United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
6204.19.20 - 6207.99.20
> 6205.90.40
Previous Tariff (6205.90.30 - Men's or boys' shirts, of silk or silk waste, containing under 70% by wt of silk or silk waste, not knitted or crocheted)
Next Tariff (6206.10.00 - Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, not knitted or crocheted, of silk or silk waste)
HTS Number:
Men's or boys' shirts, not knitted or crocheted, of textile materials, nesoi
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (6205.90.30 - Men's or boys' shirts, of silk or silk waste, containing under 70% by wt of silk or silk waste, not knitted or crocheted)
Next Tariff (6206.10.00 - Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses, not knitted or crocheted, of silk or silk waste)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0083888 - Reconsideration of NYRL 834933 of January 9, 1989
1993 NY 879251 - The tariff classification of a handbag, trousers, a shirt and a shawl from India.
1994 NY 891511 - The tariff classification of a man's long sleeved, woven shirt from Hong Kong.
1994 NY 895552 - The tariff classification of a man's woven shirt from the People's Republic of China.
1997 NY 802110 - The tariff classification of a man's woven linen shirt from various countries.
1997 NY 802382 - The tariff classification of a man's linen shirt from Guatemala.
1997 NY 891511 - The tariff classification of a man's long sleeved, woven shirt from Hong Kong.
1997 NY 891698 - The tariff classification of a man's woven shirt from China.
1997 NY 894638 - The tariff classification of man's woven/knit shirt from Hong Kong.
1997 NY 895552 - The tariff classification of a man's woven shirt from the People's Republic of China.
1997 NY A87929 - The tariff classification of a man's shirt from Hong Kong.
1998 NY 891511 - The tariff classification of a man's long sleeved, woven shirt from Hong Kong.
1998 NY 891698 - The tariff classification of a man's woven shirt from China.
1998 NY B80714 - The tariff classification of men's shirt from Hong Kong.
1998 NY B80715 - The tariff classification of men's shirt from Hong Kong.
1998 NY C80416 - The tariff classification of a men's woven shirt from China
1998 NY C81877 - The tariff classification of a man's shirt from China.
1998 NY C83537 - The tariff classification of a man's shirt from Hong Kong.
1998 NY C84161 - The tariff classification of a boy's shirt from China.
1998 NY D81790 - The tariff classification of a man's woven shirt from China.
1998 NY D84535 - The tariff classification of a man's shirt and pants from Hong Kong.
1998 NY D84815 - The tariff classification of men's shirts from China.
1999 NY E82014 - Classification and country of origin determination for mens woven shirts; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
1999 NY E85825 - The tariff classification of a mans shirt from Hong Kong
1999 NY E89265 - Amendment to pre-classification ruling D84467
2000 HQ 962866 - Protest No. 1001-98-104238; Notice to Redeliver; Timeliness
2000 NY F81544 - The tariff classification of a man’s shirt from Hong Kong
2001 NY H84975 - The tariff classification of a men’s shirt from Hong Kong
2003 HQ 966356 - Protest Number 1001-99-102577; Shirt vs. Jacket; Sherpa Lining; Heading 6201; Heading 6205; What Every Member of the Trade Community Should Know About: Apparel Terminology Under the HTSUS, 34 Cust. B. & Dec. 52, 153 (Dec. 27, 2000); The Guidelines for the Reporting of Imported Products in Various Textile and Apparel Categories, CIE 13/88
2004 NY K87642 - The tariff classification of a man’s shirt from China
2004 NY K87643 - The tariff classification of a man’s shirt from China
2005 HQ 967187 - Request for reconsideration and Revocation of NY K80132; classification of men’s shirts made of 100 percent woven bamboo fabric; not transformed to a man-made fabric
2005 NY L87284 - The tariff classification of a men’s woven shirt and pant ensemble from China.
2006 NY M84158 - The tariff classification of men’s woven ensembles from China.
2006 NY M86374 - The tariff classification of a men’s woven fabric jacket and four men’s woven fabric shirts from China
2007 NY N019412 - The tariff classification of a men’s woven shirt from China.