United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
6204.19.20 - 6207.99.20
> 6204.49.50
Previous Tariff (6204.49.10 - Women's or girls' dresses, not knitted or crocheted, containing 70% or more by weight of silk or silk waste)
Next Tariff (6204.51.00 - Women's or girls' skirts and divided skirts, not knitted or crocheted, of wool or fine animal hair)
HTS Number:
Women's or girls' dresses, not knitted or crocheted, of textile materials nesoi
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (6204.49.10 - Women's or girls' dresses, not knitted or crocheted, containing 70% or more by weight of silk or silk waste)
Next Tariff (6204.51.00 - Women's or girls' skirts and divided skirts, not knitted or crocheted, of wool or fine animal hair)
Related Rulings:
1994 NY 801906 - The tariff classification of dresses and a jacket from Hong Kong
1994 NY 893581 - The tariff classification of a woman's woven dress and jumpsuit from Hong Kong
1995 HQ 957337 - Classification of certain women's woven garments; dresses (kurtas), pants, a skirt (ghagra), and scarves (dupattas); only dupattas "India Items"; only dupattas exempt from quota
1996 NY 805165 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from China
1996 NY 807059 - The tariff classification of a woman's woven dress from Hong Kong
1996 NY 816866 - The tariff classification of a woman's jacket and dress from Hong Kong
1996 NY 818019 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Brazil
1996 NY 818080 - The tariff classification of women's dresses from China
1996 NY 818157 - The tariff classification of a women's jacket and dress from China
1997 NY 801906 - The tariff classification of dresses and a jacket from Hong Kong
1997 NY 803303 - Supplement to clasification ruling NY 801906
1997 NY 805509 - The tariff classification of five women's garments from Hong Kong.
1997 NY 893581 - The tariff classification of a woman's woven dress and jumpsuit from Hong Kong
1997 NY A84067 - The tariff classification of a women's dress from China
1997 NY A87230 - The tariff classification of a dress from China.
1997 NY A88018 - The tariff classification of a women's dress from Hong Kong
1997 NY A88179 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Costa Rica, Columbia, or the Dominican Republic
1997 NY A88362 - The tariff classification of a women's woven dress from Hong Kong
1997 NY A88471 - The tariff classification of a women's dress of knit and woven fabrics from China
1997 NY A88473 - The tariff classification of a women's dress of knit and woven fabrics from China
1997 NY A89965 - The tariff classification of a women's woven linen, rayon dress from Hong Kong
1997 NY B80202 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Hong Kong
1997 NY B85000 - The tariff classification of a "Midnight Warrior" costume from Taiwan
1997 NY B86540 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress and blouse from Hong Kong
1998 NY A87230 - The tariff classification of a dress from China.
1998 NY A88018 - The tariff classification of a women's dress from Hong Kong
1998 NY A88471 - The tariff classification of a women's dress of knit and woven fabrics from China
1998 NY A88473 - The tariff classification of a women's dress of knit and woven fabrics from China
1998 NY B80202 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Hong Kong
1998 NY B84494 - The tariff classification of five costumes from Taiwan
1998 NY B89132 - The tariff classification of a women's dress from China
1998 NY B89451 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Hong Kong
1998 NY C81034 - The tariff classification of a girls' dress from China
1998 NY C81263 - The tariff classification of a a dress from Costa Rica, Columbia and/or the Dominican Republic.
1998 NY C81264 - The tariff classification of a women's woven wraparound dress to be manufactured in Columbia, Costa Rica and The Dominican Republic
1998 NY C81744 - The tariff classification of babies' dresses, jumpers and girls' dresses, diaper covers and jumpers from Hong Kong, India, and Indonesia
1998 NY C82467 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress and jumper from Hong Kong
1998 NY C88498 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from China
1998 NY D81755 - The tariff classification of babies' and girl's garments from the Philippines
1998 NY D81880 - The tariff classification of a girl's dress from England.
1998 NY D82870 - Classification and country of origin determination for a women's woven dress; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(4)
1998 NY D82928 - The tariff classification of women's dresses and an upper body garment from Hong Kong
1998 NY D83248 - The tariff classification of women's dresses from Hong Kong
1998 NY D83284 - The tariff classification of women's dresses from Indonesia
1998 NY D84522 - The tariff classification of women's dresses from Korea
1998 NY NY1268 - The tariff classification of a two-piece women's dress from China
1998 NY NY185 - The tariff classification of a women's dress from China
1998 NY NY768 - The tariff classification of two women's dresses and two
1999 NY D86114 - The tariff classification of womens woven dresses from Hong Kong or China
1999 NY D87261 - The tariff classification of womens dresses from Korea
1999 NY D87660 - The tariff classification of a womans dress from Hong Kong
1999 NY D89861 - The tariff classification of womens woven wearing apparel from India
1999 NY E80205 - The tariff classification of a womans dress from Hong Kong
1999 NY E85142 - The tariff classification of three articles claimed to be “India Items”; Kameez (dress), Salwar (trousers) and Dupatta (scarf) from India
1999 NY E86160 - The tariff classification of a womens dresses from India
1999 NY E87329 - The tariff classification of women’s dresses from China and Hong Kong
1999 NY E87570 - The tariff classification of a woman’s blouse and dress from Indonesia
1999 NY E87926 - The tariff classification of women’s woven wearing apparel from Hong Kong, Sri Lanka and Taiwan
1999 NY E87955 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress and jumper from China and Hong Kong
1999 NY E88159 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from Hong Kong
2000 NY F80581 - The tariff classification of women’s dresses from China or Hong Kong
2000 NY F84956 - The tariff classification of a women’s woven wearing apparel from Hong Kong
2000 NY F89220 - The tariff classification of a dress for toddlers from Sri Lanka
2000 NY F89510 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress and blouse from Hong Kong
2000 NY F89685 - The tariff classification of a dress for girls’ wear from China
2000 NY F89777 - Classification and country of origin determination for women's woven dresses; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(4); most important assembly or manufacturing process
2000 NY G81271 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from China, Hong Kong and Macau
2000 NY G81403 - The tariff classification of women’s dresses from China
2000 NY G81504 - The tariff classification of a dress for girls’ wear from China
2000 NY G81576 - The tariff classification of a woven dress for girls’ wear from China
2000 NY G81661 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from Hong Kong
2000 NY G82052 - The tariff classification of a sleeveless dress for girls’ wear from Bangladesh
2000 NY G82415 - The tariff classification of women’s dresses from Bangladesh
2000 NY G82643 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from Hong Kong
2000 NY G82851 - The tariff classification of women’s dresses from Bulgaria
2000 NY G82852 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from Bulgaria
2000 NY G83277 - The tariff classification of women’s dresses from Hong Kong and the Philippines
2000 NY G83309 - The tariff classification of women’s dresses from Bulgaria
2000 NY G84048 - The tariff classification of jumper-style dress and hat sets from Myanmar
2001 NY G84750 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from Indonesia
2001 NY G84751 - The tariff classification of women’s dresses from Indonesia
2001 NY G84752 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from Indonesia
2001 NY G84764 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from Indonesia
2001 NY G85450 - The tariff classification of women’s dresses from Indonesia
2001 NY G85451 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from Indonesia
2001 NY G85458 - The tariff classification of a women’s dresses from Indonesia
2001 NY H81944 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Bulgaria
2001 NY H84528 - The tariff classification of women's dresses from Bulgaria
2001 NY H84924 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Bulgaria
2001 NY H84926 - The tariff classification of women's dresses from Bulgaria
2001 NY H84933 - The tariff classification of women's dresses from Bulgaria
2002 NY I83032 - The tariff classification of toddlers’ dresses from Thailand
2002 NY I84551 - The tariff classification of women's dresses from China and Hong Kong
2002 NY I85898 - The tariff classification of women's dresses from China and Hong Kong
2002 NY I86555 - The tariff classification of a dress for girls’ wear from Hong Kong
2004 NY K81706 - The tariff classification of women’s garments from Hong Kong and Korea
2004 NY K84188 - The tariff classification of girls’ wearing apparel from Hong Kong and China
2004 NY K89117 - The tariff classification of women's dresses and jackets from China
2005 NY L84465 - The tariff classification of a woman’s jacket and dress from China
2005 NY L88204 - The tariff classification of women’s wearing apparel from Hong Kong
2006 NY M80423 - The tariff classification of a women’s dress and top from China
2006 NY M80424 - The tariff classification of a women’s dress and top from China
2006 NY M80719 - The tariff classification of women’s dresses and slips from China
2007 NY N009421 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from China
2007 NY N013458 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from China
2007 NY N013687 - The tariff classification of wearing apparel and sandals from China
2007 NY N013855 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from China