United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
6505.10.00 - 6811.90.00
> 6505.90.70
Previous Tariff (6505.90.60 - Hats and headgear, of mmf, knitted or crocheted or made up from knitted or crocheted fabrics, not in part of braid)
Next Tariff (6505.90.80 - Hats and headgear, of mmf, made up from felt or o/textile material (but n/knitted or crocheted), not in part of braid)
HTS Number:
Hats and headgear, of mmf, made up from felt or o/textile material (but n/knitted or crocheted), wholly or in part braid
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (6505.90.60 - Hats and headgear, of mmf, knitted or crocheted or made up from knitted or crocheted fabrics, not in part of braid)
Next Tariff (6505.90.80 - Hats and headgear, of mmf, made up from felt or o/textile material (but n/knitted or crocheted), not in part of braid)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0084640 - Reconsideration of HRL 083295
1990 HQ 0087060 - Classification and country of origin of baseball-style caps; polyester cap with braid between the peak and crown is classifiable as not in part of braid
1991 HQ 0087637 - Classification of baseball caps
1991 HQ 0087642 - Classification of Braided Baseball Style Caps
1991 HQ 0087947 - Classification of baseball-style caps; caps of man-made fibers with braid, 3/16-inch wide and greater, between peak and crown classifiable as in part of braid; woven cotton cap classifiable under subheading 6505.90.20
1991 HQ 0088438 - Modification of HRL 087060; classification of a baseball- style polyester cap with braid between the peak and crown; classifiable as in part of braid
1991 HQ 0089043 - Handmade hats; classifiable heading 6505
1997 HQ 953465 - Classification of a polyester baseball-style cap with braid
1997 NY 804704 - The tariff classification of a Gelee Hat, style PP130688 from China .
1997 NY 811836 - The tariff classification of baseball style hat with a composite lamp structure from Bangladesh, China or Taiwan.
1997 NY A88138 - The tariff classification of a Umbrella Hat from China
1997 NY A88595 - The tariff classification of a cap from China.
1997 NY A89330 - The tariff classification of a clown hat from China.
1998 NY A88138 - The tariff classification of a Umbrella Hat from China
1998 NY A88595 - The tariff classification of a cap from China.
1998 NY A89330 - The tariff classification of a clown hat from China.
1998 NY C89589 - The tariff classification of four man-made fiber slumber caps from China.
1998 NY D83559 - The tariff classification of a three way hat from China.
1998 NY NY470 - The tariff classification of a clown hat from China.
1999 NY E85109 - The tariff classification of a bucket hat from China or Hong Kong.
1999 NY E85427 - The tariff classification of hats from China.
2000 HQ 561054 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 5201-97-100827; applicability of duty exemption under U.S. Note 2(b), subchapter II, Chapter 98, HTSUS to certain headwear; CBI (II); CBERA; T.D. 91-88; textile category code is controlling factor
2001 NY G89690 - The tariff classification of specialty headgear from China.
2002 NY H89118 - The tariff classification of a doctor’s kit from Hong Kong.
2002 NY I80971 - The tariff classification of a novelty hat and cuffs from Taiwan.
2002 NY I86258 - The tariff classification of a bomber hat from China.
2003 NY J80663 - The tariff classification of a hat from China.
2003 NY J87220 - The tariff classification of novelty hats from Hong Kong or China.
2003 NY J89345 - The tariff classification of a doctor’s kit from Hong Kong.
2003 NY K80597 - The tariff classification of hats from Sri Lanka.
2003 NY K81030 - The tariff classification of a hat from Sri Lanka.
2003 NY K81031 - The tariff classification of a hat from Sri Lanka.
2003 NY K81036 - The tariff classification of a cap from Sri Lanka.
2005 NY L82684 - The tariff classification of a locator light, hat and oar lock from China, Taiwan or Thailand
2006 NY L89786 - The tariff classification of two men’s jackets, a man’s pair of suspender pants and a detachable hood from China
2006 NY M83563 - The tariff classification of a hood from China.
2006 NY M87010 - The tariff classification of a hat from China.
2007 NY N004147 - The tariff classification of headgear from China.