United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
6505.10.00 - 6811.90.00
> 6601.99.00
Previous Tariff (6601.91.00 - Umbrellas, other than garden or similar umbrellas, having a telescopic shaft)
Next Tariff (6602.00.00 - Walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like)
HTS Number:
Umbrellas, other than garden or similar umbrellas, not having a telescopic shaft
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (6601.91.00 - Umbrellas, other than garden or similar umbrellas, having a telescopic shaft)
Next Tariff (6602.00.00 - Walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0086281 - Travel Bag
1991 NY 0852224 - The tariff classification of an eight piece desk set, a two piece tote set, the ten piece "Deluxe Set", and the "Rainbow Purse Set" from China.
1992 HQ 0088415 - Request for Reconsideration of New York Ruling Letter (NYRL) 852224 concerning the tariff classification of merchandise marketed as "L'il Hands Rainbow Purse", the "LoveLines Rainy Day Set", and the "LoveLines Ten Piece Deluxe Set."
1993 NY 880857 - The tariff classification of juvenile products from Canada, Germany,
1997 NY 810519 - The tariff classification of a golf umbrella from China.
1997 NY 855537 - The tariff classification of the umbrella from Mexico.
1997 NY 880857 - The tariff classification of juvenile products from Canada, Germany, Holland and Belgium.
1997 NY A86834 - The tariff classification of an "Umbra-Lite" from Taiwan.
1998 NY 855537 - The tariff classification of the umbrella from Mexico.
1998 NY 880857 - The tariff classification of juvenile products from Canada, Germany,
1998 NY A86834 - The tariff classification of an "Umbra-Lite" from Taiwan.
1998 NY B83886 - The tariff classification of an umbrella from China.
1998 NY C83442 - The tariff classification of umbrellas from China.
1998 NY D82819 - The tariff classification of a photographic umbrellas from China.
1998 NY NY1074 - The tariff classification of a child's pullman type suitcase containing a toiletry bag, comb, hairbrush, umbrella and toy shoes from China.
1999 NY D85760 - The tariff classification of critter umbrellas from China.
2000 NY F84845 - The tariff classification of an umbrella from China.
2001 NY G89799 - The tariff classification of costumes and parasols from China.
2002 NY I84891 - The tariff classification of an umbrella from China.
2002 NY I86766 - The tariff classification of an umbrella from China.
2004 NY K84498 - The tariff classification of umbrellas from China
2004 NY K87900 - The tariff classification of an umbrella from China
2006 NY R04634 - The tariff classification of a child’s umbrella from China
2007 NY N010965 - The tariff classification of an adult costume from China/Taiwan/Vietnam.
2007 NY N011974 - The tariff classification of handbags and accessories from China
2007 NY N019753 - The tariff classification of a sun umbrella for a stroller, from Germany
2008 NY N025995 - The tariff classification of an umbrella from China
2008 NY N028017 - The tariff classification of a parasol from China