United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
6204.19.20 - 6207.99.20
> 6204.41.20
Previous Tariff (6204.41.10 - Women's or girls' dresses, not knitted or crocheted, of wool or fine animal hair, containing 30 percent of silk or silk waste)
Next Tariff (6204.42.10 - Women's or girls' dresses, not knitted or crocheted, of cotton, certified hand-loomed and folklore products)
HTS Number:
Women's or girls' dresses, not knitted or crocheted, of wool or fine animal hair, under 30% by weight of silk
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (6204.41.10 - Women's or girls' dresses, not knitted or crocheted, of wool or fine animal hair, containing 30 percent of silk or silk waste)
Next Tariff (6204.42.10 - Women's or girls' dresses, not knitted or crocheted, of cotton, certified hand-loomed and folklore products)
Related Rulings:
1991 NY 0864828 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Hong Kong.
1991 NY 0864831 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Hong Kong.
1991 NY 0864833 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Hong Kong.
1996 NY 806128 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress and jacket from Hong Kong
1996 NY 809411 - Supplement to Classification Ruling NY 806128 Regarding the Modification of Style 15122
1996 NY A81850 - The tariff classification of women's woven wearing apparel from Hong Kong
1997 NY 800423 - The tariff classification of a woman's woven dress and sash from Hong Kong; set vs. composite good
1997 NY A87221 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Hong Kong
1997 NY B83185 - The tariff classification of a woman's woven dress from Hong Kong
1998 NY A87221 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Hong Kong
1999 NY E80964 - The tariff classification of a womans dress from the Ukraine
2000 NY F88048 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress from the Philippines
2000 NY F88596 - The tariff classification of a woman’s dress and jumper from Hong Kong
2001 NY H81462 - The tariff classification of women's wearing apparel from Hong Kong
2003 NY J85573 - The tariff classification of a woman's dress from Guatemala