United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
6304.99.35 - 6402.99.30
> 6305.32.00
Previous Tariff (6305.20.00 - Sacks and bags of a kind used for the packing of goods, of cotton)
Next Tariff (6305.33.00 - Other sacks/bags for packing goods, of mm tex.mat.(not flex.intermed.bulk containers), of polyethylene or polypro. strip or the like)
HTS Number:
Flexible intermed. bulk containers of a kind used for packing goods, of man-made textile materials
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (6305.20.00 - Sacks and bags of a kind used for the packing of goods, of cotton)
Next Tariff (6305.33.00 - Other sacks/bags for packing goods, of mm tex.mat.(not flex.intermed.bulk containers), of polyethylene or polypro. strip or the like)
Related Rulings:
1996 NY A81023 - The tariff classification and marking of flexible intermediate bulk bags from Turkey.
1998 NY B82698 - The tariff classification of a polypropylene flexible bulk container from India.
1998 NY D83055 - The tariff classification of a polypropylene flexible intermediate bulk container from India.
1998 NY NY1121 - The tariff classification of intermediate bulk containers made from polypropylene woven fabrics from Guatemala.
1999 NY E86226 - The tariff classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers from India or the United Arab Emirates.
1999 NY E89542 - The tariff classification of a textile reinforced paper shipping bag and a nylon fabric flexible intermediate bulk container from China
1999 NY E89959 - The tariff classification of 100% polypropylene flexible intermediate bulk container from Romania.
2001 HQ 228970 - Commercial Interchangeability; 19 U.S.C. ยงยง 1313(j)(2), 1313(q), and 1558(a); C.S.D. 81-222, 82-135, 81-65; packaging material; United States v. Border Brokerage Co., 48 C.C.P.A. 10, 13 (1960)
2001 HQ 963508 - Request for Reconsideration of HQ 961938; Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container; Polypropylene woven bag; Subheading 6305.32.0010; General Rule of Interpretation 5 (b).
2001 NY H84383 - The tariff classification of flexible intemediate bulk containers (FIBC) from Indonesia.
2001 NY H85120 - The tariff classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers from Turkey.
2002 NY I88828 - The tariff classification of bags, flexible intermediate bulk containers, and woven fabrics from Taiwan.
2004 HQ 966630 - Internal Advice 03/019; Container Liners, Bulkheads, Straps and Bracing Bars
2004 NY K83211 - Classification and country of origin determination for a flexible intermediate bulk container; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2005 HQ 967610 - Application for Further Review of Protest 2704-04-150050
2005 NY L83204 - The tariff classification of flexible intermediate bulk containers from Turkey and India
2005 NY L85584 - The tariff classification of a Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container from Turkey or China
2005 NY L87811 - The tariff classification of woven polypropylene bulk bags from China
2006 NY M80116 - The tariff classification of a flexible intermediate bulk container from China
2007 HQ H007770 - Country of Origin Marking of Polypropylene Woven Bags
2007 NY N005192 - The tariff classification of container bags from China
2007 NY N013534 - The tariff classification of liners for shipping containers, from China