United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
5801.31.00 - 5904.92.00
> 5806.10.24
Previous Tariff (5806.10.10 - Narrow woven pile fabrics (including terry toweling and the like) and chenille fabrics (other than goods of heading 5807) of cotton)
Next Tariff (5806.10.28 - Narrow woven pile fabrics, incl terry toweling/chenille fabric (excl fastener fabric tape)) (other than goods of heading 5807) of m-m fibers)
HTS Number:
Narrow woven pile fastener fabric tapes (other than goods of heading 5807) of man-made fibers
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (5806.10.10 - Narrow woven pile fabrics (including terry toweling and the like) and chenille fabrics (other than goods of heading 5807) of cotton)
Next Tariff (5806.10.28 - Narrow woven pile fabrics, incl terry toweling/chenille fabric (excl fastener fabric tape)) (other than goods of heading 5807) of m-m fibers)
Related Rulings:
1996 NY A82508 - The tariff classification of fastener fabric tape from S. Korea.
1997 NY A83029 - The tariff classification of a bib, velcro and shoulder pads from Hong Kong or China.
1997 NY A87488 - The tariff classification of hook and loop fastener fabric tapes from Taiwan.
1998 NY A83029 - The tariff classification of a bib, velcro and shoulder pads from Hong Kong or China.
1998 NY NY1544 - The tariff classification of a "Sportsman's Safety Pak" from Taiwan.
2000 NY F81255 - The tariff classification of narrow fabric from China
2000 NY F82071 - Classification and country of origin determination for narrow fabric; 19 CFR 102.21(c)(2); tariff shift
2003 HQ 966428 - hook and loop fastener tape as a finding under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)
2004 NY K87628 - The tariff classification of a narrow woven fastening tape, from Korea.
2004 NY L80370 - The tariff classification of slippers, bags and straps from China
2007 NY N016612 - The tariff classification of waders and components from Taiwan and China
2007 NY N019254 - The tariff classification of men’s waders and components from Taiwan and China. Correction to Ruling Number N016612