United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
6812.10.00 - 7002.20.50
> 6912.00.44
Previous Tariff (6912.00.41 - Ceramic (o/than porcelain or china) hsehld steins w/pewter lids, decanters, punch bowls, spoons & rests, salt/pepper sets, etc.)
Next Tariff (6912.00.45 - Ceramic (o/than porcelain or china) household tabl/kitch.ware,n/in specif. sets, cups o/$5.25/dz, saucers o/$3/dz, etc.)
HTS Number:
Ceramic (o/than porcelain or china) household mugs and steins w/o attached pewter lids
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (6912.00.41 - Ceramic (o/than porcelain or china) hsehld steins w/pewter lids, decanters, punch bowls, spoons & rests, salt/pepper sets, etc.)
Next Tariff (6912.00.45 - Ceramic (o/than porcelain or china) household tabl/kitch.ware,n/in specif. sets, cups o/$5.25/dz, saucers o/$3/dz, etc.)
Related Rulings:
1993 HQ 0089243 - Protest No. 4503-91-100006; ceramic steins; Heading 6912; Heading 6913;
1993 HQ 0950177 - Protest No. 1501-90-000073; porcelain and other ceramic steins; Headings 6912; 6913; Explanatory Notes to headings 6912 and 6913; G. Heileman Brewing Co.,v. United States; HRL's 084122; 950430; 950390; 088838; U.S. Rule of Interpretation 1(a); GRI 2(a); Explanatory Notes to GRI
1993 HQ 0950430 - Protest No.1001-91-000861; ceramic steins; Heading 6912; Heading 6913
1993 HQ 0950833 - Internal Advice 58/91; "Siestaware" Stoneware Dinner Set; HQ 081217
1993 HQ 0952139 - Revocation of NYRL 835664; non-electric coffeemakers; heading 4823; heading 3924; GRI 3(b); Explanatory Note
1993 HQ 0952238 - Mugs and Placemats; set; GRI 3(b); EN X to GRI 3(b); EN VIII to GRI 3(b); essential character; GRI 3(c)
1993 HQ 0952714 - Protest No. 4503-91-100027; ceramic beer steins; headings 6911 and 6913; Explanatory Notes to headings 6912 and 6913; G. Heileman Brewing Co. v. United States; U.S. Rule of Interpretation 1(a); HRLs 084122, 088838, 089243, 950177, 950390 and 950430
1993 NY 883711 - The tariff classification of a musical mug from China.
1994 NY 890028 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug from Korea.
1995 NY 802810 - The tariff classification of a bamboo watermelon basket and a ceramic mug from China
1996 HQ 957696 - Protest 3501-94-100467; ceramic mugs; Ross Products, Inc. v. U.S.; NYs 886462, 890028 and 848374; HRL 067098
1996 NY 809004 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs from China.
1996 NY 813558 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug with candy from China.
1996 NY 815031 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug from China.
1996 NY A81646 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs from China
1997 NY 805056 - The tariff classification of ceramic coffee mugs from China.
1997 NY 848280 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug from Taiwan.
1997 NY 883711 - The tariff classification of a musical mug from China.
1997 NY 890028 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug from Korea.
1997 NY A82055 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug with timepiece from Thailand.
1997 NY A82812 - The tariff classification of festive-like ceramic mugs from China.
1997 NY A84181 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug with timepiece from China.
1997 NY B86133 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs from Germany.
1997 NY B88311 - The tariff classification of a ceramic dinnerware set from China.
1998 HQ 961065 - Protest 1001-97-104386; dinnerware; mugs; teapots; stoneware; coarse-grained; fine-grained; ceramic; U.S. Additional Note 5(a), Chapter 69; Import Sales, Inc. v. United States, 65 Cust. Ct. 168 (1970); House Conf. Report 100-576, April 20, 1988
1998 NY 848280 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug from Taiwan.
1998 NY 883711 - The tariff classification of a musical mug from China.
1998 NY 890028 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug from Korea.
1998 NY C80055 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs from China.
1998 NY C80056 - The tariff classification of ceramic soup mugs from China.
1998 NY C80414 - The tariff classification of a teddy bear in a mug from China.
1998 NY C81394 - The tariff classification of a ceramic soup mug from Taiwan.
1998 NY C82203 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug from the Philippines.
1998 NY C85125 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs and soup mugs from China.
1998 NY C85719 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs Taiwan.
1998 NY C86197 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware from Italy.
1998 NY C86198 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware from Italy.
1998 NY D83458 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug from China.
1998 NY NY1236 - The tariff classification of a decorative ceramic article from China.
1998 NY NY124 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug with timepiece from Thailand.
1998 NY NY150 - The tariff classification of festive-like ceramic mugs from China.
1998 NY NY192 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug with timepiece from China.
1999 NY D87702 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug from China.
1999 NY D88215 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs from China.
1999 NY D88593 - The tariff classification of stoneware dinnerware from Columbia.
1999 NY D89784 - The tariff classification of ceramic steins from Germany.
1999 NY E81290 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs from China.
1999 NY E82667 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware from China.
1999 NY E82668 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware from China.
1999 NY E83567 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs from China.
1999 NY E83655 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs and ornamental articles from China.
1999 NY E83667 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug from Hong Kong.
1999 NY E84681 - The tariff classification of ceramic platters and mugs as well as decorative and festive ceramic articles from China.
1999 NY E85113 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs from China.
1999 NY E85391 - The tariff classification of a liqueur gift set from Italy.
2000 HQ 962567 - Protests 390198100324 and –100321; Festive Articles
2000 HQ 962657 - Protest 300198100420; Ceramic Holiday Mugs
2000 HQ 962671 - Protest 100198102598; Ceramic Tableware
2000 HQ 963273 - Protest 270498101181; Ceramic Holiday Mugs
2000 NY F80735 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug from China.
2000 NY F86757 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs from China and cocoa mixes from Denmark
2000 NY F87583 - The tariff classification of Product CCO-200295 from China
2000 NY F87585 - The tariff classification of Product CCO-200140 from China
2000 NY F89615 - The tariff classification of vegetables and fruit in vinegar and gift packs from China.
2000 NY G83032 - The tariff classification of ceramic ware from Hungary.
2001 HQ 964525 - Ruling request of NOEL flute glasses
2001 NY G85102 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware and kitchenware from China.
2001 NY H81584 - The tariff classification of Product CO-201934 from China
2001 NY H82049 - The tariff classification of Product SA-201930 A from China
2001 NY H82050 - The tariff classification of Product SA-201930 B from China
2001 NY H82051 - The tariff classification of Product SA-201930 C from China
2002 HQ 964472 - Protest 4503-00-100029; Ornamental Ceramic Beer Steins
2002 NY I82850 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs from China
2002 NY I87126 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs from China.
2003 HQ 966115 - Internal Advice 02/018; Ornamental Ceramic Beer Tankards
2003 NY I88252 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs from China.
2003 NY J83893 - The tariff classification of a gift set in a metal holder from China.
2003 NY J84808 - The tariff classification of Product TE-200141 from China
2003 NY J84809 - The tariff classification of Product SA-204768 from China
2003 NY J84845 - The tariff classification of a “Fire Bucket Set” from China.
2003 NY J86948 - The tariff classification of ceramic novelty mugs from China.
2003 NY J87515 - The tariff classification of Product BAG-204124 from China
2003 NY J87533 - The tariff classification of Product BAG-205740 from China
2003 NY J87559 - Amendment to NY J84808 dated June 19, 2003
2003 NY J88116 - The tariff classification of Item SA-202595 from China
2003 NY J88117 - The tariff classification of Product SA-205739 from China
2003 NY J88118 - The tariff classification of Product SA-204126 from China
2003 NY K80402 - The tariff classification of ceramic soup mugs from China.
2005 NY L83555 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware from China
2005 NY L85866 - The tariff classification of ceramic mugs from China
2005 NY L87493 - The tariff classification of “Hot Chocolate for Two” from the UK and Thailand
2006 NY L88768 - The tariff classification of four ceramic mugs and one porcelain bell from China
2006 NY L89689 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug and a ceramic serving plate from China
2006 NY L89780 - The tariff classification of four ceramic mugs and one leather baseball from China
2006 NY M81789 - The tariff classification of ceramic footed mugs from China
2006 NY M83881 - The tariff classification of Hot Drink Mix Sets from China.
2006 NY M83882 - The tariff classification of a “Frothy Cappuccino Party Tray Set” from China.
2006 NY M84135 - The tariff classification of hot chocolate mix, marshmallows, mugs, whisk, and measuring spoon from China.
2006 NY M85239 - The tariff classification of a “Frothy Cappuccino Party Tray Set” from China.
2006 NY M85240 - The tariff classification of hot chocolate mix, marshmallows, mugs, whisk, and measuring spoon from China.
2006 NY M85241 - The tariff classification of Hot Drink Mix Sets from China.
2006 NY M86167 - The tariff classification of Product CCO-215606 from China.
2006 NY M86169 - The tariff classification of Product CCO-220554 from China.
2006 NY R03466 - The tariff classification of ceramic footed mugs from China
2007 NY N011490 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware and kitchenware from China.
2007 NY N013902 - The tariff classification of Products CCO-223125 (A, B) “Early Morning & Late Night” from China.
2007 NY N013903 - The tariff classification of Product CCO-223139 “Frothy Cappuccino Party Tray Set” from China.
2007 NY N013907 - The tariff classification of Products CCO-223133 (A, B, C) “Hot Drinks Tower Set” from China.
2007 NY N015501 - The tariff classification of Products CCO-223125 (A,B) “Early Morning & Late Night” from China. Correction to Ruling Number N013902
2007 NY N016308 - The tariff classification of unglazed bisque mugs from China.
2007 NY N019401 - The tariff classification of a 14 piece tableware set from China.
2008 NY N023339 - The tariff classification of a ceramic mug and coaster from China.
2008 NY N027027 - The tariff classification of various items from China.