United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
4503.90.20 - 4706.30.00
> 4602.10.14
Previous Tariff (4602.10.12 - Baskets and bags, nesi, whether or not lined, of willow)
Next Tariff (4602.10.16 - Baskets and bags of rattan or palm leaf other than wickerwork)
HTS Number:
Baskets and bags of rattan or palm leaf wickerwork
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (4602.10.12 - Baskets and bags, nesi, whether or not lined, of willow)
Next Tariff (4602.10.16 - Baskets and bags of rattan or palm leaf other than wickerwork)
Related Rulings:
1996 NY 815178 - The tariff classification of a rattan apple basket from China
1996 NY 816177 - The tariff classification of baskets made of interwoven rattan poles produced by machining larger rattan poles from Indonesia
1996 NY 816369 - The tariff classification of plaited baskets (fern, bamboo, rattan) from China.
1996 NY 816559 - The tariff classification of baskets of bamboo strip and baskets of rattan wickerwork from China
1996 NY A82736 - The tariff classification of an Easter basket, of rattan (wickerwork) and resin, from the Philippines.
1996 NY A85164 - The tariff classification of rattan baskets from China
1997 NY A85731 - The tariff classification of rattan baskets from China
1997 NY A87420 - The tariff classification of a rattan basket from China
1997 NY A88745 - The tariff classification of a palm leaf pot cover basket from China
1997 NY B84525 - The tariff classification of a rattan watermelon basket planter from China
1997 NY B85701 - The tariff classification of rattan wastepaper basket from China or Indonesia.
1998 NY A88745 - The tariff classification of a palm leaf pot cover basket from China
1998 NY B83937 - The tariff classification of rattan baskets from Indonesia.
1998 NY B84076 - The tariff classification of a rattan basket from Indonesia.
1998 NY B89173 - The tariff classification of a basket made of rattan and metal, from the Philippines.
1998 NY B89507 - The tariff classification of ornamental strollers from Vietnam
1998 NY C87766 - The tariff classification of a picnic basket from Indonesia.
1998 NY C87868 - The tariff classification of bathroom accessories, of plastic and rattan, from China.
1998 NY D83136 - The tariff classification of a rattan and iron hamper and a rattan and iron wall rack from China
1998 NY D83521 - The tariff classification of rattan baskets from Malaysia.
1998 NY NY1220 - The tariff classification of baskets from China.
1998 NY NY315 - The tariff classification of a rattan basket from China
1998 NY NY775 - The tariff classification of rattan basket from India.
1999 NY E85205 - The tariff classification of a rattan picnic hamper from Indonesia
1999 NY E85228 - The tariff classification of a rattan picnic hamper from Indonesia
1999 NY E85316 - The tariff classification of baskets, racks, and shelves from China.
2000 NY F83094 - The tariff classification of baskets, made of rattan and buri, from the Philippines.
2000 NY F85337 - The tariff classification of a rattan basket/hamper set from China.
2000 NY G81554 - The tariff classification of a rattan wickerwork basket from China
2001 NY H84205 - The tariff classification of a woven rattan basket with a fabric lining and drawstring closure from China
2003 HQ 966016 - Request for reconsideration of NY I86076; Tariff classification of basket style rattan handbag from China
2003 NY J81640 - The tariff classification of rattan baskets, trays, plate holders and metal napkin rings from China
2003 NY J85308 - The tariff classification of a hamper, wastebasket, tissue holder, magazine rack and shelf, of rattan, seagrass and metal wire, from China.
2004 NY K84812 - The tariff classification of planters from China
2004 NY K87954 - The tariff classification of a rattan and seagrass basket from China
2005 NY L84971 - The tariff classification of a woven rattan basket from Vietnam
2005 NY L88189 - The tariff classification of a vase shaped basket from Indonesia
2006 NY M83355 - The tariff classification of rattan vase from Indonesia