United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
6213.90.20 - 6304.99.25
> 6301.20.00
Previous Tariff (6301.10.00 - Electric blankets)
Next Tariff (6301.30.00 - Blankets (other than electric blankets) and traveling rugs, of cotton)
HTS Number:
Blankets (other than electric blankets) and traveling rugs, of wool or fine animal hair
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (6301.10.00 - Electric blankets)
Next Tariff (6301.30.00 - Blankets (other than electric blankets) and traveling rugs, of cotton)
Related Rulings:
1995 HQ 957643 - Classification of a blanket; Heading 6301 v. Heading 6304; Heading 6302
1996 NY 814508 - The tariff classification of a blanket and pillow set from India.
1997 NY A88757 - The tariff classification of a woman's cape, a woman's jacket, a blanket, a papier-mache figure and a ceramic figure from Mexico
1999 NY D86361 - The tariff classification of a blanket from Italy.
2000 NY F80660 - The tariff classification of a blanket from Bulgaria.
2000 NY F89867 - The tariff classification of blankets from China, Hong Kong and Italy.
2001 NY H80742 - The tariff classification of a blanket from China and Hong Kong .
2003 NY J81285 - The tariff classification of blankets from China
2003 NY J86059 - The tariff classification of blankets from India.
2004 NY L81015 - The tariff classification of a blanket from India.
2004 NY R00781 - The tariff classification of a blanket from China.
2005 NY R02810 - The tariff classification of a blanket from China.
2006 NY M86037 - The tariff classification of a blanket set from Italy
2006 NY M86842 - The tariff classification of a blanket from China
2008 NY N023757 - The tariff classification of a travel set from China