United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
5801.31.00 - 5904.92.00
> 5808.90.00
Previous Tariff (5808.10.90 - Braids in the piece, not suitable for making or ornamenting headwear, of textile materials other than cotton or man-made fibers)
Next Tariff (5809.00.00 - Woven fabrics of metal thread & woven fabrics of metallized yarn of heading 5605, used in apparel, as furnishing fabrics or the like, nesoi)
HTS Number:
Ornamental trimmings in the piece, without embroidery, other than knitted or crocheted; tassels, pompons and similar articles
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (5808.10.90 - Braids in the piece, not suitable for making or ornamenting headwear, of textile materials other than cotton or man-made fibers)
Next Tariff (5809.00.00 - Woven fabrics of metal thread & woven fabrics of metallized yarn of heading 5605, used in apparel, as furnishing fabrics or the like, nesoi)
Related Rulings:
1990 HQ 0085273 - Classification of tassels and tassel garlands
1990 HQ 0086191 - Modification of Headquarters Ruling Letter 085273, dated November 9, 1989
1990 HQ 0086286 - Reconsideration of New York Ruling Letter 847787; Textile PomPons
1991 HQ 0088000 - Quota status of handmade decorative trimmings from India
1992 NY 0851686 - The tariff classification of a cord and tassel from the United Kingdom.
1992 NY 0852592 - The tariff classification of a decorative trimming from China.
1992 NY 0859402 - The tariff classification of a decorative tassel for use as an embellishment to a decorative Christmas banner, from Taiwan.
1992 NY 0861932 - The tariff classification of a decorative tassel from Taiwan.
1992 NY 0861964 - The tariff classification of an ornamental beaded trimming, from either Hong Kong or China.
1992 NY 0862137 - The tariff classification of four decorative tassels composed of man-made fibers and metallic from Taiwan.
1992 NY 0867805 - The tariff classification of glass beaded trimmings from China.
1993 HQ 0953230 - Classification of graduation tassels and rope cinctures (cord and tassel).
1994 HQ 0956873 - Modification of DD 898357 of June 17, 1994; classification of braid and trimmings from Japan
1994 NY 801210 - The tariff classification of embroidered fabrics, buttons and tassels from China.
1994 NY 883136 - The tariff classification of tassel, from Taiwan.
1994 NY 883740 - The tariff classification of two ornamental trimmings and two embroidered appliques, from India.
1994 NY 886604 - The tariff classification of an ornamental trimming, from India.
1994 NY 886613 - The tariff classification of a decorative tassel, from India.
1994 NY 886614 - The tariff classification of a decorative tassel, from India.
1994 NY 886617 - The tariff classification of two decorative trimmings, from India.
1994 NY 891468 - The tariff classification of a decorative tassel and garland, from Taiwan.
1994 NY 893788 - The tariff classification of pompons from Taiwan.
1994 NY 893867 - The tariff classification of a rug, tassel, and a Christmas tree skirt from India.
1994 NY 897334 - The tariff classification of two tassels and a napkin holder from India.
1994 NY 897755 - The tariff classification of a trimming cord with tape from Taiwan.
1995 HQ 957248 - Internal Advice Request 59/94 concerning the classification of a decorative tassel; Heading 5808; Heading 9505
1995 NY 808239 - The tariff classification of a decorative trimming from Korea.
1995 NY 811093 - The tariff classification of three decorative tassels from India.
1996 NY 818736 - The tariff classification of three decorative tassels and two rope garlands from the Philippines.
1996 NY 818737 - The tariff classification of two decorative tassels, one bell garland, and a cord and tassel from the Philippines.
1996 NY A80463 - The tariff classification of various decorative woven ribbons and an ornamental trimming from Taiwan.
1996 NY A83081 - The tariff classification of ribbons and trimmings from Taiwan
1996 NY A84126 - The tariff classification of tassels and twisted or braided tie backs with tassels, from India.
1996 NY A85692 - The tariff classification of a tassel produced in either Haiti or Guatemala from yarn shipped from the U.S.A.
1997 NY 801210 - The tariff classification of embroidered fabrics, buttons and tassels from China.
1997 NY 815101 - The tariff classification of an ornamental tassel with a hanging loop, from India.
1997 NY 815103 - The tariff classification of an ornamental tassel with a hanging loop, from India.
1997 NY 852592 - The tariff classification of a decorative trimming from China.
1997 NY 855878 - The tariff classification three decorative trimmings from India.
1997 NY 855988 - The tariff classification of a tassel from China.
1997 NY 891468 - The tariff classification of a decorative tassel and garland, from Taiwan.
1997 NY 893788 - The tariff classification of pompons from Taiwan.
1997 NY 893867 - The tariff classification of a rug, tassel, and a Christmas tree skirt from India.
1997 NY 896470 - The tariff classification of decorative twisted or braided cords with tassels, a narrow crocheted fabric, and a tassel, from India.
1997 NY A89027 - The tariff classification of ribbons from Taiwan
1997 NY A89241 - he tariff classification of cords and tassels, metalized cords, and decorative cords from Taiwan
1997 NY A89398 - The tariff classification of sewing thread, felt, trim and knitted open-work fabric from Taiwan and China
1997 NY A89399 - The tariff classification of sewing thread and a tassel from Taiwan and China respectively.
1997 NY B83073 - The tariff classification of two decorative "Christmas" tassels, from India.
1997 NY B86227 - The tariff classification of two decorative metallic tassels, from India.
1997 NY B86975 - The tariff classification of three napkin rings and two tassels from India
1997 NY B88303 - The tariff classification of ribbons and trimmings from Taiwan
1997 NY B88304 - The tariff classification of ribbons and trimmings from Taiwan
1997 NY B88378 - The tariff classification of ribbons and trim from Taiwan
1998 HQ 560650 - Application for Further Review of Protest No. 2402-96-100017; Denial of duty exemption under HTSUS subheading 9802.00.90 to tiebacks and chair-ties; Special Regime; findings; trimmings; yarn; Mexico
1998 HQ 961986 - Modification of NY C83218 Concerning Three Styles of Ornamental Ribbons
1998 NY 852592 - The tariff classification of a decorative trimming from China.
1998 NY 855878 - The tariff classification three decorative trimmings from India.
1998 NY 855988 - The tariff classification of a tassel from China.
1998 NY 886604 - The tariff classification of an ornamental trimming, from India.
1998 NY 886613 - The tariff classification of a decorative tassel, from India.
1998 NY 886614 - The tariff classification of a decorative tassel, from India.
1998 NY 886617 - The tariff classification of two decorative trimmings, from India.
1998 NY 891468 - The tariff classification of a decorative tassel and garland, from Taiwan.
1998 NY A89027 - The tariff classification of ribbons from Taiwan
1998 NY B83699 - The tariff classification of a Pom Pom twist gift tie, from Hong Kong.
1998 NY B83708 - The tariff classification of graduation cap, gown, tassel, hood and stole from China.
1998 NY B83898 - The tariff classification of various ribbons from Taiwan
1998 NY B88622 - The tariff classification of three tassel ornaments from China.
1998 NY B89716 - Modification of NY ruling B88304 as respects the tariff classification of a 100% narrow cotton woven fabric, from Taiwan.
1998 NY B89882 - The tariff classification of a decorative milanaise type cord piping to be sewn onto a reading pillow, from China.
1998 NY C80522 - The tariff classification of narrow fabrics, ribbons and trimmings, from Taiwan.
1998 NY C80524 - The tariff classification of narrow fabrics, ribbons and trimmings, from Taiwan.
1998 NY C80526 - The tariff classification of narrow fabrics, ribbons and trimmings, from Taiwan.
1998 NY C80527 - The tariff classification of narrow fabrics, ribbons and trimmings, from Taiwan.
1998 NY C80528 - The tariff classification of narrow fabrics, ribbons and trimmings, from Taiwan.
1998 NY C80529 - The tariff classification of narrow fabrics, ribbons and trimmings, from Taiwan.
1998 NY C80531 - The tariff classification of narrow fabrics, ribbons and trimmings, from Taiwan.
1998 NY C80532 - The tariff classification of narrow fabrics, ribbons and trimmings, from Taiwan.
1998 NY C80533 - The tariff classification of narrow fabrics, ribbons and trimmings, from Taiwan.
1998 NY C82834 - The tariff classification of ornamental trimmings, embroidery and a ribbon, from Taiwan.
1998 NY C82850 - The tariff classification of three ornamental trimmings and a ribbon material, from Taiwan.
1998 NY C82851 - The tariff classification of three ornamental trimmings and a ribbon material, from Taiwan.
1998 NY C83218 - The tariff classification of three ornamental trimmings and a warp knit open mesh fabric, from Taiwan.
1998 NY C87041 - The tariff classification of two ornamental trimmings for use in decorating furniture, from Turkey.
1998 NY D82406 - The tariff classification of a drapery tieback, a "fan or light pull" and a "key tassel," from Italy.
1998 NY D83033 - The tariff classification of a two ornamental tassels and a rayon tie-back, from China..
1998 NY D83034 - The tariff classification of two ornamental trimmings, a milanaise type cord item and a machine made "fringe", from China..
1998 NY NY1092 - The tariff classification of textile ribbons, trimmings and narrow fabric from India and Taiwan.
1998 NY NY453 - he tariff classification of cords and tassels, metalized cords, and decorative cords from Taiwan
1998 NY NY474 - The tariff classification of sewing thread, felt, trim and knitted open-work fabric from Taiwan and China
1998 NY NY475 - The tariff classification of sewing thread and a tassel from Taiwan and China respectively.
1998 NY NY524 - The tariff classification of Textile Tassels from Taiwan
1999 NY D80589 - The tariff classification of tassels from India and China.
1999 NY D85042 - The tariff classification of an "Arts & Crafts Fun Pack" from China.
1999 NY D86276 - The tariff classification of trimmings and ribbons from Taiwan.
1999 NY D88248 - The tariff classification of craft items from China
1999 NY D88785 - The tariff classification of four decorative tassels, from India.
1999 NY D88917 - The tariff classification of a decorative double tassel, from Taiwan.
1999 NY E80211 - The tariff classification of ribbons and trimmings from Taiwan.
1999 NY E80968 - The tariff classification of a decorative double tassel, from Taiwan.
1999 NY E86300 - The tariff classification of a narrow fabric/trimming, from Taiwan.
1999 NY E88515 - The tariff classification of ribbon trimming, from Taiwan.
2000 HQ 963254 - Protest 3501-98-100155; festive articles
2000 NY F83747 - The tariff classification of ribbons and trim from Taiwan
2000 NY F83764 - The tariff classification of ribbons and trimming from Taiwan
2000 NY F83765 - The tariff classification of ribbons and trimmings from Taiwan
2000 NY F83766 - The tariff classification of ribbons and trimmings from Taiwan
2000 NY F83767 - The tariff classification of ribbons and trimmings from Taiwan
2000 NY F83768 - The tariff classification of ribbons and trimmings from Taiwan
2000 NY F83769 - The tariff classification of ribbons and trimming from Taiwan
2000 NY F83771 - The tariff classification of ribbons from Taiwan
2000 NY F83773 - The tariff classification of ribbons and trimmings from Taiwan
2000 NY F84474 - The tariff classification of ribbons and trim from Taiwan
2000 NY F88866 - The tariff classification of tasseled drapery tiebacks from South Africa.
2000 NY F89144 - The tariff classification of decorative cord from Taiwan.
2000 NY F89534 - The tariff classification of decorative yarn, braid, and trimmings from Taiwan.
2000 NY G81893 - The tariff classification of three narrow decorative textile materials, from Taiwan.
2000 NY G83645 - The tariff classification of milanese cord, tassels, tiebacks and similar trimmings, from South Africa.
2000 NY G83820 - The tariff classification of tiebacks and tassels from England and India.
2001 NY H80150 - The tariff classification of five decorative trimmings, from India.
2001 NY H82174 - The tariff classification of two bags of pom-pons, and a package containing chenille “sticks”, pom-pons and plastic eyes, for use in crafts and hobbies, etc., from China.
2001 NY H82452 - The tariff classification of a decorative trimming, from Taiwan.
2001 NY H82560 - The tariff classification of decorative or ornamental tassel, from China.
2001 NY H83806 - The tariff classification of five decorative trimming type products, from China.
2002 HQ 562255 - NAFTA; inventory management methods; FIFO; fungible material; Conso Products Company; 19 CFR 181 App. Schedule X; 19 CFR 102.12(b); tassels, fringes.
2002 NY H86141 - The tariff classification of two ornamental textile trimmings, for use in apparel and home furnishings, from India.
2002 NY H87295 - The tariff classification of a drapery tie-back, a decorative cord, and a trim with tassels.
2002 NY I82412 - The tariff classification of “Pom Poms”, for use in Arts & Crafts projects, from China.
2002 NY I87356 - The tariff classification of a decorative cotton tassel, from China.
2003 NY J81209 - The tariff classification of ribbon and trimming from Taiwan.
2003 NY J82288 - The tariff classification of the “Fun With Stix” kit from China.
2003 NY J82792 - The tariff classification of cord with wire from Taiwan.
2003 NY J84460 - The tariff classification of an assembled ribbon.
2003 NY J88535 - The tariff classification of the "Fun With Stix Set" from China.
2004 NY K80653 - The tariff classification of ribbon, yarn, and a trimming from China
2004 NY K80655 - The tariff classification of trimmings from China
2004 NY K81055 - The tariff classification of various trimmings from China
2004 NY K81058 - The tariff classification of various trimmings from China
2004 NY K81573 - The tariff classification of packaging ribbon from China
2004 NY K81622 - The tariff classification of an honor cord, a graduation tassel, and an award medallion with a ribbon attached from China
2004 NY K81782 - The tariff classification of four decorative tassels and one pompon, from China.
2004 NY K82486 - The tariff classification of fringes from China
2004 NY K82487 - The tariff classification of fringes from China
2004 NY K82489 - The tariff classification of fringes from China
2004 NY K82666 - The tariff classification of a decorative tassel, from China.
2004 NY K83121 - The tariff classification of self-adhesive “stitchery” from China
2004 NY K83869 - The tariff classification of Mega Busy Box from China
2004 NY K84302 - The tariff classification of an ornamental trimming, from China.
2004 NY K84862 - The tariff classification of five functional/decorative braids, from Taiwan.
2004 NY K84888 - The tariff classification of four braids and one drawcord lace, from Taiwan.
2004 NY K85338 - The tariff classification of PVC and Textile Ribbons from Taiwan.
2004 NY K85339 - The tariff classification of two ornamental trimmings, from Taiwan.
2004 NY K85340 - The tariff classification of five ornamental trimmings, from Taiwan.
2004 NY K85341 - The tariff classification of five knit and woven narrow width trimming fabrics from Taiwan.
2004 NY K85342 - The tariff classification of textile fabrics from Taiwan.
2004 NY K85343 - The tariff classification of two ornamental trimmings and three narrow width, warp knit fabrics, from Taiwan.
2004 NY K85344 - The tariff classification of five ornamental trimmings, from Taiwan.
2004 NY K85345 - The tariff classification of five ornamental trimmings, from Taiwan.
2004 NY K86020 - The tariff classification of one knit fabric, one pile fabric and a decorative trimming, from Taiwan.
2004 NY K86453 - The tariff classification of an ornamental pom pon, for use as a sweater accessory, from China.
2004 NY K87863 - The tariff classification of two ornamental tassels, from China.
2004 NY K88465 - The tariff classification of plastic and textile decorative articles from China.
2005 HQ 967924 - Tariff classification of scrapbook decorations including tags, tassels, and stickers
2005 NY L82269 - The tariff classification of four decorative, narrow width materials, from Taiwan.
2005 NY L82270 - The tariff classification of five decorative, narrow width materials, from either China or Taiwan.
2005 NY L83365 - The tariff classification of the “Everything Craft Pack” from China.
2005 NY L84903 - The tariff classification of two narrow width textile materials, from China.
2005 NY L85782 - The tariff classification of a two decorative textile trimmings, from China.
2005 NY L85887 - The tariff classification of craft assortments from China.
2005 NY L87332 - The tariff classification of a decorative tieback, a decorative cord, and decorative fringe trimmings from China
2006 NY M81355 - The tariff classification of two trimmings, from India.
2006 NY M82276 - The tariff classification of two trimmings, from India. Correction to Ruling Number M81355.
2006 NY M86849 - The tariff classification of three decorative tassel, from China.
2007 NY N013260 - The tariff classification of a pompon and chenille pipe cleaner craft kit from China.
2007 NY N014187 - The tariff classification of a rigid paperboard box and decorative tassel from China.
2007 NY N015402 - The tariff classification of a textile trimming material, for use in the manufacture of garments, from Uruguay.