United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
6213.90.20 - 6304.99.25
> 6302.31.50
Previous Tariff (6302.31.30 - Bed linen, not knit/croc, not printed, of cotton, cont any embroidery, lace, braid, edging, trimming, piping or applique work, napped)
Next Tariff (6302.31.70 - Bed linen, not knit/croc, not printed, of cotton, not cont any embroidery, lace, braid, edging, trimming, piping or applique work, napped)
HTS Number:
Bed linen, not knit/croc, not printed, of cotton, cont any embroidery, lace, braid, edging, trimming, piping or applique work, not napped
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (6302.31.30 - Bed linen, not knit/croc, not printed, of cotton, cont any embroidery, lace, braid, edging, trimming, piping or applique work, napped)
Next Tariff (6302.31.70 - Bed linen, not knit/croc, not printed, of cotton, not cont any embroidery, lace, braid, edging, trimming, piping or applique work, napped)
Related Rulings:
1996 NY 814189 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover, flat sheet, bolster cover, and pillowshams from China.
1997 NY 806556 - The tariff classification and status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), of a duvet cover and dust ruffle from Canada.
1997 NY A85234 - The tariff classification of a pillow protector from China.
1997 NY A86224 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover and pillowshams from China.
1997 NY A87791 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover from India.
1997 NY B84681 - The tariff classification of bed set and a dust ruffle from China.
1998 NY A85234 - The tariff classification of a pillow protector from China.
1998 NY A86224 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover and pillowshams from China.
1998 NY A87791 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover from India.
1998 NY C83092 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from Portugal or Pakistan.
1998 NY C87031 - Classification and country of origin determination for a flat sheet, fitted sheet, pillowcase and kitchen towel; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
1998 NY NY1276 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover from China.
1999 NY D87686 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover from Thailand.
1999 NY E82366 - The tariff classification of a comforter shell, pillow protector and a pillow shell from China.
1999 NY E83812 - The tariff classification of sheets and pillowcases from China.
1999 NY E83893 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover from China.
1999 NY E83934 - The tariff classification of a pillow protector from China.
1999 NY E84056 - The tariff classification of a comforter shell, pillow protector and a pillow shell from China.
1999 NY E88137 - The tariff classification of pillow shams, pillowcase and sheets from Hong Kong.
1999 NY E88138 - The tariff classification of a bedspread and duvet cover from Hong Kong.
2000 HQ 963601 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2720-99-100336; classification of bed linen
2000 NY F81947 - The tariff classification of a bed linen set from Portugal
2000 NY F84146 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover from China.
2000 NY F86241 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from Pakistan.
2000 NY F87081 - Classification and country of origin determination for a sheet set; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2000 NY F89535 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from Pakistan.
2000 NY G83055 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from China.
2001 HQ 963784 - Decision on Application for Further Review of Protest No. 1001-99-105990; classification of bed linen
2001 NY G84026 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase and flat sheet from China.
2001 NY H82028 - The tariff classification of sheets from Vietnam.
2001 NY H84484 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from China.
2002 NY H86495 - The tariff classification of a flat sheet from China, India and Pakistan.
2002 NY H86649 - The tariff classification of duvet covers from India.
2002 NY I81911 - Classification and country of origin determination for a bed sheet set; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2002 NY I82525 - Classification and country of origin determination for a sheet set; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2002 NY I82527 - The tariff classification of sheets and pillowcase from Pakistan.
2002 NY I82667 - The tariff classification of a sheet and pillowcase from Pakistan.
2002 NY I83244 - The tariff classification of sheet set from Pakistan.
2002 NY I85289 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from Hong Kong.
2002 NY I85619 - The tariff classification of a sheet and pillowcase from Portugal.
2002 NY I85991 - Classification and country of origin determination for quilts and duvet covers; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(4); most important assembly or manufacturing process
2002 NY I86012 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from Hong Kong.
2002 NY I86872 - Classification, status under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and country of origin determination for a duvet cover, comforter, shams, bed skirt, sheet set, cushions, towels and a curtain and valance set; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(1); wholly obtained or produced in a single country; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(4); most important assembly or manufacturing process; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(5); last country where an important assembly or manufacturing process occurred; 19 CFR 102.19(b); NAFTA override; Article 509
2002 NY I87436 - Classification and country of origin determination for a sheet set; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2002 NY I88336 - Classification and country of origin determination for a sheet set and comforter set; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2002 NY I88467 - Classification and country of origin determination for a sheet set and comforter set; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(1); wholly obtained or produced in a single country
2003 NY I89521 - The tariff classification of sheets, pillowcases and pillow shams from India and Pakistan.
2003 NY J80617 - The tariff classification of sheets, pillowcases and pillow shams from India and Pakistan.
2003 NY J81422 - Classification and country of origin determination for sheet sets; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2003 NY J81544 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from Hong Kong.
2003 NY J82505 - Classification and country of origin determination for sheets and pillowcases; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2003 NY J82522 - Classification and country of origin determination for an embroidered pillowcase; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2003 NY J83390 - The tariff classification of sheet sets from India, Pakistan, China or Indonesia.
2003 NY J83640 - The tariff classification of pillowcases and flat sheets from India.
2003 NY J83769 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from Pakistan.
2003 NY J85570 - Classification and country of origin determination for bed sheet sets, shams, throws, bed skirts and duvet sets; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2003 NY J86052 - The tariff classification of sheet set from China.
2003 NY J86234 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from Pakistan
2003 NY J86774 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from China.
2003 NY J86791 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from China.
2003 NY J86855 - The tariff classification of a curtain, pillowsham, bed canopy, duvet cover, pintray and lampshade from India.
2003 NY J87042 - The tariff classification of duvet covers from China, India or Pakistan
2003 NY J89485 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase and sheet from Thailand.
2003 NY J89508 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from Israel.
2003 NY J89771 - The tariff classification of a comforter cover from Portugal.
2003 NY J89822 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase and flat sheet from Pakistan.
2003 NY K80345 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase and sheets from India.
2004 NY K82202 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from China.
2004 NY K82887 - The tariff classification of sheet set from Pakistan.
2004 NY K83398 - Classification and country of origin determination for bed and table linen; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2004 NY K83879 - The tariff classification of pillowcase from Sri-Lanka.
2004 NY K84256 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from China.
2004 NY K84695 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover and pillow sham from India, China, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
2004 NY K85117 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from India.
2004 NY K85881 - Classification and country of origin determination for a bed sheet set; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2004 NY K86250 - Classification and country of origin determination for a sheet set; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift;
2004 NY K87350 - The tariff classification of pillowcases and sheets from India.
2004 NY K88108 - The tariff classification of a flat sheet from China or Pakistan.
2004 NY K88153 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from China.
2004 NY K88229 - The tariff classification of sheet set from China or Pakistan.
2004 NY K89742 - The tariff classification of a comforter cover from Taiwan.
2004 NY L80278 - The tariff classification of sheets from Pakistan
2004 NY L80427 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from Pakistan.
2004 NY R00193 - Classification and country of origin determination for bed sheet sets; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2005 NY L80395 - The tariff classification of sheet set from Pakistan.
2005 NY L81555 - The tariff classification of duvet sets from China
2005 NY L82361 - Classification and country of origin determination for a bed sheet set; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2005 NY L82727 - The tariff classification of a flat sheet and duvet cover from Pakistan.
2005 NY L82994 - The tariff classification of duvet covers, shams and sheet sets from Italy.
2005 NY L83601 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from Pakistan.
2005 NY L83612 - The tariff classification of pillowcases and sheets from India.
2005 NY L84412 - The tariff classification of sheet sets from China or Pakistan.
2005 NY L84762 - The tariff classification of sheet sets from China.
2005 NY L84875 - The tariff classification of pillowcases and flat sheets from Pakistan.
2005 NY L86294 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from India.
2005 NY L87657 - The tariff classification of sheet sets from Pakistan and China.
2005 NY L87999 - The tariff classification of sheet sets from Pakistan and China.
2005 NY L88486 - Classification and country of origin determination for sheet sets; Products of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip or a Qualifying Industrial Zone; General Note 3(a)(v): 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2005 NY L88602 - The tariff classification of pillowcase from India.
2005 NY R01604 - The tariff classification of sheet set from India.
2005 NY R02053 - The tariff classification of a sheet sets from China.
2005 NY R02736 - The tariff classification of sheet set from India.
2006 NY L89612 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from China.
2006 NY L89999 - The tariff classification of pillowcase from China.
2006 NY M80308 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from Pakistan.
2006 NY M80426 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from India
2006 NY M80427 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from India
2006 NY M80478 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover, flat sheet, pillowcase and bed skirt from Pakistan
2006 NY M82127 - The tariff classification of flat sheets from Pakistan.
2006 NY M82128 - The tariff classification of flat sheets from Pakistan.
2006 NY M82445 - The tariff classification of pillowcases and a flat sheet from India.
2006 NY M83259 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from Pakistan and China.
2006 NY M83299 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from India.
2006 NY M84173 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from China.
2006 NY M84174 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from China.
2006 NY M84230 - The tariff classification of pillowcases and flat sheets from China
2006 NY M84381 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from China
2006 NY M84441 - The tariff classification of a flat sheet and pillowcase from China, Pakistan and India.
2006 NY M85889 - The tariff classification of a comforter cover set from China.
2006 NY M86025 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from China.
2006 NY M87301 - The tariff classification of pillowcases and a flat sheet from India.
2006 NY N003193 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from India
2006 NY N003367 - The tariff classification of pillowcases and sheet sets from China
2006 NY N003369 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover and pillow shams from China
2006 NY N003405 - The tariff classification of pillowcases and sheet sets from China
2007 HQ H017698 - Ruling Request; classification of Egyptian cotton sheet set
2007 NY N003623 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from China
2007 NY N003805 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from China
2007 NY N004025 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover and pillow shams from China
2007 NY N004146 - The tariff classification of a pilllowcase from China or Brazil
2007 NY N004179 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from India
2007 NY N004786 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase and flat sheet from India
2007 NY N005311 - The tariff classification of pillowcase set and sheet sets from China
2007 NY N005452 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from China
2007 NY N006652 - The tariff classification of pillowcase set and sheet set from China
2007 NY N006776 - The tariff classification and status under the United States-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement (UBFTA), of pillowcases and sheets from Bahrain.
2007 NY N006782 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover from Portugal
2007 NY N007271 - The tariff classification of a pillowcases from India
2007 NY N007990 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from India
2007 NY N008123 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from China
2007 NY N008318 - The tariff classification of pillowcase set and sheet set from Turkey
2007 NY N008325 - The tariff classification of pillowcase set and sheet set from China
2007 NY N008327 - The tariff classification of pillowcase set and sheet set from China
2007 NY N008824 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from India
2007 NY N009438 - The tariff classification of sheet sets from India
2007 NY N009870 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from India
2007 NY N010649 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from India
2007 NY N011395 - The tariff classification of a duvet cover and pillow shams from India
2007 NY N012754 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from China and India
2007 NY N013478 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from China
2007 NY N015277 - The tariff classification of pillow shams and duvet covers from Italy
2007 NY N015284 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from China
2007 NY N015606 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from China
2007 NY N016131 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from India and China
2007 NY N016314 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from China
2007 NY N016555 - The tariff classification of sheet sets from China
2007 NY N017605 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from China
2007 NY N017666 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from China
2007 NY N017669 - The tariff classification of pillowcases and sheet sets from China
2007 NY N018061 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from China
2007 NY N018575 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from India
2007 NY N019465 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from India
2007 NY N019623 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase from Pakistan
2008 HQ H003735 - Protest No. 2704-05-102191; Classification of cotton pillowcases and sheets with embroidered hem
2008 NY N021279 - The tariff classification of pillowcases and sheet sets from China
2008 NY N022038 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from Pakistan
2008 NY N022206 - The tariff classification of a sheet set from India
2008 NY N024082 - The tariff classification of pillowcases from India
2008 NY N024371 - The tariff classification of a pillowcase and flat sheet from India
2008 NY N025327 - The tariff classification of a sheet set and pillowcases from China
2008 NY N026487 - The tariff classification of flat sheets from India