United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
5513.32.00 - 5604.90.00
> 5603.14.90
Previous Tariff (5603.14.30 - Laminated nonwoven fabs, of man-made filaments, weighing >150 g/square m)
Next Tariff (5603.91.00 - Nonwovens (not of man-made filaments), weighing not >25 g/square m, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated)
HTS Number:
Nonwovens (except laminated), of man-made filaments, weighing >150 g/square m, whether or not impregnated, coated, or covered
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (5603.14.30 - Laminated nonwoven fabs, of man-made filaments, weighing >150 g/square m)
Next Tariff (5603.91.00 - Nonwovens (not of man-made filaments), weighing not >25 g/square m, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated)
Related Rulings:
1996 NY 815789 - The tariff classification of a nonwoven aramid textile fabric used to retard projectiles or bullets, from Israel.
1996 NY A85424 - The tariff classification of a needleloom felt fabric, from Venezuela.
1998 NY B83938 - The tariff classification of a "scrim felt" for use as lettering, etc., on articles of apparel, from Italy.
1998 NY B85333 - The tariff classification of "Tyvek" spunbonded nonwoven material produced in the United States.
1998 NY C80262 - The tariff classification of needleloom felt material for use in the manufacture of wiping cloths and strips for mop heads, from Slovenia.
1998 NY C84367 - The tariff classification of two washing sets containing nonwoven scouring pads, polypropylene scrubbers, a plastic detergent dispenser with sponge and scour pad, a stainless steel scour pad and a combination sponge and scour pad, from China.
1998 NY C86589 - The tariff classification of two flocked materials for use in polishing computer disks, etc., from Japan.
1998 NY C87417 - The tariff classification of household cleaning articles from China.
1998 NY D81834 - The tariff classification of nonwoven imitation suede upholstery fabric, from Japan.
1999 NY D87332 - The tariff classification of needleloom polyester orthopedic padding material, from Germany.
1999 NY E84799 - The tariff classification of spunbonded nonwoven fabric for use in furniture, mattresses and ground covers for farms, etc., from Brazil.
1999 NY E85349 - The tariff classification of nonwoven (needlefelt) filter material from Canada.
2000 NY F82028 - The tariff classification of four different modified polymeric bitumen roofing materials in rolls, used for low slope roofing, from Germany.
2000 NY F85104 - The tariff classification of two modified polymeric bitumen roofing materials in rolls, used for low slope roofing, from Germany.
2000 NY F86234 - The tariff classification of four modified polymeric bitumen roofing materials in rolls, used for low slope roofing, from Germany.
2002 HQ 965174 - Application for Further Review of Protest Number 3901-00-100190; Classification of AXTAR® polyester material
2003 NY J82910 - The tariff classification of MagicBlue Micro-Fiber Mop and MagicBlue Micro-Fiber Mop Refill from China.
2003 NY J83026 - The tariff classification of scouring pads from England.
2004 NY L80298 - The tariff classification of a nonwoven automotive drying cloth, from China.
2005 NY L83549 - The tariff classification of an imitation leather fabric, for use in home furnishings, from Japan.
2006 NY M80706 - The tariff classification of double-sided adhesive tape and synthetic scrubbing pad from England
2006 NY M86622 - The tariff classification of five nonwoven fabrics, for use in the manufacture of window shades and blinds, from Germany.