United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
6112.19.40 - 6117.90.10
> 6116.10.13
Previous Tariff (6116.10.08 - Other gloves, mittens and mitts, the foregoing specially designed for sports use, incl. ski and snowmobile gloves, mittens and mitts)
Next Tariff (6116.10.17 - Gloves, mittens & mitts, w/o four., k/c, coated w. plastics/rubber, nesoi, cut & sewn, of veg. fibers, cont. 50 % or less wt. of plas./rub.)
HTS Number:
Gloves, mittens & mitts, w/o four., k/c, coated w. plastics/rubber nesoi, cut & sewn, of veg. fibers, cont. > 50% by wt. of plastics/rubber
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (6116.10.08 - Other gloves, mittens and mitts, the foregoing specially designed for sports use, incl. ski and snowmobile gloves, mittens and mitts)
Next Tariff (6116.10.17 - Gloves, mittens & mitts, w/o four., k/c, coated w. plastics/rubber, nesoi, cut & sewn, of veg. fibers, cont. 50 % or less wt. of plas./rub.)
Related Rulings:
1994 NY 894416 - The tariff classification of a coated textile glove from China.
1995 NY 801987 - The tariff classification of a coated textile glove from China.
1995 NY 803243 - The tariff classification of coated textile gloves from Haiti.
1996 NY A81189 - The tariff classification of a coated textile glove from China.
1997 NY A88064 - The tariff classification of men's vinyl coated cotton jersey gloves from China.
1997 NY A88525 - The tariff classification of coated cotton knit industrial gloves from Hong Kong or China.
1997 NY B81959 - The tariff classification of ladies' work/garden gloves from China.
1998 NY C82138 - The tariff classification of a women's glove from China.
1998 NY C82426 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
1998 NY C84375 - The tariff classification of coated gloves from Hong Kong.
1998 NY C87516 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
1998 NY C87641 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
1998 NY D80944 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
1999 NY E89848 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
2000 NY F82453 - The tariff classification of a glove from China.
2002 NY I87612 - The tariff classification of gloves from Vietnam.
2003 NY J80075 - The tariff classification of mittens from Finland or Poland.
2003 NY J81416 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
2003 NY J85660 - The tariff classification of a glove from China.
2003 NY J88270 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
2004 NY J88270 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
2004 NY K80839 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
2005 NY K89687 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
2005 NY K89910 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
2005 NY L82280 - The tariff classification of gloves from China.
2007 HQ W968042 - NY L82280 and NY L82281; Rulings Void Ab Initio