United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
6812.10.00 - 7002.20.50
> 6912.00.41
Previous Tariff (6912.00.39 - Ceramic (o/than porcelain or china) household table and kitchenware, in sets in which aggregate val. of arts./US note 6(b) o/$38)
Next Tariff (6912.00.44 - Ceramic (o/than porcelain or china) household mugs and steins w/o attached pewter lids)
HTS Number:
Ceramic (o/than porcelain or china) hsehld steins w/pewter lids, decanters, punch bowls, spoons & rests, salt/pepper sets, etc.
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (6912.00.39 - Ceramic (o/than porcelain or china) household table and kitchenware, in sets in which aggregate val. of arts./US note 6(b) o/$38)
Next Tariff (6912.00.44 - Ceramic (o/than porcelain or china) household mugs and steins w/o attached pewter lids)
Related Rulings:
1991 HQ 0087105 - Revocation of HRL 085408; Halloween Ceramic Candy Dish; Ceramic Tableware Other Than of Porcelain or China of Chapter 69; Not Festive Article of Chapter 95.
1991 HQ 0087732 - Beer Stein
1991 NY 0865512 - The tariff classification of ceramic beverage servers from Japan.
1992 HQ 0950390 - Revocation of HRL 087732; Ceramic beer steins; Heading 6912; Heading 6913; other ornamental articles
1993 HQ 0088838 - Ceramic beer steins; Heading 6912; Heading 6913; other ornamental articles
1993 HQ 0950430 - Protest No.1001-91-000861; ceramic steins; Heading 6912; Heading 6913
1993 NY 882753 - The tariff classification of a ceramic salt shaker from China.
1995 HQ 955057 - IA 44/93; Ceramic Cookie Jars; ENs 69.13, 69.12; NYRL 839033; HRLs 955999, 956589; F.W. Myers & Co. v. U.S., Gold-Silver & Co. v. U.S., Nissho-Iwai American Corp. v. U.S., Totes, Inc. v. U.S.
1996 NY 808603 - The tariff classification of a ceramic salt and pepper shaker set from China.
1996 NY 810518 - The tariff classification of a ceramic salt and pepper shaker set from China.
1997 NY 802093 - The tariff classification of a ceramic article from China.
1997 NY 818172 - The tariff classification of Santa with Sleigh and Bear with Sleigh from China.
1997 NY 882753 - The tariff classification of a ceramic salt shaker from China.
1997 NY A83492 - The tariff classification of tableware and dinner set of stoneware from Indonesia.
1997 NY A86592 - The tariff classification of a ceramic salt and pepper shaker set from Mexico.
1997 NY B86757 - The tariff classification of ceramic salt and pepper shakers from the Philippines.
1998 NY 882753 - The tariff classification of a ceramic salt shaker from China.
1998 NY C80057 - The tariff classification of a ceramic dish from China.
1998 NY C80486 - The tariff classification of ceramic and wooden tableware from Italy.
1998 NY C80761 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware from Italy.
1998 NY C80764 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware from Italy.
1998 NY C86194 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware from Italy.
1998 NY C86197 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware from Italy.
1998 NY C86198 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware from Italy.
1998 NY C86199 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware from Italy.
1998 NY NY1333 - The tariff classification of ceramic tiered servers from China.
1998 NY NY167 - The tariff classification of tableware and dinner set of stoneware from Indonesia.
1998 NY NY284 - The tariff classification of a ceramic salt and pepper shaker set from Mexico.
1998 NY NY859 - The tariff classification of a ceramic tableware set from China.
1999 NY D87848 - The tariff classification of a ceramic dish from Sri Lanka.
1999 NY E83277 - The tariff classification of a ramekin dish from China. Dear Ms. Connelly:
1999 NY E87728 - The tariff classification of ceramic steins that are stated to originate from Germany.
2000 HQ 962671 - Protest 100198102598; Ceramic Tableware
2000 NY F86902 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware and festive articles from China.
2000 NY F88025 - The tariff classification of a ceramic spoon rest from China.
2000 NY G83032 - The tariff classification of ceramic ware from Hungary.
2001 NY H81293 - The tariff classification of a gift set from China
2001 NY H81586 - The tariff classification of a gift set from China.
2002 HQ 964472 - Protest 4503-00-100029; Ornamental Ceramic Beer Steins
2002 NY I81710 - The tariff classification of prepared pearl onions from Israel, olives from Greece, olive picks, small olive boats and salt and pepper shakers from China.
2003 HQ 966115 - Internal Advice 02/018; Ornamental Ceramic Beer Tankards
2003 NY J82433 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware from China.
2003 NY J89134 - The tariff classification of ceramic salt and pepper shakers with tray from China.
2003 NY K81160 - The tariff classification of drink mix sets from China.
2004 NY K81160 - The tariff classification of drink mix sets from China.
2004 NY K82155 - The tariff classification of Product DM-206252 A, B, C from China
2004 NY K82512 - The tariff classification of drink mix sets from China.
2004 NY K82743 - The tariff classification of from a drink mix set from China
2004 NY K83798 - The tariff classification of a drink mix set from China
2004 NY K84998 - The tariff classification of a plastic article, a wood article, two ceramic articles and one glass article from China
2004 NY K85174 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware, vases, and candleholders, as well as clocks and a glass article from China.
2004 NY K89826 - The tariff classification of a ceramic snack tray from China
2005 NY K86726 - The tariff classification of a ceramic canister from China
2005 NY L81783 - The tariff classification of a two-tiered ceramic server from China
2005 NY L83634 - The tariff classification of a ceramic (non-porcelain) plate from China
2005 NY L84256 - The tariff classification of a ceramic (dolomite) article in the shape of a martini glass from China
2005 NY L84275 - The tariff classification of a ceramic plate from China
2005 NY L84726 - The tariff classification of a ceramic (dolomite) storage article in the shape of a pumpkin from China
2005 NY L85946 - The tariff classification of a two-tiered ceramic server from China
2005 NY L87817 - The tariff classification of a ceramic egg cup from China
2007 NY N006490 - The tariff classification of ceramic condiment bowls from China.
2007 NY N009398 - The tariff classification of a ceramic heart shaped dish from China.
2007 NY N011490 - The tariff classification of ceramic tableware and kitchenware from China.
2007 NY N017835 - The tariff classification of ceramic ornamental and household articles and a candlestick set from China.
2007 NY N021185 - The tariff classification of decorative ceramic articles from China.