998 HQ 960274 - I.A. 2/97; Textured Rolled Glass Sheets; Green Glass; Glass, Not Finished or Edge Worked; Unfinished Glass Ceramic Stove Tops; Heading 7006.00, Glass, Edge-Worked; Chapter 70, Note 2; HQ 959112
1998 NY B84504 - The tariff classification of beveled glass sheets from Japan
1998 NY C83481 - The tariff classification of a glass table top from China
1999 NY D88046 - The tariff classification of various glass table tops from China
1999 NY E84151 - The tariff classification of metal furniture from China.
2000 HQ 963026 - Protest 1001-98-105376; “safety sight glasses”
2002 HQ 965125 - NY G89939 revoked; glass plate on a snowman figurine base.
2003 NY J87742 - The tariff classification of two glass table tops from Indonesia
2004 NY K84380 - The tariff classification of glass table tops from Colombia
2004 NY K88140 - The tariff classification of one glass sheet and one glass shelf from China and or/Taiwan
2004 NY K89507 - The tariff classification of coated, laminated glass panel from Germany
2005 NY L83213 - The tariff classification of edge-worked float glass from China
2006 HQ 965548 - Internal Advice 02/006; glass substrates
2006 HQ 968221 - Clearwater Investment, Ltd., d/b/a Dacra Glass Inc. – Request for Internal Advice 06/010
2006 NY L83213 - The tariff classification of edge-worked float glass from China
2007 HQ W968359 - Modification of HQ 958837; mirrored glass decorative appliqués
2007 NY L83213 - The tariff classification of edge-worked float glass from China
2007 NY N008646 - The tariff classification of furniture from China.
2007 NY N011728 - The tariff classification of a glass table top from China