United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
6812.10.00 - 7002.20.50
> 6913.10.50
Previous Tariff (6913.10.20 - Bone china statuettes and other ornamental articles, nesoi)
Next Tariff (6913.90.10 - Ceramic (o/than porcelain or china) statues, statuettes, handmade flowers, val. o/$2.50 each, of original work by professional sculptors)
HTS Number:
Porcelain or china (o/than bone china) statuettes and other ornamental articles, nesoi
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (6913.10.20 - Bone china statuettes and other ornamental articles, nesoi)
Next Tariff (6913.90.10 - Ceramic (o/than porcelain or china) statues, statuettes, handmade flowers, val. o/$2.50 each, of original work by professional sculptors)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0084080 - Classification of a porcelain figure of a Santa and Boy Christmas ornament
1990 HQ 0084081 - Classification of a porcelain figure of a Christmas Boy and Girl Caroler
1990 HQ 0084122 - Reconsideration of New York Ruling Letter 836362, dated February 17, 1989, concerning tariff classification of porcelain moulds
1990 HQ 0086088 - "Gloriana" doll
1990 HQ 0086827 - Artistic photo plates made of porcelain. Heading 6911; Explanatory Note 69.12(A); HQ 084122; Explanatory Note 69.13; Explanatory Note 69.13(C).
1991 HQ 0087602 - Classification of Porcelain Spice Jars - Internal Advice 46/90
1991 HQ 0088389 - Classification status of porcelain spice jars
1991 HQ 0089281 - Porcelain house decorated with pine trees; Festive articles; Christmas articles; Heading 9505; Ornamental ceramic articles; Decorative articles; Heading 6913
1991 NY 0850919 - The tariff classification of ornamental ceramic articles from China.
1992 HQ 0734052 - Country of origin marking of finished porcelain plates imported from Japan to be ornamented in the U.S. with foreign-sourced decorative decals. 19 CFR 134.35; substan- tial transformation; Uniroyal; Belcrest Linens; T.D. 89-21; 732964; C.S.D. 84-113; National Juice; Koru North America; FDA Compliance Policy Guides for lead and cadmium contami- nation (required and permanent labeling); Superior Wire; C.S.D. 91-7
1992 HQ 0950041 - Porcelain ornamental articles; Poly resin plastic figurines; Festive articles; Decorative articles; Heading 3926; Heading 6913; Heading 9405; Heading 9505; GRI 3b; goods put up in sets for retail sale
1992 HQ 0950333 - Porcelain Santa Claus Figurines; EN 69.13; Additional U.S. Note 5(a), Chapter 69, Section XIII
1992 HQ 0950413 - Ceramic house with light; ornamental and decorative ceramic articles; festive articles; Modification of HRL 089559; Headings 6913 and 9505
1992 HQ 0950641 - Porcelain Easter Egg; GRI 1; festive articles; heading 9505; EN 95.05; Additional U.S. Rule of Interpretation 1(a); EN 69.13; Additional U.S. Note 5(a), Chapter 69, Section XIII; revoke DD 861118
1992 HQ 0950955 - Modification of HRL 084081; Porcelain Boy and Girl Christmas Caroler Figurine in heading 6913, HTSUSA; Statuette or other ornamental ceramic article
1992 HQ 0950959 - Modification of HRL 084080; Porcelain Santa and Boy Figurine in heading 6913, HTSUSA; Statuette or other ornamental ceramic article
1992 NY 0866422 - The tariff classification of a porcelain church kit from Taiwan.
1992 NY 0867227 - The tariff classification of a decorative "Easter Park" set from Taiwan.
1992 NY 0869498 - The tariff classification of porcelain miniatures, statuettes and brooches from Bolivia.
1992 NY 0869666 - The tariff classification of a lighted porcelain church from Taiwan.
1993 HQ 0087131 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 3501-9-000048 of June 13, 1989
1993 HQ 0088504 - Protest No. 3501-90-000048; statuette or other ornamental ceramic figures; festive articles; heading 9505; HRL 087131
1993 HQ 0088584 - Porcelain display plates; festive articles; subheadings 9505.10.30, 9505.10.50; 9505.90.60; Explanatory Notes 95.05 and 69.13; other ornamental ceramic articles
1993 HQ 0950177 - Protest No. 1501-90-000073; porcelain and other ceramic steins; Headings 6912; 6913; Explanatory Notes to headings 6912 and 6913; G. Heileman Brewing Co.,v. United States; HRL's 084122; 950430; 950390; 088838; U.S. Rule of Interpretation 1(a); GRI 2(a); Explanatory Notes to GRI
1993 HQ 0951394 - Modification of NYRL 860102; "Spirit Santa," "Tannenbaum Santa" and "Cornucopia Santa" porcelain figurines; Heading 9505, HTSUSA, Festive articles; Heading 6913, HTSUSA, Statuettes and other ornamental ceramic articles.
1993 HQ 0951420 - Modification of NYRL 862016; Porcelain figurines; Sisal tree; Heading 9505, HTSUSA, Festive articles; Heading 3926, HTSUSA, Other articles of Plastics.
1993 HQ 0951608 - Protest No. 2809-91-101416; porcelain tableware and kitchenware; ornamental porcelain ware; Explanatory Notes to headings 6911, 6912 and 6913
1993 HQ 0952149 - Porcelain figurine of archangel Gabriel; Heading 6913, HTSUSA, statuettes and other ornamental ceramic articles, of porcelain; Not heading 9505 festive article.
1993 HQ 0952168 - Porcelain bag vases/pots; porcelain vases/pots with dried flowers; GRI 1; 0603.90.00; composite good; essential character; GRI 3(c)
1993 NY 848884 - The tariff classification of Cream Perfume in ceramic containers from Greece.
1993 NY 882454 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain articles from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
1993 NY 883075 - The tariff classification of domed ceramic statuettes from China.
1993 NY 887590 - The tariff classification of two musical pierrot's in a box, an antimony box and a musical porcelain box from Taiwan
1994 HQ 0952149 - Porcelain figurine of archangel Gabriel; Heading 6913, HTSUSA, statuettes and other ornamental ceramic articles, of porcelain; Not heading 9505 festive article.
1994 HQ 0952555 - Protest No. 2704-92-100861; Porcelain Old World Santa Claus; subheadings 6914.10.00, 6913.10.50; headings 6913, 9505; ENs 69.13, 95.05; HQs 952520, 951422, 951394
1994 NY 885699 - The tariff classification of a porcelain music box and an ornamental porcelain box from Japan and Sri Lanka, respectively.
1994 NY 885891 - The tariff classification of a porcelain bell from China.
1994 NY 886156 - The tariff classification of a porcelain house from Thailand.
1994 NY 886538 - The tariff classification of a lighted porcelain house from China.
1994 NY 887004 - The tariff classification of lighted porcelain buildings and Christmas tree ornaments from Thailand.
1994 NY 887128 - The tariff classification of miniature accessories to ornamental buildings from China.
1994 NY 888309 - The tariff classification of a porcelain collectible egg from Japan.
1994 NY 889219 - The tariff classification of a decorative porcelain article from China.
1995 HQ 957706 - "Heritage Village Collection" and "Snow Village Collection;" Festive Articles; Protest No. 3501-90-000048 Distinguished; HRL 088504 Distinguished; Burden of Proof Regarding Traditional Use
1995 NY 811120 - Tariff classification of wood display cabinets and calendar bear porcelain hinged boxes from Taiwan
1996 HQ 958245 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1101-95-100222, filed April 13, 1995, concerning the classification of Lighted Ceramic Houses; Festive Articles; Protest No. 3501-90-000048 Distinguished; HRL 088504 Distinguished; Burden of Proof Regarding Traditional Use
1996 HQ 958543 - Modification of HRL 950042; Porcelain bunny rabbit figurines mounted on music box: EN 92.08; HRLs 086166, 087132, 953049, 952615, 952595, 952604, 952607, 952609, 082738, 087316, 953536, 952643, 955574, 081657 and 072786; Bureau Letter 491.62; Pukel v. U.S., Amico v. U.S.
1996 HQ 958999 - Protest 1101-95-100484; Porcelain Spice Jars; Lenox v. U.S., Kraft, Inc, v.U.S, G. Heilman Brewing Co. v.U.S. and U.S. v. Carborundum Company
1996 NY 805292 - The tariff classification of an ornamental porcelain figurine from China.
1996 NY 806796 - The tariff classification of a porcelain stein from Brazil.
1996 NY 807037 - The tariff classification of ornamental porcelain articles from China.
1996 NY 807542 - The tariff classification of bamboo woven porcelain articles from China.
1996 NY 808250 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain crosses from China.
1996 NY 808264 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain articles from Canada.
1996 NY 808662 - The tariff classification of a porcelain house from Taiwan.
1996 NY 809913 - The tariff classification of a porcelain figurine from China.
1996 NY 810496 - The tariff classification of an ornamental ceramic article from Japan.
1996 NY 811183 - The tariff classification of a porcelain collector's stein from Germany.
1996 NY 811303 - The tariff classification of a porcelain teacup and saucer with a mahogany stand from Japan.
1996 NY 812945 - The tariff classification of a decorative ceramic article from China.
1996 NY 813718 - The tariff classification of a ceramic ornamental article from China.
1996 NY 814129 - The tariff classification of an ornamental porcelain light jacket from Taiwan.
1996 NY 814238 - The classification of porcelain tableware and kitchenware as well as decorative articles from Hungary.
1996 NY 814772 - The tariff classification of a porcelain teacup and saucer with a mahogany stand from Taiwan and China.
1996 NY 814978 - The tariff classification of a porcelain lighted fireplace set from China.
1996 NY 815692 - The tariff classification of a decorative porcelain plate from China.
1996 NY 815820 - The tariff classification of a porcelain figurine from China.
1996 NY 816410 - The tariff classification of a decorative planter from China.
1996 NY 816564 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain platters from China.
1996 NY 816667 - The tariff classification of a decorative porcelain article from China.
1996 NY 816953 - The tariff classification of a porcelain covered picture frame photo album from China and Taiwan.
1996 NY 816974 - The tariff classification of candleholders, a decorative ceramic article and a candle from China.
1996 NY 817134 - The tariff classification of a porcelain vase from China.
1996 NY 818332 - The tariff classification of porcelain figurines from Spain.
1996 NY A80448 - The tariff classification of a porcelain miniature tea set from China.
1996 NY A80451 - The tariff classification of a porcelain miniature tea set from Taiwan.
1996 NY A80553 - The tariff classification of a belt, a purse, porcelain figurines, crystal items and wall plaques from Thailand, Hungary and Italy.
1996 NY A84592 - The tariff classification of porcelain pencil angels from China
1996 NY A84679 - The tariff classification of three ceramic bells from China
1996 NY A84737 - The tariff classification of a porcelain figurines from China.
1997 HQ 951608 - Protest No. 2809-91-101416; porcelain tableware and kitchenware; ornamental porcelain ware; Explanatory Notes to headings 6911, 6912 and 6913
1997 HQ 952168 - Porcelain bag vases/pots; porcelain vases/pots with dried flowers; GRI 1; 0603.90.00; composite good; essential character; GRI 3(c)
1997 HQ 958289 - Protest No.1303-95-100026; Regal Theatre and Pub ceramic figurines, Festive Articles; HRLs 088504, 957706, 958240, 958259, 958409, 958410, 958412, 958556, 958747
1997 HQ 958405 - Poly-Resin Figurines, Festive Articles; HRLs 088504, 957706, 958240, 958259, 958409, 958410, 958412, 958556, 958747
1997 HQ 958440 - Poly-Resin Figurines, Festive Articles; HRLs 088504, 957706, 958240, 958259, 958409, 958410, 958412, 958556, 958747
1997 HQ 958447 - Poly-Resin figurines, Festive Articles; HRLs 088504, 957706, 958240, 958259, 958409, 958410, 958412, 958556, 958747
1997 HQ 959643 - "Garfield Canister Collection;" Glazed ceramic kitchen canisters; Utilitarian kitchenware versus ornamental collectibles; Other ornamental ceramic articles other than of porcelain or china; Heading 6913; EN 69.13(B); Principal Use, Class or Kind, Additional U.S. Rule of Interpretation 1(a); Lenox Collections v. U.S.; HQs 958477, 958999
1997 HQ 959897 - Classification of "Porc. Church W/Lite" (Stock No. 97825); Festive Article
1997 NY 802093 - The tariff classification of a ceramic article from China.
1997 NY 803771 - The tariff classification of a porcelain angel set from China.
1997 NY 805260 - The tariff classification of porcelain dinnerware from China.
1997 NY 808264 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain articles from Canada.
1997 NY 808690 - The tariff classification of a Victorian Lady Wall Set from Taiwan.
1997 NY 808747 - The tariff classification of a glow pumpkin from China.
1997 NY 815692 - The tariff classification of a decorative porcelain plate from China.
1997 NY 817836 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain teapots from Taiwan and China.
1997 NY 850790 - The tariff classification of ceramic ornamental articles from Taiwan.
1997 NY 851182 - The tariff classification of a ceramic "Ghost Top Hat Votive" with a candle from Taiwan.
1997 NY 851364 - The tariff classification of ceramic figurines and a wooden display rack from Hong Kong.
1997 NY 851548 - The tariff classification of a ceramic ornamental box from France.
1997 NY 852910 - The tariff classification of a ceramic wedding plate from Japan.
1997 NY 853779 - The tariff classification of a ceramic figurine with a musical wooden base, style number GB-21, from Taiwan.
1997 NY 882454 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain articles from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
1997 NY 887004 - The tariff classification of lighted porcelain buildings and Christmas tree ornaments from Thailand.
1997 NY 887128 - The tariff classification of miniature accessories to ornamental buildings from China.
1997 NY 887590 - The tariff classification of two musical pierrot's in a box, an antimony box and a musical porcelain box from Taiwan
1997 NY 888309 - The tariff classification of a porcelain collectible egg from Japan.
1997 NY 889219 - The tariff classification of a decorative porcelain article from China.
1997 NY A80661 - The tariff classification of ornamental porcelain articles from China.
1997 NY A81781 - The tariff classification of ceramic and polystone plaques from China.
1997 NY A81969 - The tariff classification of a decorative canister from China and Taiwan.
1997 NY A83290 - The tariff classification of an ornamental porcelain bowl with candle from China.
1997 NY A83325 - The tariff classification of an ornamental jar from Taiwan and China.
1997 NY A84232 - The tariff classification of porcelain candleholders from China.
1997 NY A84316 - The tariff classification of a porcelain night light from China and Taiwan.
1997 NY A84330 - The tariff classification and marking of an ornamental ceramic article from China.
1997 NY A84676 - The tariff classification of porcelain ornamental figurines and decorative bag-like containers from China.
1997 NY A84678 - The tariff classification of porcelain candleholders and ornamental figurines from China.
1997 NY A85704 - The tariff classification of ornamental spice jars from Taiwan and Malaysia.
1997 NY A86246 - The tariff classification of candleholders and decorative articles from China and candles from Taiwan.
1997 NY A86551 - The tariff classification of porcelain ornamental articles and candleholders from China and Indonesia.
1997 NY A86564 - The tariff classification of a ceramic figurine with a plastic bud vase from China.
1997 NY A86684 - The tariff classification of a porcelain ornamental figurine from China.
1997 NY A87160 - The tariff classification of porcelain figurines from China.
1997 NY A87240 - The tariff classification of a ceramic Christmas tree from China.
1997 NY A87375 - The tariff classification of Christmas lighting sets as well as lamps and ornamental articles from China.
1997 NY A87421 - The tariff classification of three decorative agglomerated stone articles, a decorative porcelain article and a decorative metal article from China
1997 NY A87546 - The tariff classification of ornamental ceramic articles from China.
1997 NY A87773 - The tariff classification of ornamental porcelain articles and a porcelain Santa figurine from Taiwan.
1997 NY A88041 - The tariff classification of an ornamental porcelain article from China and Taiwan.
1997 NY A88080 - The tariff classification of ornamental ceramic figurines, dolls and festive articles from China.
1997 NY B86099 - The tariff classification of an ornamental ceramic article from China.
1997 NY B86780 - The tariff classification of porcelain figurines from China.
1997 NY B86784 - The tariff classification of porcelain figurines from China.
1997 NY B86788 - The tariff classification of porcelain figurines from China.
1997 NY B87167 - The tariff classification of ornamental articles from China.
1997 NY B87264 - The tariff classification of an ornamental ceramic article from China.
1997 NY B87617 - The tariff classification of an ornamental ceramic article from China.
1997 NY B87913 - The tariff classification of ornamental ceramic articles from China.
1997 NY B88384 - The tariff classification of porcelain vases from China.
1998 NY 850790 - The tariff classification of ceramic ornamental articles from Taiwan.
1998 NY 851182 - The tariff classification of a ceramic "Ghost Top Hat Votive" with a candle from Taiwan.
1998 NY 851364 - The tariff classification of ceramic figurines and a wooden display rack from Hong Kong.
1998 NY 851548 - The tariff classification of a ceramic ornamental box from France.
1998 NY 852910 - The tariff classification of a ceramic wedding plate from Japan.
1998 NY 853779 - The tariff classification of a ceramic figurine with a musical wooden base, style number GB-21, from Taiwan.
1998 NY 882454 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain articles from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
1998 NY 885699 - The tariff classification of a porcelain music box and an ornamental porcelain box from Japan and Sri Lanka, respectively.
1998 NY 885891 - The tariff classification of a porcelain bell from China.
1998 NY 886156 - The tariff classification of a porcelain house from Thailand.
1998 NY 886538 - The tariff classification of a lighted porcelain house from China.
1998 NY 887004 - The tariff classification of lighted porcelain buildings and Christmas tree ornaments from Thailand.
1998 NY 887128 - The tariff classification of miniature accessories to ornamental buildings from China.
1998 NY 887590 - The tariff classification of two musical pierrot's in a box, an antimony box and a musical porcelain box from Taiwan
1998 NY 888309 - The tariff classification of a porcelain collectible egg from Japan.
1998 NY 889219 - The tariff classification of a decorative porcelain article from China.
1998 NY A87240 - The tariff classification of a ceramic Christmas tree from China.
1998 NY A87546 - The tariff classification of ornamental ceramic articles from China.
1998 NY A87773 - The tariff classification of ornamental porcelain articles and a porcelain Santa figurine from Taiwan.
1998 NY A88041 - The tariff classification of an ornamental porcelain article from China and Taiwan.
1998 NY A88080 - The tariff classification of ornamental ceramic figurines, dolls and festive articles from China.
1998 NY B85211 - The tariff classification of ornamental vases from China and Holland, planters from Germany and teapots from China.
1998 NY B85344 - The tariff classification of a lighted porcelain figurine from China and Taiwan.
1998 NY C80692 - The tariff classification of a decorative porcelain trinket box from China.
1998 NY C80714 - The tariff classification of a porcelain cachou box from England.
1998 NY C80918 - The tariff classification of an ornamental porcelain plate from Taiwan.
1998 NY C81058 - The tariff classification of porcelain ornaments from China and Taiwan.
1998 NY C81589 - The tariff classification of a wooden display box with porcelain trinket boxes, from China.
1998 NY C83872 - The tariff classification of decorative ceramic articles from China.
1998 NY C84065 - The tariff classification and marking of decorative porcelain boxes from France.
1998 NY C85363 - The tariff classification of a porcelain trinket box from China and Taiwan.
1998 NY C85530 - The tariff classification of porcelain trinket boxes from China.
1998 NY C85851 - The tariff classification of porcelain trinket boxes from China.
1998 NY C86597 - The tariff classification of lighted porcelain figurines from China.
1998 NY C86687 - The tariff classification of a ceramic photo frame from China.
1998 NY C87710 - The tariff classification of ceramic figurines from China.
1998 NY D82021 - The tariff classification of a porcelain trinket box from China.
1998 NY D83767 - The tariff classification of a gift card from Canada and the classification and marking of wind chimes and porcelain figurines from China.
1998 NY D83845 - The tariff classification of a decorative porcelain article from China.
1998 NY NY111 - The tariff classification of ceramic and polystone plaques from China.
1998 NY NY1168 - The tariff classification of a porcelain trinket box from China and Taiwan.
1998 NY NY120 - The tariff classification of a decorative canister from China and Taiwan.
1998 NY NY1213 - The tariff classification of decorative ceramic articles from China.
1998 NY NY1217 - The tariff classification of decorative lighted ceramic articles from China.
1998 NY NY1219 - The tariff classification of ceramic trinket boxes and Christmas decorations from China.
1998 NY NY1230 - The tariff classification of decorative ceramic articles from China.
1998 NY NY1387 - The tariff classification of a decorative porcelain box with candle from China.
1998 NY NY162 - The tariff classification of an ornamental porcelain bowl with candle from China.
1998 NY NY163 - The tariff classification of an ornamental jar from Taiwan and China.
1998 NY NY1809 - The tariff classification of porcelain figurines from China.
1998 NY NY195 - The tariff classification of porcelain candleholders from China.
1998 NY NY197 - The tariff classification of a porcelain night light from China and Taiwan.
1998 NY NY198 - The tariff classification and marking of an ornamental ceramic article from China.
1998 NY NY207 - The tariff classification of porcelain ornamental figurines and decorative bag-like containers from China.
1998 NY NY209 - The tariff classification of porcelain candleholders and ornamental figurines from China.
1998 NY NY259 - The tariff classification of ornamental spice jars from Taiwan and Malaysia.
1998 NY NY26 - The tariff classification of a decorative porcelain plate from China.
1998 NY NY274 - The tariff classification of candleholders and decorative articles from China and candles from Taiwan.
1998 NY NY282 - The tariff classification of porcelain ornamental articles and candleholders from China and Indonesia.
1998 NY NY283 - The tariff classification of a ceramic figurine with a plastic bud vase from China.
1998 NY NY286 - The tariff classification of a porcelain ornamental figurine from China.
1998 NY NY304 - The tariff classification of porcelain figurines from China.
1998 NY NY307 - The tariff classification of a ceramic Christmas tree from China.
1998 NY NY313 - The tariff classification of Christmas lighting sets as well as lamps and ornamental articles from China.
1998 NY NY60 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain teapots from Taiwan and China.
1998 NY NY88 - The tariff classification of ornamental porcelain articles from China.
1999 NY D85306 - The tariff classification of decorative ceramic articles from China and Taiwan.
1999 NY D88062 - The tariff classification of a porcelain bell and polyresin tabletop ornament from China.
1999 NY D89183 - The tariff classification of ceramic articles from Canada.
1999 NY D89506 - The tariff classification of the Teddy Bears Picnic Pottery Painting Kit from England.
1999 NY D89566 - The tariff classification of ceramic articles from Canada
1999 NY D89674 - The tariff classification of a porcelain figurine from China.
1999 NY D89678 - The tariff classification of a decorative ceramic holder from China with candle from Taiwan.
1999 NY E81462 - The tariff classification of a stuffed toy bear in a teacup from China.
1999 NY E83755 - The tariff classification, country of origin requirements and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a shadow box and a doll picture from Canada; Article 509
1999 NY E84671 - The tariff classification of porcelain articles from China.
1999 NY E84688 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain articles from China.
1999 NY E85254 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain plates from China.
1999 NY E86658 - The tariff classification of ornamental porcelain articles from China.
1999 NY E87803 - The tariff classification of a decorative ceramic article from China.
1999 NY E89179 - The tariff classification of ornamental porcelain articles from China.
2000 HQ 962565 - Snowden Holiday Swingset Tableau and Snowden® Trinket Box; Midwest of Cannon Falls, Inc. v. United States
2000 HQ 962567 - Protests 390198100324 and –100321; Festive Articles
2000 NY E86493 - The tariff classification of ceramic figurine containers from Japan
2000 NY F81027 - The tariff classification of ornamental porcelain articles from China.
2000 NY F82330 - The tariff classification of decorative ceramic boxes from China.
2000 NY F82401 - The tariff classification of porcelain figurines from China.
2000 NY F84574 - The tariff classification of ceramic vases, sconces and clocks from Canada.
2000 NY F84576 - The tariff classification of a porcelain bell from China.
2000 NY F84994 - The tariff classification of ceramic wind chimes from China and Vietnam.
2000 NY F86425 - The tariff classification of music boxes from Taiwan.
2000 NY F89344 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain baskets from China.
2000 NY G81399 - The tariff classification of ceramic collector plates from Denmark
2001 HQ 964805 - NY G83712 revoked; porcelain demitasse (cup) and saucer set
2001 NY G84169 - The tariff classification of a ceramic perfume burner from China.
2001 NY G84993 - The tariff classification of a decorative porcelain cup and saucer set from China.
2001 NY G84994 - The tariff classification of a miniature porcelain teapot from China.
2001 NY G85337 - The tariff classification of ceramic and wooden tableware and kitchenware from China.
2001 NY G86428 - The tariff classification of decorative plates with rack from China.
2001 NY H81364 - The tariff classification of unfinished decoratve ceramic collector plates from Europe.
2002 NY H85956 - The tariff classification of a gift basket from China
2002 NY H88120 - The tariff classification of Christmas cards with envelopes and porcelain keepsake/trinket box from China.
2002 NY H89951 - The tariff classification of a musical angel from China
2002 NY I81799 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain articles from China
2002 NY I85151 - The tariff classification of porcelain statuettes, copper tableware and copper jewelry from South Africa
2002 NY I85286 - The tariff classification of decorative ceramic tile from China
2003 HQ 966115 - Internal Advice 02/018; Ornamental Ceramic Beer Tankards
2003 NY I88610 - The tariff classification of a decorative ceramic teapot set from China.
2003 NY J82104 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain articles from China.
2003 NY J83610 - The tariff classification of porcelain vases and potpourri holder from China.
2003 NY J83668 - The tariff classification of cake tops from China
2003 NY J83670 - The tariff classification of Caketop/Keepsakes from China
2003 NY J83709 - The tariff classification of ceramic household banks from China.
2003 NY J86187 - The tariff classification and country of origin marking under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of fresh floral arrangements from Canada; Article 509
2003 NY J88544 - The tariff classification of a decorative porcelain teapot set from China.
2003 NY J88627 - The tariff classification of decorative porcelain plates with and without a metal display rack from China.
2004 HQ 966575 - Reconsideration of NY J83901; Lali Beads Articles
2004 NY K86548 - The tariff classification of two porcelain vases, one lampworked glass article and one table clock from China
2005 NY L81507 - The tariff classification of snowmen figures from China.
2005 NY L82295 - The tariff classification of a ceramic (dolomite) tissue box and a ceramic (porcelain) trinket box from China
2005 NY L83927 - The tariff classification of a ceramic back splash from China
2006 HQ 966040 - Protest 5401-02-100044; Porcelain reproductions of antique candle stands, vases, urns and centerpieces
2006 NY L88768 - The tariff classification of four ceramic mugs and one porcelain bell from China
2006 NY M82944 - The tariff classification of a decorative ceramic article from China
2006 NY M84033 - The tariff classification of a decorative porcelain teapot from China
2006 NY M84944 - The tariff classification of a porcelain cremation urn from Spain
2007 HQ W968347 - Revocation of NY L88645; Floral Porcelain Vase from China
2007 NY M87066 - The tariff classification of ceramic figurines from the United Kingdom
2007 NY N008210 - The tariff classification of a decorative ceramic article from China.
2007 NY N008818 - The tariff classification of a decorative porcelain bird from China.
2007 NY N010318 - The tariff classification of decorative ceramic (stoneware) tiles and decorative porcelain plates from China.
2007 NY N012094 - The tariff classification of a porcelain Fancy Footwear Cell Phone Holder from China.
2007 NY N018775 - The tariff classification of a porcelain egg trinket holder and a glazed porcelain mini flower vase from China.
2008 NY N022145 - The tariff classification of a photo frame ornament and a keepsake box ornament from China
2008 NY N022987 - The tariff classification of decorative ceramic articles and candleholders from China.